
After Shi Ji took the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Hood, the sense of happiness of escaping death welled up in her heart, and suddenly she felt that her body and mind were relaxed, as if she had broken some kind of restraint, and it was like unloading a thousand pounds of burden, her eyes suddenly cleared, and the Yuan God and the immortal body became light and agile.

Seeing this, Sujili sincerely congratulated.

“Congratulations to Shi Uncle for successfully jumping out of the Great Tribulation of the Gods, and from now on he will enjoy immeasurable blessings, the road is smooth, and the road can be expected.”

After getting out of the death calamity, Shi Iso’s whole person became transparent, his face was a little less angry, a little softer, thinking back to all kinds of grudges with Tai Yi Zhenren, and understanding that she had unknowingly robbed her body and was blinded by her mind, only then would she still choose to be tough when she knew the huge gap between herself and Tai Yi Zhenren.

After all, she only had the peak cultivation of the early stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal and the innate Grade Lingbao Bagua Yunguangpa, “four zero three”, while Taiyi Zhenren had the peak cultivation of the middle stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal and many innate Lingbao, and there was also the innate Grade Lingbao Nine Dragon Divine Fire Hood.

If it weren’t for the robbery and obsession, why would Shi Iso have a moth to put out the fire and kill himself?

Thinking that it was all because of the rescue of the person in front of her that she survived and escaped the disaster of life, Shi Iso looked at Sujili’s face more kindly.

“This time the poor road can be blessed by misfortune, all rely on the master and nephew to save each other, this grace will be remembered, at the moment the poor road in the hands of this only this Nine Dragons Divine Fire Hood can barely hold it, so I will transfer it to the master and nephew, chat about the heart, hope that the master and nephew will have a smooth road and prove Daluo early.”

Su Jili’s lips twitched, ready to refuse, however, Shi Ji directly sent the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Hood to him and spoke.

“I don’t pass the avenue of fire, this treasure is a pearl in the hands of the poor road, only in your hands, is it the best use of things, so that this treasure will not be buried.”

When it came to this, Su Jili was not pretentious, directly thanked Shi Ji, and generously accepted this treasure.

At this time, a stream of light broke through the air and fell in front of Shi Ji, and after the light dissipated, it revealed its true face, it was a stone mirror, it was a congenital spirit treasure.

This was the Tongtian Sect Leader’s compensation for Shi Ji, if she had a congenital spirit treasure, she would not be so embarrassed when facing Taiyi Zhenren, and almost lost her life.

Of course, it is also related to the fact that although she entered Kyushu, she was indeed not contaminated with karma, and this time she was really calculated by Taiyi Zhenren.

As for Taiyi Zhenren, there were other Sect Intercept Immortals in the Sealing God Tribulation to clean up for Shi Ji.

“Disciple, thank you Master for the treasure.”

Facing the direction of the East China Sea, Shi Iso saluted respectfully before putting away the stone mirror.

After walking out of Qianyuan Mountain, Su Jili did not leave, but took Jingwei and went to Skull Mountain with Shi Ji.

After learning that Jingwei had entered Sujili’s door and was the daughter of the human emperor, Shi Ji directly gave her the Zhongpin Innate Lingbao Mixed Heavenly Aya, saying that it was a meeting gift.

But Su Jili knew that this was Shi Iso thanking him in disguise for saving Biyun Tong Zi and Caiyun Tong Zi, seeing that Jingwei did not accept it rashly, but looked at himself, Su Jili was satisfied, and said with a smile.

“The elder gives, do not give up.”

“I hope you will take Nezha as a warning, make good use of this treasure, devote yourself to cultivation, and protect your path.”

After Jingwei’s thanks, he accepted the Mixed Heaven Aya.


Skull Mountain, White Bone Cave.

When Shiji and Sujili arrived, Li Jing was dead.

It turned out that Biyun Tongzi and Caiyun Tongzi were not angry in their hearts, blaming Li Jing, feeling that it was his godson who had no way and could not restrain Nezha, which caused him to cause trouble, and in a fit of anger, he directly killed Li Jing.

This was Sujili’s surprise, but Li Jing’s death, although unexpected, was reasonable.

Raise or not teach, the father’s fault!

Biyun Tongzi and Caiyun Tongzi both almost died because of Nezha, the so-called son owes the father to pay, and they put this cause and effect on Li Jing, which also makes sense.

Su Jili did not stay in Skull Mountain for long, but just took out a jade talisman and handed it to Shi Iso, Yan Ming that since she had escaped the robbery, she had to find a way to temporarily avoid the rest of the Golden Immortals and the Great Tribulation, so as not to be dragged into the calamity again, so she hoped that Shi Ji could leave as soon as possible and enter the Nether to build hell and really stay out of the matter.

He has some friendship with the Nether Witch Clan, and after seeing the jade talisman, they will properly place Shi Ji.

After doing all this, Sugili left.

Sending Shiji to the Netherworld was the result of his deliberation.

With great effort to save Shi Ji, Su Jili didn’t want to re-enter her because of the Ten Thousand Immortal Array, and arranged her far away, and it was the best policy to not be able to get information from the outside world for the time being.

After solving this matter, he took Jingwei to the East Sea Dragon Palace for a walk, asking Ao Bing to act as a guard for Jingwei after he recovered, and told the two cause and effect, Ao Guang only knew about this, and was furious, and immediately agreed to this matter, and at the same time was more grateful to Su Jili0…

Ao Bing made a big mistake, if it weren’t for the Vesta God Tianzun’s move, so that the emperor’s daughter would return to her origin and be reborn, I am afraid that not only would he suffer, but he might also implicate the dragon clan.

To be able to properly solve this matter, Ao Guang could not ask for it.

At the same time, he also endured the pain in his flesh and gave Su Jili a top-grade innate Lingbao and Jingwei a middle-grade innate Lingbao.

The former is thanksgiving, the latter is reparation.

Who made the human race now the protagonist of heaven and earth, Shennong is a terrifying power in the late stage of the quasi-saint.


At this time, Sujili left with Jingwei.

He was very satisfied with this trip to the East China Sea.

Not only did he successfully save Shi Iso, deepened his connection with the dragon clan, but also had two unexpected joys such as the top-grade innate spirit treasure and Jingwei. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Jingwei was young when he died, and in terms of the average life of the ancient race, she was still a child who had just turned 100 years old, because she had never seen the flood wilderness in her life, and this time she followed Sujili towards Phoenix Mountain, curious about what she saw along the way, chattering non-stop.

However, a few days after the flight, Sugili was stopped.

A ray of light descended from the sky, and the person with gray hair, dressed in cloth, with a kind face, and his hands were full of 3.0 cocoons that worked in the field all year round, like an ordinary old farmer in the mortal world, with a faint aroma of medicine and grains.


The moment he saw the person coming, Jingwei’s body shook, and the whole person became excited, and then rushed towards the old man, and the grievances accumulated over endless years suddenly had a catharsis, and he cried.

The old man was also excited, and he couldn’t help but show his true feelings, and the old man burst into tears.

Seeing this scene, Su Jili already knew the identity of the old man, and he did not bother rashly, but waited for the two to stabilize their moods a little before saluting.

“Su Jili, a third-generation disciple of the Intercept Sect, has seen the Earth Emperor!”

Comforting his daughter, Shennong got up, turned his head to look at Sujili, and smiled kindly.

ps: Thank you Fat for the big 100-point tip, and thank you for the 588-point tip for the rest of your life.

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