
Tai Yi Zhenren’s face was livid.

Just now, he only cared about fighting with Shi Iso, he had no time to be distracted, did not pay attention to the surrounding situation, and naturally did not notice that Su Jili was hiding in secret, and was exploited by this junior to save Shi Iso.

When Sujili appeared, he was first shocked by his majestic merit, and then he was the first to snatch people and ask for words.

For a while, even the clever Taiyi Zhenren was a little speechless, not to mention that he had already detected the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals who were rushing towards this place.

More importantly, Sujili mentioned the saints three times and twice in his words, I am afraid that they do not want to deal with this matter, maybe they have lowered their divine thoughts and paid attention to this matter.

Heavenly Court, Taiyi Zhenren can not care.

Shi Iso and this kid in front of him, he can also not care.

But Taiyi Zhenren can’t ~ don’t care about saints.

What’s more, he is not yet reasonable.

In this matter, it is all their masters and apprentices who bully the weak and bully.

In front of the saints, even Taiyi Zhenren could not talk nonsense.

Tai Yi was really arrogant, he had never regarded Su Jili as an opponent before, but now, he deeply felt the difficulty of this Jijiao Immortal, and dug a hole for him every sentence.

When he mentioned the Tongtian Sect Leader, he told him that killing Shi Iso was a Yue Qi.

Mentioning Yuan Shi Tianzun is to tell him not to lose face in front of Master.

When he mentioned Shi Iso, he told him that Shi Iso, unlike those with profound karma in the Ji Sect.

When you mention the Heavenly Court, you are telling him that Nezha has indeed made a big mistake, and you can’t cover it up.

Showing merit is to tell him that if he dares to kill me, he will bear heavy pressure, and he will definitely not be able to please in this god calamity, and it is a luxury to kill and stop killing.

In desperation, Taiyi Zhenren could only come up with the same old rhetoric, saying that the interpretation of the teachings conformed to the will of heaven and wanted to represent the Zhou felling merchants, Nezha was the pioneer of Tianding, when Shi Ji went out of the mountains and entered Chen Tangguan to find trouble with Li Jing’s father and son, he was already contaminated with the spirit of the great calamity, and it was naturally life and death in the calamity, she did not respect the days, and Nezha was embarrassed, and she should fall, and even persuaded Su Jili to return to the dojo quickly, close the door, do not get involved in the great calamity, and waste all her merits.

On Qianyuan Mountain, Su Jili smiled angrily, and even the uncle did not call him, and said coldly.

“According to Tai Yi Zhenren, this Nezha is not wrong even if he kills innocents, and if anyone comes to the door to settle the cause and effect, it is to disrespect the heavens and go against the sky?

Is Patrol Yasha and the Third Prince of the East Sea Dragon King to blame? Shouldn’t the Heavenly Emperor send troops to arrest him?

It seems that when the Dragon Clan and the Heavenly Emperor are as disrespectful to the sky as my Shiji Master, should I let Nezha, a sin barrier, kill and bully? ”

As soon as these words came out, Tai Yi Zhenren’s heart jumped.

Unexpectedly, Su Jili was so bold and dared to climb the Heavenly Emperor and the Dragon Clan, this exaggerated and online routine made Tai Yi Zhenren familiar with it, but also a little worried.

He really wanted to admit this, and even if the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan did not say anything on the surface, they would fiercely mark their master and apprentice in their hearts.

However, without waiting for Taiyi Zhenren to speak, Su Jili continued to speak.

“Taiyi Zhenren also entered Chen Tangguan to accept Nezha as an apprentice, since he has also been to Terran’s Kyushu, naturally he is also in the calamity, is it also life and death, it is appropriate to fall, why don’t you follow the way of heaven and make yourself on the list?”

Saying that, without waiting for Tai Yi’s real person to react, Su Jili directly sacrificed the merit iron cauldron, and the golden light flashed, and the scene was projected.

This is a small method developed by Sujili in addition to his practice, which can record the images that have occurred through pot spirit treasures.

If Biyun Tongzi’s flying calamity can barely be described as innocent of the ignorant, then the scene where Nezha knowingly wants to kill Caiyun Tongzi in front of the White Bone Cave is really ruthless, not just as stubborn as simple.

This scene happened to be seen by the Four Seas Dragon King and Divine Yulei who rushed in, and in order to show their respect for the saint disciples and the Da Luo Golden Immortal, they asked the heavenly soldiers to guard outside the mountain and come in person.

Tai Yi Zhenren’s high-sounding words were originally a lie that could be broken with a poke, and if there were few people, they could still kill people and kill people, just like the original Shiji; But now that there are more people, there is still evidence in hand, even Taiyi Zhenren has nothing to do, and his face is ugly.


Kunlun Mountain, Jade Void Palace.

Yuan Shi Tianzun frowned, looking at Tai Yi Zhenren’s gaze with a bit of dissatisfaction.

Although the sect practiced the way of obeying the heavens and pursuing the general trend of the heavenly way, it was not taken out of context and used public interests for personal gain, and the apprentice of Taiyi Zhenren was indeed radical in this matter.

If it is a profound Karma Intercept Immortal, if you kill it, you will kill it!

But Shi Ji is quite innocent from beginning to end, and even has some merit protection, and it is also fate to be rescued by Sujili, and God wills.

As for Nezha, an unruly and arrogant apprentice, Yuan Shi Tianzun was displeased from beginning to end.

Moreover, in front of everyone’s eyes, he cannot bully the small with the big, ignore reason, and openly protect the short.

Thinking of this, he spoke softly.

The sound penetrated through the layers of space and fell to the ears of the immortals and gods of Qianyuan Mountain.

“I already know about it.”

“This matter is the fault of Tai Yi and Nezha.” [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

“The cause and effect between Shi Ji and Tai Yi ended with his surrender of the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Cover, and Nezha violated the Heavenly Rule, and after the Great Tribulation of the Sealing God, he was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison for a thousand years to atone for his sins.”

“Third brother, what do you think of this treatment?”

“Second brother handled it extremely well!”

After receiving the reply of the Tongtian Sage, Yuan Shi Tianzun bowed his head in satisfaction and ended the matter.

“After the cause and effect are concluded here, don’t bring up this matter again.”

To the orders of the saints, the immortals naturally obeyed.

Tai Yi Zhenren’s face was ugly, and after erasing his own mark, he reluctantly handed over the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Cover to Shi Ji, and turned back to the Golden Light Cave with Nezha.

As for Qiankun Circle and Chaotianaya, since the saint did not mention it, it was a compensation for Shi Iso, not to mention, Taiyi Zhenren had no face to return.

And the Four Seas Dragon King and the god Yulei had an explanation, and after greeting Sujili, he also quickly left to return to the Heavenly Court to restore his life.

Nezha is a saint disciple grandson, it is impossible to be easily brought back to the Heavenly Court, especially in the eventful autumn of the Great Tribulation of the Heavenly God, the Heavenly Emperor is also hindered by the majesty of the Heavenly Court, and has to express his position, only then did he send the god Yulei to go through the scene, whether it is the Four Seas Dragon King or Sujili, they all know it, otherwise, why not directly send Da Luo Jinxian to lead the team.

Fortunately, the Four Seas Dragon King and Su Jili both want the attitude of the Heavenly Court, and while the former wants to be angry, he must also take the opportunity to tell the living beings of the Hong Wilderness that the Dragon Clan is covered by the Heavenly Court; The latter wants some witnesses, but also to return to Taiyi Zhenren.

The Heavenly Emperor thinks that Nezha has violated the Heavenly Rule, do you understand the Heavenly Rule better than the Heavenly Emperor? Know the way of heaven?

The people from the Heavenly Court are also Sujili’s life-saving talisman!

After all, in addition to being a disciple of the Sect Intercept, he was also a Heavenly Court True God, as long as Taiyi Zhenren was not crazy, he would not dare to kill him at will.

And the two saints are Sugili’s last guarantee.

Now, it seems to be working well.

ps: Thank you to the Grand Duke of Funeral Love for a long time with 185 big 100 points.

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