Phoenix Mountain, Qingluan Douque.

Sujili and Princess Longji had already complained to each other and decided that this Princess of the Heavenly Court was naturally tied to the chariot of the Sect, and there was no need for Sujili to spend any more time lobbying.

In the following years, they concentrated on cultivation in the mountains, and in their spare time, they sometimes toured the mountains and rivers, sometimes tasted tea games, and sometimes Sujili would teach Princess Longji to cook.

On this day, Sanshan Pass.

A loud baby cry resounded in the General Military Mansion.

Above the clouds, two figures, one red and one blue, stood side by side, the red-clothed Daoist was handsome, slender, and as transcendent as an ancient sacred; The blue-clothed fairy has a beautiful appearance and a graceful figure, with the noble grace of a proud woman of heaven.

They are none other than Sujili and Princess Ryugi.

Half a month ago, after receiving the news from his subordinate Emperor, the two immediately flew with all their strength and rushed here.

Looking at the crying baby girl below, Princess Longji looked strange, and she doubted the letter.

“This is the apprentice you found for me?” 04

Sugili’s voice was not hurried, and he explained.

“This Deng family has been loyal to the Great Shang Dynasty for generations, and the men are all shrouded in Mag, fighting bloody battles, defending one side, protecting the family and defending the country, accumulating a lot of luck, but nine consecutive generations have given birth to male babies, and this generation finally gave birth to a baby girl.”

“Therefore, she alone accounts for the Deng family’s five percent luck and fortune, the root bone is good, she has the resources to cultivate, and most importantly, this girl is a warrior born of the spirit of great calamity, destined to participate in the battle of sealing gods, charging into battle, if you can make merit, you can hope to be able to seal gods in the future.”

“If you take her as an apprentice, you can naturally use the power of the Deng family to participate in the battle of the gods of humane change, if this girl fights for qi, the greater her achievements, the more it can prove that you teach well, and it is also a merit, and in the future, when you return to the Heavenly Court, this girl will also become your help.”

Su Jili is not making up nonsense, after the end of the future God Sealing Tribulation, Deng Chanyu was named Liuhe Star Jun, a god under the Red Dragon Star Jun, and cooperated with the latter to control the marriage of ordinary creatures.

When Princess Longji heard this, she also silently calculated and found that the baby girl in front of her did have some fate with her, thinking of this, she did not hesitate and took Sujili to take the initiative to appear.

Above the General Military Mansion, ten thousand divine lights suddenly bloomed, and two figures stepped on the divine light, descended from the sky, and fell into the General Military Mansion.

“I can’t wait for the invitation, and I hope that General Deng will not blame him.”

Perhaps shocked by the scene of Sujili and their arrival, Deng Jiugong hurriedly waved his hand, and then wondered.

“I don’t know where the two Immortal Immortal Mountains are? Why did you come to the General Military Mansion? ”

Since she was Princess Longji’s disciple, she was naturally the main one, and she smiled slightly, with a kind expression.

“I am Princess Longji, the daughter of the Heavenly Court Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother, because of my relationship with your daughter, I came to accept an apprentice, and this person next to me is my Daoist couple, and it is the Nine Heavens East Chef Taiyi Yuan Emperor Dingfu Zhushan Tianzun, who specially came with me.”

Deng Jiugong is now just a middle-aged man, far less old and serious than later, and when he heard the identity and intentions of the person coming, he was immediately excited.

He had never heard of the name of Princess Longji, but he knew the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother, and he was even more aware of Sujili’s existence, after all, most of the people of Terran Kyushu worshipped the god of Vesta.

“Deng Jiugong has no eyes, and he doesn’t know that it is the arrival of the Vesta God Tianzun, which is really rude.”

Saying that, Deng Jiugong was about to bow down to Sujili immediately, but before he could bow down, he was supported by a mana.

“General Deng is serious, it is this god who came uninvited, why is General Deng wrong?”

Hearing this, Deng Jiugong was slightly relieved, and then bowed to Princess Longji.

“I didn’t know that it was the arrival of the Heavenly Court Princess, and Deng was far from welcome.”

“General Deng doesn’t have to be polite!”

After a simple greeting, Deng Jiugong ordered people to bring her daughter, Princess Longji used her mana, opened her eyes, and carefully observed, seeing that although the root bone of the infant girl had not really opened, she had seen the capital of Lingxiu, and she was a genius, and she was immediately satisfied. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

“This woman is related to me, and she should be the first disciple of my disciple, I wonder if General Deng is willing?”

His daughter can worship the Princess of the Heavenly Court as a teacher, Deng Jiugong can’t ask for it, not to mention, he can also get involved with the Vesta God Tianzun, he naturally quickly agreed.

“It is her blessing that the little girl can be favored by the princess.”

As Deng Jiugong agreed, Princess Longji immediately settled on the title of master and apprentice with Deng Chanyu, and reached out her finger, lightly touched the latter’s forehead, and gave him a drop of innate true water.

This drop of true water is refined by collecting a hundred years of dew in the peach orchard, and it contains creation and is extremely precious, which can transform living beings, the effect is not weaker than a 3,000-year-old peach, and the strength is even warmer, even a baby girl like Deng Chanyu can withstand it.

Of course, most of the power is sealed in Deng Chanyu’s body, and as she grows up, it will gradually unseal it, moisturizing things and silently improving her qualifications, so that Deng Chanyu’s already good root bone will rise to a higher level.

In addition, Princess Longji also left a defensive Houtian Spirit Treasure for self-defense for the little apprentice, and also left several spiritual objects for Deng Jiugong and his young son, and agreed that Deng Chanyu would come to pick her up after she was five years old and enter the mountain cultivation path, and then left.

After this incident, Su Jili and Princess Longji returned to Phoenix Mountain and continued to concentrate on cultivating the 373 lines, waiting for the official opening of the God Sealing Tribulation.


The river of time rushes endlessly, and it keeps moving forward.

More than a dozen years have passed in a flash.

Except for one more Deng Chanyu, Phoenix Mountain has not changed in the slightest, but a lot has happened in Terran Kyushu.

After decades of reign, Emperor Yi finally couldn’t support it, and at the end of his life, the new lord of great business, Yin Shou, finally succeeded to the throne, he was burly, majestic, carrying thousands of pounds in his arms, and brave and fierce.

Da Shang Siyi and some princes took advantage of the death of Emperor Yi, took the opportunity to make chaos, wanted to establish themselves as kings, after Yin Shou succeeded to the throne, the imperial driving pro-conquest, assisted by Wen Taishi and many capable military generals, led the Da Shang army to the south and the northern war, many times as a pioneer, bravely crowned the three armies, fought for several years, finally swept away the rebellious princes, suppressed the four Yi, shocked Kyushu, and the Great Shang Imperial Dynasty was even more in full swing.

And with the temporary stability of the overall situation in Kyushu, Yin Shou returned to the dynasty and began to sit in the city of Chaoga for a long time, at first, he was indeed wise and wise, majestic and heroic, from the flow of advice, but with the passage of time, the power of the great merchant country gradually increased, and he reappeared in the peak trend, he gradually tired, satisfied, proud and arrogant, gradually did not care in the imperial government, and even began to listen to advice, and gradually reused Fei Zhong and You Hun, two sycophants, and the contradiction between the monarchs gradually expanded.

On this day, in the city of Asaka, inside the nine halls.

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