Asaka City, inside the nine main halls.

The gray-haired Prime Minister Shang Rong came out of the crowd and spoke.

“Your Majesty, my Great Shang Dynasty can adjust the wind and rain, often rely on Nuwa Niangniang for protection, now Nuwa Niangniang Christmas is imminent, the old minister pleaded with His Majesty to move, worship Nuwa Niangniang, pray for the prosperity of the Great Business Country, and all the people live and work in peace and contentment.”

At the top, Yin Shou is Di Xin arrogantly.

“What merit does Nuwa have, and she takes advantage of ten thousand to drop incense?”

As soon as these words came out, the colors of the group of ministers changed.

No one expected that the lord of the great merchant would ask such absurd words, Nuwa Niangniang is the Virgin of the Terran Race, one of the six saints of the Heavenly Dao, extremely noble, its legend has been circulating since the birth of the Terran race, and to this day, even ordinary people can know about it, they do not believe that Di Xin, who is the lord of great business, knows nothing.

In the midst of the surging thoughts, many ministers’ eyes lit up, understanding their intentions, Di Xin was deliberately pretending to be confused, expressing dissatisfaction to them, originally thought that there would be a verbal advice, unexpectedly, Shang Rong just briefly stated Nuwa’s achievements, Di Xin easily agreed, as if he really didn’t know Nuwa.

The courtiers were helpless, but fortunately, the goal was achieved, and as the court meeting ended, the city of Chaoga immediately prepared.

Nuwa Temple is thirty miles away from Chaoge City, on a treasure land of feng shui, with a wide view and green mountains and forests.

This temple is magnificent, simple and heavy, was built after the Great Shang Dynasty moved the capital, after three thousand years of baptism, brick and tile are full of the atmosphere of time, in addition to the main hall dedicated to Nuwa Niangniang, the side hall also enshrines the god of Vesta, the god of doors, the god of wells and other humanely recognized gods of society, of which the Vesta Temple is the most magnificent, second only to Nuwa Hall.

The emperor’s tour is naturally not ordinary, tens of thousands of people came to the Nuwa temple, Di Xin stepped out of the frame, under the guard of hundreds of officials, stepped into the Nuwa temple, the courtiers thought that he would worship religiously, but I didn’t think that after he pretended to worship, because he saw the makeup of the icon, it looked like a big heart, and he wrote a dirty poem on the stone pillar next to him:

Pear blossoms with rain are delicate, and peony smoke cages are feminine.

But Enchanting can move and retrieve the king of Changle.

As soon as this poem came out, the courtiers changed color, although they bluntly said that this move was inappropriate, but the monarchs were different, and they were helpless in the face of the insistent Di Xin, and at the same time they completely understood Di Xin’s consent.

This move was a warning to the courtiers not to interfere in the affairs of the king, and not to arrange the emperor’s traces at will in the future, otherwise, even if he agreed, he would have unexpected and terrifying moves.

This is Di Xin’s opportunity to put pressure on the group of ministers, especially the old ministers, to show their imperial power.

After understanding this deep meaning, the old ministers were bitter in their hearts and could not refute it, in the final analysis, Di Xin was the lord of great business, and in desperation, he could only order people to grind the poems on the pillars after he walked out of the hall, but everything that had been done must leave traces, not to mention the Nuwa Temple.

After walking out of the Nuwa Shrine, Di Xin looked at the Vesta Temple, and even went to worship, the Vesta God is grounded, faith is all over Kyushu, he worships the Vesta God, both to win the hearts of the people, and because he really appreciates the Vesta God.

Because he controlled the world’s fine wine and food, Di Xin hoped that this god could personally cook food for him while blessing the five grains of the Great Shang and serve as the imperial chef of the Great Shang Palace.

Hearing Di Xin’s appeal, the group of ministers changed color again, until they really left the temple and returned to Chaoga City, they were relieved, but they were still uneasy in their hearts, and there were gods who raised their heads, not to mention great gods such as Nuwa Niangniang and Vesta God Tianzun.


The saint is relatively omniscient and omnipotent, not to mention what happened in the Nuwa Temple.

In the chaos, Nuwa quickly learned about this, and suddenly became furious, and the entire Splendid Sky was thunderous, as if the sky could fall apart at any time.

If it were an ordinary person, Nuwa would naturally not have such a big reaction, but who let Di Xin be the lord of great business and the emperor of the current generation.

But the terrifying scene in the splendid sky quickly subsided, became gentle and beautiful again, full of life, in the palace, Nuwa sneered, after the anger, she knew that it was the way of heaven who opened the catastrophe by her hand, although she was dissatisfied in her heart, but in the end she knew the weight, Nuwa’s heart moved, and a wisp of divine thought descended on the Nuwa Temple outside Chaoga City.

As for the matter of being used by the Heavenly Dao, after this God Sealing Tribulation, if she did not give certain compensation, she would not agree!

In the Nuwa Temple, Nuwa sacrificed a demon flag, attracting the big demon within a million miles of Chaoga City, and the three demons of Xuanyuan Tomb were also listed.

In the end, Nuwa chose Xuanyuan Three Demons to confuse Di Xin, and since this lord of great business had a big heart, let him be faint and lose in this matter.

And Nuwa chose the Three Demons for two reasons:

First, they practiced in the Xuanyuan Ancient Tomb, contaminated with a bit of humane aura, and were suppressed by the Jiuding Great Array and Di Xin’s human emperor aura to a lower degree.

The second is that they have some relationship with Sujili, and this Vesta God Tianzun is also disrespected by Di Xin, and Nuwa believes that he will definitely use the three demons to get angry, so that things are more secure.

Phoenix Mountain, Qingluan Douque.

Through the statue of Vesta, Sujili quickly learned what Di Xin had done, and was slightly surprised.

He had been mentally prepared for what happened to Nuwa Niangniang, although he was shocked by Di Xin’s bold behavior, but he could barely accept it, but he didn’t expect that he would also be mixed in.

Thinking that Di Xin was carried away by the great achievements in the past, indulged in praise and boasting, became more and more arrogant, and even looked a little unscrupulous, Sujili shook his head helplessly.

“‘~Heaven wants to make it perish, and must first make it crazy~’.”

The relationship between the three demons of Xuanyuan and him could not be concealed from the Nuwa saint, seeing that this big guy still chose the three demons, Su Jili guessed the intention of this female saint, and now he could summon the three demons in an upright manner.

However, Sugili did not act immediately, there was no need to rush things, and since the story had already unfolded in his memory, it was even more important to guard against impatience.

After temporarily putting this matter aside, he first went to see Princess Longji and Deng Chanyu.

Looking at Deng Chanyu, who looks more and more beautiful, with a bit of heroic spirit between her eyebrows, Su Jili has a sense of accomplishment, not only Long Ji has been teaching her over the years, but he will also give advice in addition to practice.

Because the battle of sealing gods is imminent, if the practice is carried out step by step, Deng Chanyu wants to be alone, at least 10,000 years, in desperation, after discussing with Long Ji, Su Jili also adopted the cultivation method of pulling seedlings and promoting growth.

Su Jili specially went to the Heavenly Court, and with the black face of the Heavenly Emperor Mother, she cheekily asked for four nine-thousand-year-old peaches (of money), and gave one of them to Deng Chanyu.

Today, Deng Chanyu has been in the mountain for several years, and with the support and teaching of the two Taiyi Golden Immortals, she has basically refined the power of nine thousand years of peach, picked the Immortal Dao Fruit, and become a true Golden Immortal.

Although it is due to overdrawing its potential, but to become a golden immortal, Deng Chanyu can also be regarded as a step to the sky.

Although like the Golden Immortal of the Teaching, they all borrow the heavenly materials and earth treasures to help the disciples pull out the seedlings, but Su Jili and Long Ji are kind, before Deng Chanyu swallows the peach, lay a solid foundation for it, and often feed the precious food spiritual food, Su Jili also deliberately spent a trace of merit to comb the meridians for Deng Chanyu, after all kinds of operations, although Deng Chanyu’s cultivation can no longer advance, but still can continue to accumulate mana and quench the flesh body, improve his combat power. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

If you practice diligently, you can dominate the Golden Wonderland by relying only on your physical body and magical powers, and if you can get meritorious blessings in the future, you may not be able to develop your potential and go further.


PS: Thanks to the Demon Lord for the big 100 point reward.

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