Chen Tangguan, General Military Office.

Nezha was locked up again because of the trouble.

Bored at night, he sneaked out of the room, wandered aimlessly, and unknowingly came to the attic where the Qiankun bow and the sky-shaking arrow were placed.

Curious, Nezha sneaked in, and with the identity of a star killer born with the same killing spirit as the human emperor Xuanyuan, he pulled out the Qiankun bow that no one could pull since ancient times, and shot a heaven-shaking arrow.

Above the clouds, Sujili kept an eye on the General Military Mansion.

Seeing a blood-red arrow light flying towards the direction of Skull Mountain, his heart moved, and he understood that Nezha had made another move, and the Shiji calamity was coming.

Thinking of this, he frowned slightly, waved his sleeve and shot a streamer without leaving, choosing to continue to stay by Jingwei’s side.

Skull Mountain, White Bone Cave.

Not long ago, Shi Ji had a fight with Ma Yuangang, who had always coveted the White Bone Cave, although he repelled the latter, but it also caused the leakage of Xuanyin Earth Vein Qi, and there was a slight gap in the Mountain Protection Array, she originally wanted to meditate and pranayama, and then repair the formation, but she didn’t expect that this negligence alone made the Heaven-shaking Arrow exploit the loophole.

A blood-colored arrow light passed through the gap in the large array, straight to the Biyun boy in the mountain, the Biyun boy only has Xuan Immortal cultivation, and is defenseless, in the face of this ancient killing weapon with the power of endless killing 230 fells, naturally unable to resist, the hurriedly supported body protection immortal light was broken, and he was about to die on the spot when he saw it.

When life and death are at stake, an iron pot comes first, blocking in front of Biyun Tongzi, the sky-shaking arrow is an ancient killing weapon, the temper is amazing, the arrow will see blood, the iron pot is a meritorious spiritual treasure, emitting immeasurable golden light, the most auspicious blessing.

The two were like needles against Mai Mang, and suddenly froze.

The energy fluctuation finally alarmed Shi Ji, she opened her eyes, walked out of the cave mansion, and saw the scene of the heaven-shaking arrow murderous, wanting to shoot Biyun boy, and she was immediately furious.

She is the Da Luo Golden Immortal, and it is natural to suppress the Heaven-shaking Arrow, and after the crisis is lifted and the Biyun Boy is confirmed to be unharmed, Shi Ji said to the meritorious iron pot.

“Thank you Master Su and nephew for saving the boy in my cave, and when this matter is resolved, the poor road will definitely come to the door to thank you.”

Shi Iso is not afraid of Xie the wrong person.

In the entire Jiji Sect, only Sujili has meritorious kitchenware.

At present, among the entire Kitchen Dao practitioners, only he, the Kitchen Dao Ancestor, was able to easily block the Ancient Killing Weapon Heaven-shaking Arrow without showing up.

The iron pot hummed, as if to say hello, and then turned into a stream (afbd) of light, and left in an instant.


The next story line is much the same as Sugili’s memory.

Shi Ji Niangniang was furious, took the green bird, descended on Chen Tangguan, and asked Li Jing to give an explanation, in desperation, Li Jing and Shi Ji agreed on a time, so he took Nezha to the door and went to the door to make amends.

How to think, Nezha is obedient on the surface, but in fact he is unruly, hiding evil intentions, and actually picked up the Qiankun circle and smashed the Caiyun boy who came to invite him into the cave, if it were not for Sujili’s precautions, the merit iron pot appeared in time, I am afraid that this innocent boy would have been killed on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Nezha was so unscrupulous and dared to kill her own boy in her dojo, Shiji Niangniang suddenly became angry, directly cast a spell to collect the Qiankun Circle and the Mixed Sky Aya, and locked Li Jing in the hole, chasing towards Nezha who performed the trick.

Above the clouds, Sujili saw two rays of light flying one after the other, a little speechless.

That is to say, Shiji Niangniang is a stone shape, has a heavy body, and is not good at flying, plus it takes some time to detain Li Jing, otherwise, how would the Great Luo Golden Immortal not be able to catch up with a Nezha?

Of course, there is also Ishiiso who deliberately did this.

She wanted to find the Taiyi real person behind Nezha to have a good life theory.

Unfortunately, the golden immortals of the interpretation of the teaching can not look at the immortals of the truncated religion, the contradiction between the two religions has been around for a long time, and the interpretation of the religion has a tradition of protecting the short, and caught up with the murder and robbery of Tai Yi’s real person, and needs to open a killing ring to kill and stop killing, Shi Ji took the initiative to come to the door, and there is cause and effect, there is a way is a dead Taoist friend who is not dead and poor, how can Tai Yi real person let her go?

Thinking of this, Su Jili took Jingwei, who had just reshaped his body and had already woken up, and flew towards Qianyuan Mountain.

In Qianyuan Mountain, Shi Ji is not good at words, and his heart is honest, and he is not as sophisticated and cunning as Tai Yi Zhenren, who is honest and honest, reverses black and white, and talks about killing people in a high-sounding manner, and the two who talked about collapse immediately fought a lot. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Shi Iso held the Tai’a Sword in one hand and the Innate Lingbao Bagua Yunguang Pa in the other; Tai Yi Zhenren held Tai Yi dust in one hand, and sacrificed the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Cover with the other.

For a time, the world turned upside down, the laws were turbulent, endless energy collided, and the scene was terrifying.

It’s just that Tai Yi Zhenren occupies a geographical advantage, whether it is cultivation or Lingbao, they are all stronger than Shi Ji, and in just a few rounds, Shi Ji fell into the downwind and fell into the magic formation specially carved by Tai Yi Zhenren.

Subsequently, the magic array and the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Hood intertwined, and the power increased greatly, and the nine innate fire dragons swam and flew, forming a huge oven, compressing the light of the Bagua Yunguangpa little by little, intending to refine Shi Ji into a prototype.

Shi Iso didn’t expect that Taiyi Zhenren really dared to kill her regardless of the friendship between the two religions, and under the anger, he cursed at Taiyi Zhenren, just when the situation was precarious, sensing the qi machine surging above the firmament in the distance, Sujili understood that the time had come, and he finally made a move.

Raising his hand, a black jade glazed treasure bottle appeared, and the mouth of the bottle was downward, pouring endless Xuanyin True Water.

This spirit treasure is the Xuanjing Treasure Bottle, which was obtained by killing the Black Water Xuan Snake when Su Jili first became a golden immortal.

Later, when the Four Worships of the World were established, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East Sea, specially asked the dragon clan to refine this treasure in order to thank Su Jili.

Today, this Lingbao has become the ultimate Houtian Lingbao.

It is also a rare water system spirit treasure in Su Jili’s hand, and the immeasurable Xuanyin true water in it can extinguish most of the flames in the world, although the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Cover is powerful, it is still among the majority, and it has been extinguished a lot of flames, the power is damaged, and it also gives Shi Ji a chance to breathe.

The light flickered, Su Jili appeared, and the golden light of the merit around him was dazzling, like a golden sun lit up on Qianyuan Mountain.

“Su Jili, a third-generation disciple of the Jiji Sect, has seen the Taiyi Master.”

“I don’t know what Shi Iso’s uncle committed, but he asked his uncle to cross my master ancestor Tongtian Sect Lord, and even destroy his brotherhood with Shi Uncle Yuan Shi Tianzun, and also beat her back to the prototype?”

“If Shi Ji Shi Uncle has deep karma and commits a monstrous crime, it will be enough for Master Yi to strike in anger, maybe my Master Ancestor Tongtian Sect Master will also praise Shi Bo De to Shi Bo Yuan Shi Tianzun. But my uncle Shiji doesn’t seem to have been contaminated with karma, and even has some merit. ”

“In addition, behind Master Taiyi is Nezha, the son of Li Jing, the general soldier of Chen Tangguan, and the master and nephew heard that he killed Patrol Sea Yasha, and injured Ao Bing, the third prince of the East Sea Dragon King, and broke into a catastrophe and committed the Heavenly Rule.”

“The Four Seas Dragon King jointly went to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, kneeling to beg the Heavenly Emperor to be his master, and there were also many immortals for their words, pleading with the Heavenly Emperor to severely punish the murderer, and now, they are coming here with the Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General.”

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