As for the remaining three nine-thousand-year-old peaches, they were kept by Sujili for reserve, just in case.

In addition, he also thought that anyway, he would face the black face of the Heavenly Emperor Mother and ask for it with a thick skin, but fortunately he would ask for a few more, so as not to go through such a situation when he needed it in the future.

Moreover, the future is all a family, and Sujili does not feel at a loss.

Phoenix Mountain, Qingluan Douque.

The red clothes fluttered in the wind, and Su Jili stopped at the top of the mountain, looking at the Nine Dings Array that shrouded the Terran Jiuzhou, his eyes were deep and full of contemplation.

Since the Nuwa saint made a move, the God Sealing Tribulation officially kicked off, the flood was full of calamity, and the Terran Jiuzhou was covered by the rich calamity qi, and the Jiuding Great Array was also completely operational, especially after receiving some power blessings, even Sujili felt a sense of depression, and there was a feeling that as long as he entered the Terran Jiuzhou, he would be suppressed by the strength, and Princess Longji was not a Terran, and the feeling was even stronger.

Because of this, Sujili decided to go to Jinao Island to inquire about the situation after busy with the affairs of the three demons.

Without staying long in Phoenix Mountain, he left quickly.

The fiery red light streaked across the sky and went straight to the Terran Kyushu, everything was as expected, Su Jili was suppressed as soon as he came in, although the cultivation of the Taiyi Golden Immortal remained unchanged, but the strength could only be exerted seventy percent.

You know, he is a double cultivator of the law body and touches the existence of the threshold of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, even if the old Taiyi Golden Immortal is not his opponent now, more importantly, he is a human race, and the degree of suppression is low, in exchange for the Tai 537 Golden Immortal of other races, his strength is even more exerted to the five achievements is not bad.

However, Sujili was not in the mood to explore these for the time being, and rushed towards Enzhou at a gallop.

Enzhou Inn, Su Daji and his party have successfully moved into this place.

That night, the bright moon was shining, pouring a silver glow, and the nine-tailed fox cast a magic power, causing the servants in the room to fall asleep, and then turned into a ray of light and slipped into the room.

Looking at the sleeping Su Daji, the nine-tailed fox had to admit that the person in front of him was indeed a peerless beauty that was rare in the world, with a beautiful appearance, a detached temperament, and a graceful figure, like a nine-heavenly fairy falling into the dust.

But she’s not bad either! The fox tribe is already known for her beauty and charm in the flood and desolation, not to mention, she not only returned to her bloodline and evolved into a nine-tailed fox, but also obtained the Xuanmen cultivation method, and has been doing good and accumulating virtue for thousands of years, and easily does not contaminate karmic cause and effect.

Therefore, she had to become a fairy queen and successfully transformed into a fairy, her appearance was pure and moving, and with a bit of just the right charm, she was alive, no matter her appearance or temperament, compared with mortal Daji, she was slightly better.

Thinking of Nuwa Niangniang’s order, the nine-tailed fox did not hesitate, and the white fingers flew over, and he punched out a magic trick to pull out the mortal Daji’s soul, temporarily put it into the yellow skin gourd he refined, and then turned into a white smoke, entered Daji’s body from the five tips, and possessed it.

As she suddenly opened her eyes, Daji’s body was even more special, although it was temporarily the same as the original Daji, but under the nourishment of the cultivation of the Nine-Tailed Fox Heavenly Immortal, this flesh body would become more and more excellent.

At this moment, a divine light fell into the room, red clothes and wide sleeves, noble temperament, as if ancient sacred, it was Sujili.

“Nine-tailed fox, do you still recognize me?”

After the nine-tailed fox was taken aback, he hurriedly knelt on the ground and said with joy.

“The little demon has seen Vesta Tianzun!”

“Over the years, I and the other two sisters have been offering incense day and night, and I dare not forget the great grace of Tianzun.”

The next moment, Sujili pretended to be angry and suddenly scolded.

“Since you are already on the right path, why do you want to detain people’s souls and possess and harm people here?”

“Aren’t you afraid that under the karma of cause and effect, a thousand years of cultivation will come to naught?”

The nine-tailed fox was terrified, and immediately told that the three sisters had been ordered by Nuwa Niangniang to go to the dynasty to confuse Di Xin.

Su Jili pretended to be a fool, and suddenly realized, and his expression became pleasant.

“Since it is the order of the saint, you should obey it.”

“Na Di Xin had a violent temperament, and he also offended me, and it is impossible to teach him a lesson.”

“It’s just that you three demons need to remember that you can’t hurt people’s lives, let alone frame Zhongliang, although you need to make that Di Xin addicted to wine, but you must not work the people and hurt money, if Di Xin is intentional, you must advise in time, don’t help the trouble.” [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

“Na Di Xin is so happy, sooner or later he will be like a summer cocoon and self-destruction, and many things will be removed from themselves, so as not to be contaminated with too much karma and affect their own path.”

Saying that, Su Jili waved his sleeves, and three three-thousand-year-old peach fell into the hands of the nine-tailed fox.

“The strong in Chaoga City are like clouds, there will be humane luck protection, this is the heavenly court peach, can help you and other cultivation, remember to be cautious in your words and actions, don’t cause trouble, otherwise, I will personally take action and beat you back to the original form.”

Before leaving, Sujili reminded again.

“If you encounter the Sect Immortal Shen Gong Leopard in the future, remember to keep your distance from him, don’t get too close to him because of me, let alone join in the filth, otherwise, even I can’t save you and wait.”

“However, you need to help the Intercept Sect to seal the gods, and if that Shen Gong Leopard invites any Intercept Sect Immortal to help, you must inform Yu Wu in time.”

As soon as the words fell, Sujili took the yellow skin gourd that stored Daji’s soul, turned around and left.

In addition to not wanting the three demons of Xuanyuan to mistake themselves, he also wanted to give Di Xin a chance, if he could wake up in time, humanity is changeable, and the great merchant may not be able to be reborn from the ashes; If he insists on going his own way, making mistakes again and again, he can also let the people of the world see his true face, instead of pushing all the faults onto a woman.

Di Xin is a human emperor, protected by human luck, even a saint can’t easily kill him, and if he doesn’t invade, how can he be easily seduced by the nine-tailed fox?

In the final analysis, it is just that Di Xin will plan and use his own hand to clear the harem of the former dynasty, in fact, whether it is Queen Jiang, or Bigan, Meibo, Shang Rong, etc., the end has long been doomed.

Moreover, if Di Xin was really faint and incompetent, how could he sit in the position of the lord of great business? Whether it is Di Yi, Wen Zhong, Bi Gan, etc., they are not fools.

If it is placed in ordinary times, relying on Di Xin’s means to strengthen the army with the great merchants, after he purges the imperial court and monopolizes the power, it is enough to suppress the ambitious princes, re-pacify the world, and continue the national fortune of the great merchants.

But whoever let him live at an opportune time encountered the Great Tribulation of the Sealing Gods, and with the Xuanmen Great Sect meddling in this matter, Di Xin’s plan was about to fail.

Of course, the fox demon Suda in Sujili’s memory is not innocent, the same karma is added, and the crime is not shallow, but now, Di Xin wants to borrow a knife to kill again, it is not so easy.

The three demons of Xuanyuan Tomb were the help he provided to the Sect Sealing God.

At the same time, Su Jili also wanted to see, if Su Daji had not framed Zhongliang, could the road to Xiqi’s rebellion be so smooth?

Even if the general trend is unchangeable, at least it can’t be too easy for Xiqi.

After leaving Enzhou, Su Jili rushed to Nuwa Temple, delivered the yellow skin gourd to the offering platform, and then bowed and saluted.

“Su Jili, a third-generation disciple of the Jiji Sect, see Nuwa Niangniang.”

ps: Thanks to the boring reader for the 100-point tip.

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