After leaving Jinao Island, Sugili returned directly to Yuntai Mountain.

With the spread of the Kitchen Dao in the flood wilderness, the Kitchen Dao Qi Luck went to a higher level, and the Innate Spirit Root Enlightenment Tea Tree and the Innate Spirit Root Five Flavor Divine Tree combed the spiritual veins in the mountains all year round, gathering and suppressing Fuze Qi Luck.

Today, this dojo is more abundant in spiritual creation, and under the careful care of the grass and wood children in the mountains, not only two innate Taste Dao tea trees and one innate five-flavor spirit tree have been born again, but also many rare heavenly materials and earth treasures have grown, even in the Shangpin Cave Heaven, which can be ranked in the forefront, which is comparable to the Shangpin Dong Tian, which is naturally bred by some heavens and earth.

Su Jili chose to settle here, in addition to the Shangpin Wudao tea tree on Yuntai Mountain, it is also because this place is close to the Chen Tang Pass in the East China Sea, if he can, he wants to save Shiji Niangniang, and by the way, he will pull a wave of hatred “one three zero” hatred in the dragon clan.

After all, although Shi Iso lived in the White Bone Cave of Skull Mountain, it sounded gloomy and an evil immortal abode, but in fact, she was a rare true cultivator in the Sect.

She has practiced for endless years, and has long stepped into the Daluo Golden Wonderland, but she is rarely contaminated with karmic cause and effect, and her popularity is good, her contacts are extensive, and she has a good reputation among the immortals of the Sect.

Sujili has been in contact with this Shiji lady several times before and after, and her impression is indeed good, not only does she have no karma, but because of combing the starry sky, she also gets some merit, perhaps because it is a stone incarnation, this fairy is very frank and straightforward, and is a solid eye.

Such an existence is just suitable for preaching for the Intercept Sect after the Great Tribulation of the Sealing Gods, and he will take the opportunity to act under the premise of ensuring his own safety, to see if he can save the life of this female fairy and reserve one more vitality for the Intercept Sect.

After entering Yuntai Mountain, Sujili quickly walked towards the Shangpin Wudao tea tree, this innate spiritual root after taking root in this mountain, and the innate spiritual vein nourishes each other, the branches and leaves are green, vigorous, more and more lush and luxuriant, exuding a charming tea fragrance.

After taking out the ultimate Tianlingbao Wudao futon, Sujili sat down under the upper Wudao tea tree, and the purple smoke incense burner appeared in his sleeve, and the incense of Wudao was lit, wafting the aroma of Wudao, and then drank a cup of Wudao tea, only then did he take out the Creation Golden Pill, hold his breath, and concentrate on comprehension.

In terms of the Creation Avenue, Nuwa Saint should be the leader of the Hong Wilderness, even the Hongjun Dao Ancestor may not be able to compare with her in this Dao, this Creation Golden Pill is refined by his own hands, containing the Creation Truth.

And the way of the spirit chef also needs the assistance of the way of creation, and it can even be said that the way of the spirit chef is the creation of fire and all things, because of this, Su Jili can take the opportunity to realize a lot of the mysteries of creation by observing this golden pill, so that his own way is a little deeper, and his control of the way of the spirit chef can be more handy.


Just when Su Jili participated in the Avenue of Enlightenment, the story of Feng Shen kept moving forward, and Su Daji finally came to Chaoga City under heavy protection, and as soon as she appeared, her fairy appearance and dusty temperament were amazing.

Di Xin’s heart was even more swaying, and he couldn’t wait to embrace the beauty immediately, although he took into account the occasion, he did not move lightly, but he was also happy with the dragon’s heart, not only forgave Su Hu’s crime, but also canonized Su Daji as a beauty, and soon announced his retirement from the dynasty, and couldn’t wait to enter the harem.

Although Shang Rong, Bigan, Huang Feihu and other heavy ministers had a worried face, they felt that Di Xin might indulge in beauty and delay the imperial government, but they did not make a rash conclusion, and after seeing the hearts of the people for a long time, Su Daji was a person, and they needed to observe to make a conclusion.

And Daji kept in mind the teachings of Sujili, and since entering the palace, he has been at peace with himself, maintaining a character that does not want to interact with people and likes to be clean, Di Xin will be warmly welcomed when he comes, and if he does not come, he will practice at ease, and many concubines in the harem will not violate the river water.

Although because of his too grand appearance, Di Xin often lingered in beauty, did not want to go early, and sang night and night, which caused the courtiers to have a lot of criticism in their hearts, but in addition, Daji did not have any evil deeds, and would often tactfully advise Di Xin to go to the dynasty, although it was said that five times worked at most once, but after the news spread, the courtiers’ overall impression of Daji was quite good.

Even Queen Jiang can’t make a mistake, it’s not good to trouble Su Daji, after a long time, even Di Xin is depressed, although the beauty is good, but he also wants the imperial hegemony and wants to monopolize power.

Originally wanted to use the reason that the beauty was pampered and arrogant, borrowed a knife to kill, and cleaned up a wave of court and harem, but I didn’t expect the beauty to be so stable, no matter how he spoiled and was not domineering, even if she was canonized as a noble concubine in just a hundred years, she still did not put forward any requirements beyond the rules.

Even if he secretly calculated to offend other women, Daji was still very calm, as if a spectator who stayed out of the matter, just simply ordered a few words to do things according to the rules, and let this matter go.0…..

Although the feeling of a beauty smiling only when she sees him is very good, it also makes him a little worried about how to break the game.

Finally, after thinking for several days, Di Xin decided to build Lutai like the original story line, and on the grounds that Su Daji was celebrating her birthday and building a palace, he built a large number of civil works, laboring the people and losing money.

As soon as this matter came out, not only Su Daji secretly scolded Di Xin’s dog man, giving her nothing to do, but the hundred officials were even more angry, and they advised Di Xin not to be extravagant, and above the nine halls, there were more hot-tempered ministers who came out, bluntly saying that Su Daji had caused disaster to the country and hoodwinked the emperor’s mind, and asked for the execution of the demon concubine, and also made the business company stable.

As soon as these words came out, Di Xin seemed to have been touched by the anti-scales, and instantly became furious, like a very angry red face, ordered people to immediately pull this outspoken minister out and beheaded, and hundreds of officials asked Di Xin to open grace, but he seemed to have an iron heart to be angry for Su Daji, insisted on going his own way, and resolutely wanted to behead the counselor.

“And slow!”

When life and death were at stake, Su Daji appeared uninvited outside the nine halls.

Concubine Ai came to visit, and Di Xin naturally ordered people to let her in.

Then, he and the hundred officials saw Su Daji, who was wearing a white dress and pleaded guilty.

Without waiting for Di Xin to ask, she took the lead, and Lihua led the rain road. 5.7

“I heard that His Majesty is going to build a deer platform for the birthday of a concubine, and I specially come to ask for sin.” [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

“A concubine is just an ordinary concubine in the harem, who has never given birth to an heir, has meritorious contributions to the royal family, and does not know martial arts, but is meritorious to the society, and the concubines have no virtue and talent, and dare not waste the financial resources of the people with their own selfishness.”

“Dr. Mabel is outspoken, faithful, and dedicated to the sake of the world of great business, and he is not only not wrong, but also meritorious.”

“If Your Majesty really pities the concubine, and asks Your Majesty to take back her life, otherwise, the concubine will be terrified physically and mentally, and she can only jump down from above on the day the Lutai is built, and apologize for her sins with death.”

Bai Guan and Di Xin were all shocked.

No one expected that Su Daji would say such words.

Subsequently, they reacted diametrically opposite.

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