The statue of Nuwa suddenly emitted a soft holy light, and the icy statue became holy and compassionate.

Nuwa Niangniang is a saint, even if she is now in the midst of a great calamity and chaotic heavenly machine, she can still deduce clues from the heavenly path, plus her body has immeasurable wisdom, and she looks at the yellow skin gourd on the offering platform, and she knows the purpose of Sujili’s request.

A flash of light flickered, Nuwa put away the yellow skin gourd, after all, this mortal Daji was involved by her to suffer this calamity, so it was reasonable that she should take care of it.

What’s more, this woman has quite a bit of origin, but a wisp of breath after Chang Xi’s fall has been nourished by the endless years of heaven and earth aura, and finally after being created, she was born with spiritual wisdom, reincarnated and reincarnated, and she had the fate of discipleship.

“It is worthy of being valued by Senior Brother Tongtian, and you have a heart for this matter-.”

In the face of Nuwa’s praise, Su Jili was not arrogant or impetuous, and then informed him of his arrangements and admonitions to the three demons, after all, he changed a little in some things, which inevitably provoked the saint’s displeasure, naturally he had to say hello in advance, even if Nuwa Niangniang was generous and did not care about this matter, he always had to do things in place, not to fall into reality, and not to leave a handle.

When Nuwa heard this, her expression moved, and her gaze towards Sujili was a little more appreciative.

Before, although she instructed the three demons of Xuanyuan, she mainly explained the direction, reminded them not to act recklessly, and did not think too much about the details, Su Jili’s move standardized the words and deeds of the three demons, made up for loopholes, reduced risks, and did not implicate the innocent.

Thinking of this, Nuwa was satisfied and said.

“You thought about this matter and did an excellent job.”

“Di Xin is arrogant and acts recklessly, sooner or later he will kill himself, and the three demons really don’t have to interfere too much in certain things.”

After a brief conversation, Nuwa left, leaving behind a creation golden pill before leaving, which she personally refined, although it is not comparable to the nine-turn golden pill of the Taiqing saint, but it is also quite extraordinary, containing the creation avenue and laws, which can repair the Yuan God, recreate the immortal body, and make the living soul relive for a lifetime.

Nuwa gave this pill to Sujili because he made up for the loopholes in her words and avoided causing innocent casualties.

Su Jili did not expect that he could still be rewarded, he naturally would not refuse this kind of good thing, after accepting the Creation Golden Pill, Su Jili solemnly thanked Nuwa Niangniang, and then turned and left.


A few months later, Jinao Island.

A fiery red light descended, it was Sujili.

As soon as he landed, the fire and water boy appeared and took Sujili into the interior of Jinao Island.

Inside the Biyou Palace, the main of the Tongtian Sect is sitting on the cloud platform, and he is practicing with his eyes closed, and the divine wander is too empty, and he is aware of the avenue.

When Sujili came in, he saluted respectfully.

“Apprentice Sujili meets Shizu!”

The Tongtian Sect Lord opened his eyes in time, and an endless vision appeared in his eyes, and after converging the light, his gaze fell on Su Jili and asked curiously.

“You kid left less than a hundred years and came back, what happened?”

Facing the saint, Sujili did not hide it, and directly asked what he was confused about.

“Master Qiyu, the disciple saw that the Nine Dings Array of the Terran Race was running, and the power of suppression was hundreds of times stronger than usual, so he came to ask the master ancestor to solve his confusion, is this matter related to the Great Tribulation of the Gods?”

The Tongtian Sect Lord explained with a smile.

“Although the Great Tribulation of Sealing Gods is based on humane changes and the rise and replacement of the imperial dynasty, it is essentially a Xuanmen Tribulation, immortals fighting, calling wind and rain at every turn, moving mountains and seas, destroying the sky and the earth, the power is infinite, if it is not restrained, I am afraid that the Great Tribulation of the Sealing God is not over, the Terran Jiuzhou has collapsed and the earth has been cracked, and the lives are ruined.”

“Therefore, the saints and the three emperors and five emperors of the Terran race have an agreement that during the God Sealing Tribulation, the Nine Dings Array of the Terran will operate at full strength, the three emperors and five emperors and the saints will also bless the formation, and the creatures who have achieved the immortal path in the land of Kyushu will be suppressed, and the degree varies from person to person.”

As the Lord of the Tongtian Sect spoke, Sujili gradually solved the doubts in his heart.

The Nine Dings Array was opened to protect the Terran race and avoid the immortal battle from harming too many innocent mortals, because with the blessing of the three emperors and five emperors of the Terran race and the saints, the power was unprecedented and terrifying, whether it was the strength of the immortals, or the fluctuations and scope of the battle, it would be suppressed to a very high degree.

The strength of suppression is greatly related to race, cultivation, karma, etc., and the immortals of the human race with weaker cultivation and shallow karma are less suppressed; People who are not from the human race, the higher their cultivation, and the deeper their karma, the greater the suppression, and at the maximum, they will even suppress the strength of living beings to a realm, which means that the Taiyi Golden Immortal may only be able to exert the strength of the peak of the Golden Immortal.

After knowing the truth, Su Jili was like a daigo empowerment, and he suddenly opened, he didn’t understand when he looked at the gods in his previous life, why the three generations of disciples of the Interpretation Sect were able to kill the Sect Immortals who had practiced for endless years with only more than ten years of practice? Even the cultivation of seedlings and fueling is at most like Deng Chanyu to achieve the Golden Immortal, which is still a big realm behind the Taiyi Golden Immortal, is it too exaggerated the power of Lingbao?

After all, no matter how powerful the spirit treasure is, if it does not have enough cultivation and mana to support it, it will be difficult to burst out all its power.

Now he suddenly realized that with the Nine Dings Great Array operating at full strength, the competition between cultivators of the same rank in the God Sealing War was mana, divine power, formation, and spirit treasure and other fighting methods.

At this time, the importance of Lingbao’s strength and weakness can not be highlighted!

Most of the three generations of disciples of the Interpretation Sect are Terrans, and their bodies are not contaminated with too much karma, their cultivation is weak, and they are less suppressed, not to mention that they still have powerful spiritual treasures given by the Golden Immortals of the Interpretation Sect.

And most of the immortal sect karma is heavier, non-human origin, high cultivation, after entering the Terran Kyushu, the strength will be greatly suppressed, plus there is no strong spirit treasure body, and self-sustaining cultivation is profound, too arrogant, look down on the three generations of disciples, this trade-off, the natural situation is reversed.

After thinking about this, Su Jili had an explanation for the various irrationalities in his previous life memory, and after solving the doubts in his heart, he solemnly thanked the master of the Tongtian Sect and turned to leave.

Su Jili has always had a good relationship with the Water and Fire Boy, and after handing over the spiritual food he made with his own hands to the other party, he learned the news of Shengong Leopard.

One of the Great Tribulation Twins had been arranged by the Tongtian Sect Lord to descend the mountain and was now packing his bags.

After knowing that the drama of the duel between Jiang Ziya and Shengong Leopard was about to be staged, Su Jili quickly left, and as soon as he walked out of Jinao Island, he heard a voice behind him.

“Daoist friends, please stay!”

This strange and familiar tone made Sujili suddenly sweat upside down, creepy, directly harnessed the light, and quickly left.

“Why didn’t he stop? Could it be that where did the poor road offend him? [ Read more novels for free on our website: ] )

Seeing Shen Gongbao’s depressed expression, the water and fire boy who was stared at smiled and painted for Su Jili.

“Maybe he didn’t hear that, did he?”

Finish speaking.

The fire and water boy directly sneaked away.

As for Shen Gongbao, who had a puzzled and resentful expression, he didn’t see the spoon.

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