Above the firmament, Shennong smiled and lifted Su Jili up with mana, and said with a grateful face.

“Thank you for your trouble this time, helping the little girl get out of trouble.”

Shennong’s words were sincere.

When he preached, the Terrans were competing with the Flood Desolation Race for the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, and his luck was unstable, and he needed to sit in the Fire Cloud Cave and could not leave at any time.

When the three emperors and five emperors of the Terran race returned to the throne, he could occasionally enter and exit the Fire Cloud Cave to walk the flood waste, although he found that the fall of Jingwei was related to Ao Bing, but because the water of Dayu and the construction of Jiuding, they were all helped by the dragon clan, and the human race had a close relationship with the dragon clan, plus he did not have a panacea for Jingwei to completely return to his origin for the time being, for the sake of the overall situation, Shennong could only press this matter.

After all, Ao Bing is not an ordinary dragon race, if his death causes a gap in the relationship between humans and dragons, even if Jingwei is reborn and returns, he will become a human sinner and carry some karma.

Of course, Shennong also knew that Jingwei would die, mainly because of the name of the daughter, in the final analysis, his father was not thoughtful and did not choose a good name, under the guilt, Shennong did not dare to see Jingwei, afraid that he would be impulsive and do something shameful to the human race.

Later, after the demise of Daxia 06 and the establishment of the Great Shang, Shennong thought that he finally got the opportunity, but he couldn’t imagine that he was stumbled by other things, and Emperor Fuxi vaguely calculated that there would be a catastrophe in the future, which started from humanitarian change, but it was full of murderous opportunities, the immortals babbled blood, and the luck of the human race would also be shrouded in blood in the future.

Fuxi is the reincarnation of the innate divine Fuxi, and it is also the first existence to preach the Dao, the deepest cultivation among the three emperors and five emperors, and has entered the peak realm of the late stage of the quasi-saint, and he preached with innate gossip, and his method of calculation is a single step in the flood, plus the blessing of the River Tuluo Book, even the saint can not stabilize him on this path, and even in some aspects, it is inferior.

Coupled with the fact that he is the Holy Emperor of the Terran Race, he has the most keen perception of the changes in the luck of the Terran race, and there are priorities, for the future of the Terran race, Shennong has to sit in the Fire Cloud Cave with the other three emperors and five emperors, reorganize the luck of the Terran race, and at the same time join hands to deduce the heavenly machine, wanting to see the future of the Terran race.

It wasn’t until Hongjun Daozu found them that the high-level of the Terran clan knew that the catastrophe that Fuxi had deduced was the Xuanmen Tribulation: the God Sealing Tribulation.

This calamity is based on the rise and fall of the Terran Imperial Dynasty, which is a disaster for the Xuanmen Immortals, and a crisis and creation for the Terrans and other living beings.

It was precisely because the immortal battle was too powerful that the three emperors and five emperors discussed laying a strengthened version of the Nine Dings Great Array in Kyushu.

Shennong originally wanted to rescue Jingwei no matter how the catastrophe was over, but he didn’t expect that his daughter herself would wait for a glimmer of life.

The thoughts that surged in Shennong’s heart, Su Jili did not know at all.

Seeing that this Terran Holy Emperor was grateful to himself, Sujili was flattered and immediately said.

“His Majesty the Earth Emperor has spoken heavily.”

“Jingwei is a Terran princess, and she is related to me, so Poor Dao naturally will not sit idly by and watch her suffer.”

“What’s more, the Late Generation is also a Terran, and since they have the ability to save each other, they naturally can’t stand idly by.”

“Reasonably, that’s what I should do.”

Sujili had a clear mind and a good attitude, and did not consider himself a lifesaver.


Above the long sky, looking at Su Jili, who was neither humble nor arrogant in front of him, Shennong was quite satisfied.

“Old Immortal has long heard the name of Vesta God Tianzun.”

“Xiaoyou innovated cooking utensils for the Terrans, spread the cooking way, wrote recipes, set the framework for the ordinary cooking way, made it truly take shape, and made the family build the stove and smoke to benefit Kyushu, and the merit is immeasurable.”

“Later, he created the method of spiritual cooking, leaving a culinary imprint between heaven and earth, becoming a Daoist master, and stepping out another path of cultivation for all souls in the flood and wilderness, with amazing talents, atmospheric luck and great merit, and the path is immeasurable.”

“Jingwei worships you as a teacher, and the old man is very relieved in his heart.”

Jingwei also opened his eyes wide and stared at Su Jili brightly.

She knew that her master was extraordinary, not comparable to ordinary immortals, but she didn’t expect to be so outstanding and different.

Jingwei is no stranger to cookware, because his father led the clan to make pottery and cooking utensils for the Terran diet, and the concept of cooking came into being at that time, which is also one of his achievements.

It is a pity that my father did not continue on this road, saying that his path was not here, he just lit a torch, guiding a direction, whether it can be burned, how far and how high it can go, etc., depends on the chance and creation of the latecomer. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Maybe this road can be walked, maybe this road will not be walked at all.

Before, Jingwei did not understand, but after experiencing some tribulations, his mind matured a lot, and he gradually understood the true meaning of this statement.

It’s just that she didn’t think that her master would go down this road, and far farther than her father had on this road, almost going through this road.

“Your Majesty is wrong.”

“The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took advantage of the cool.”

“It is precisely because of the efforts of Terran ancestors like His Majesty that the Later Generation can have today.”

In the face of Shennong’s boasting, Sujili did not feel complacent and said truthfully.

This is his heart’s words, if it were not for the foundation laid by the ancestors of the Culinary Dao, he would still have a long way to go on his own.

After some pleasantries, Shennong said that he would take Jingwei away for a while, and Sujili naturally welcomed it.

Now, in the midst of the Feng Shen Tribulation, the situation is unpredictable, even he is cautious, dare not step on the wrong 860 lines, originally Su Jili planned to temporarily place Jingwei in the Phoenix Mountain Qingluan Douque, Shennong took the initiative to appear, willing to take Jingwei, he couldn’t ask for it.

After all, the Fire Cloud Cave is a sacred place of the Terrans, not in this catastrophe, Shennong is also Jingwei’s father, she is in the Fire Cloud Cave, she can relieve Su Jili of worries.

Before leaving, Shennong raised his finger, and a stream of light fell into Su Jili’s eyebrows, and at the same time took out an ordinary looking ancient Tao Ding.

“This is the first cooking utensil of the Terran race, and when it is preached in old age, it is instilled with merit and becomes a superb meritorious spiritual treasure, a treasure of luck in the way of cooking, a symbol of the ancestor of the way of cooking, and the most precious treasure of the inheritance of the way of cooking!”

“Your past deeds, old age is in the eyes, today give him this treasure, in the future, you will be the ancestor of the Kitchen Dao, but also the master of the Kitchen Dao, and you will be in charge of the Kitchen Dao Qi Luck alone, I hope that this meritorious spiritual treasure and the Kitchen Dao Qi Luck can help you help, so that you can turn into luck in case of disaster, become auspicious in case of disaster, and survive the great calamity safely.”

“In addition, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, although the god of Vesta is the mouthpiece of the master, the manager is the kitchen, but if the source of ingredients is limited, it is inevitable that you will be restrained and bound by others, and you have improved agricultural tools and crops in the past, which shows that you have some talent in the agricultural road, I have passed on some of the experience of agricultural cultivation medicine, whether you can obtain the authority and self-sufficiency, it depends on your chance.”

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