Chunfeng Tower.

There is no spring breeze for ten miles.

A young man in a black and gold satin robe casually glanced at the clean tray in front of him.

When he raised his head, the tray was already filled with spiritual stones and countless treasures of heaven and earth.

The young man grabbed a handful without blinking and threw it on the gaming table in front of him.

Watching the spirit stones come and go, the red-haired kid sitting on the young man's shoulder yawned boredly.

He didn't know what fun it was to gamble.

Moreover, with his vision and means, if he wants to win, he will never lose.

A monk with magical powers and supernatural powers can still lose everything, let alone a secular mortal.

Giving away money to others for a moment's pleasure really boggles his mind.

But he didn't say much.

Young people don't like to go to quiet private rooms when gambling, but prefer places with many people.

Of course, there were many monks surrounding him, but most of them did not pay attention to the young man at all. Instead, they focused their attention on the red-haired kid on the young man's shoulders, and the bosses with wide eyes.

"That's it?"



In the first half of the year, Meng Zhi didn't go anywhere, and could still stay safely in the blessed land of the Yu family and carefully stabilize his state.

As his cultivation became more and more stable, he broke into the ancient city like a flood that opened a floodgate. He entered and exited all the top places, places where only the rich and powerful could not set foot.

This Chunfeng Tower is one of them.

The people gathered here are either the young masters of some family or the young masters of some family, or they are the geniuses of the sect and the pride of the rich family.

It’s a good place to meet people your own age.

There is everything to eat, drink and be entertained.

"Fellow Taoist Meng, you are having so much fun today, why don't you do something for me and talk about it in the Qiong Shen Tower?"

The young master in a golden robe sitting on the other side of the gambling table said with a smile. As he spoke, he opened the folding fan in his hand. Different gods and goddesses were painted on it, dancing as if they were flying in the sky.

Meng Zhi, who was wearing a black gold robe, pushed the cards in front of him and said calmly: "I heard that a saint came to Qiong Shen Tower."

"A saint from the high sect of Shangzong cannot be found just by having a spiritual stone."

"I still need an invitation."

"It just so happens that I have one next to me."

Meng Zhi waved his hand and glanced at the other young talents at the jade card table.

Both men and women are present.

There was still no change in his expression, but he continued: "I am not interested in those places. If you invite me to go there, why don't you treat me to a good meal? I will be grateful."

"I just said Mr. Meng will not agree."


"I am willing to admit defeat."


Meng Zhi looked at everyone quietly.

He is smart enough to know that he can eat, drink, have fun, and gamble endlessly, but he cannot step into a brothel. Maybe the Yu family will not mind anything, but they will definitely despise him for this.

He still has to rely on his Taoist companions to complete his transformation, so he must not do anything that is not in line with his status at this time.

As for whether you miss women?

Naturally I would think so.

When he passed by the Hehuan Sect's property when he was in Jindan, he had counted the spiritual stones in his pocket.

not enough.

Not enough spirit stones.

In addition, he didn't want to have an accident in the first step, so he kept patiently.

If he wants to get ahead, if he wants to become a high-level warrior, he needs to use everything he can. Therefore, he is not motivated by sex at all, but has already planned to get close to a big tree.

Unexpectedly, the tree he encountered was so big.

Playing with the jade token in his hand, Meng Zhi glanced around and said through a message: "Isn't the person you've been waiting for come yet?"


"He has been here a long time ago." Tu Shanjun muttered, and then his eyes fell on a corner.

There was a monk in a brocaded red robe hugging two female cultivators who were accompanying him, drinking freely from the drinks provided by Chunfeng Tower. He looked not like a big-headed ghost, but a starving ghost.

A few days ago.

Tu Shanjun suddenly realized that there was a connection with Senbai's circle, and there would be feedback as long as he chanted the spell.

Doubts arose in his heart. If the devil came looking for him, he would definitely not be so close to him. With the devil's temperament, he would not dare to step into the ancient city. Since he was able to get close and still reacted, it meant that the devil did not come alone. , maybe even have enough means to threaten him.

Until he heard that he was an old friend of Xiaolingzhou, Tushanjun was astonished to the top.

If Venerable Liku hadn't mentioned that person, he would have thought that person had died on the road of cultivation. Unexpectedly, after so many years, he could still hear news about the other person in the Eastern Wilderness.

Not to mention, the other party seems to have followed the clues to find him.

So, Tushanjun chose a time and place.

Meng Zhi's eyes moved over.

He was looking at the red-robed monk who looked bohemian but was actually graceful.

The man stood up slowly, pushed away the female cultivator who was accompanying him, and said with a smile: "I have long admired your name."

Meng Zhi also stood up and returned the gift.

The red-robed monk smiled and said, "This is not the place to talk. Why don't you follow me and take a look at the tall buildings?"

"What you wish for."

"Who are you? Didn't you see that it was Mr. Meng who I invited first?!"

The golden-robed young man on the other side was furious and dropped his palm on the table.

The two protective monks standing behind him each took a step forward, and the faint spiritual aura they exuded locked onto the red-robed monk like silk threads.

The red-robed monk glanced at him and said with a smile: "I don't want to kill anyone."

The expressions of the two men changed drastically.

One of them quickly whispered something to the golden-robed young man.

The golden-robed young master's pupils shrank and he never said another word "no".



In this way, Meng Zhi climbed up and left with the red-robed monk in front of everyone's attention.

Looking at the person leading the way, Meng Zhi couldn't help but become vigilant.

Just now, this person shut up the young master of the Ji family with just one word. This not only shows that he has a good cultivation level, but also has a great identity and background. If this is the case, then the purpose of the other party's visit is worthy of consideration.

Especially when Mr. Hu informed him of this matter first, that is to say, he only found out about it later.

Logically speaking, a weapon spirit treasure like Mr. Hu can indeed come into contact with many people, but it should not have many acquaintances or old friends.

If there really is, then the other party is by no means an ordinary person.

Meng Zhi, who sat down, looked at the side room.

"Don't worry, even if the saint comes, he won't be able to hear our conversation."

The red-robed monk picked up the wine cup in front of him, looked at the red-haired kid on Meng Zhi's shoulder, and sighed: "Fellow Taoist, your style is still the same!"


An ethereal voice with a hint of hoarseness resounded.

The tall monk walked out of the Soul Reverend Flag.

Red hair on top.

Green face modification.

Tu Shanjun sat down with his hands folded.

Datou looked at it carefully, then looked at the three-foot soul flag that fell into Meng Zhi's hand, frowned and said: "This body doesn't seem to be your spirit body..."

Tushanjun, who was still nervous and anxious, completely relaxed.

He agreed to come to meet him, of course, not just for the sake of being a Taoist friend and spending many years of vicissitudes!

But I want to see what the big head means.

If there is anyone in the world who knows that he can advance, then Datou is definitely one of them.

Tu Shanjun knew that Taoist Brother Yuyan would never betray him, let alone preach that the Zunhun Banner could be advanced.

Not to mention Jinghong.

The insider Chui Yun was also killed by him.

What is exposed now is only the top-grade weapon spirit, and it will not cause an uproar.

If Datou spreads the news that he can advance, not to mention whether others will believe it, at least now it will be impossible for him to make a smooth transition.

He must come at Datou's invitation.

Unexpectedly, Da Tou’s first sentence completely solved Tu Shanjun’s doubts.

"I sent him to do other things."

Tu Shanjun took over the conversation, looked at the wine bottle in front of him, drank it down and said, "Long years no see."


"Many years."

Datou was filled with emotions.

He also didn't expect that he would meet such a strange monk in a remote rural area. Thinking of the scene at that time, Datou couldn't help but laugh.

The scene of the two people's testing was still vivid in my mind.

Later, they parted ways because of the blood pool outbreak.

He got what he wanted and left Xiaolingzhou.

He didn't think much of it at that time.

However, as he received more and more information, he suddenly understood that the fellow who walked out of the same sky as him seemed to be no ordinary person, and was even rumored to be a spiritual treasure. It's just a magic weapon, controlled by a boy named Wen Yue.

The big head raised his hand and pointed.

The time and space in front of me seemed to have frozen.

"Empty shuttle is fixed!"

Tu Shanjun stood up suddenly, but found that nothing happened. The only surprise was Meng Zhi. Meng Zhi maintained his appearance as before as if he had taken a stabilizing spell.

Datou said with a smile: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, the empty shuttle will not cause any harm to him."

"Ancient space treasure?"

"Good insight."

"Why do fellow Taoists do this?"

"This kid is not suitable to listen to what I am going to say next."

Tu Shanjun sat down again and asked seriously: "What's the matter?"

"Fellow Taoist, please tell me exactly how you were refined into the Soul Banner, how you maintained your sanity, and how you allowed the Soul Banner to acquire such terrifying magical powers. It can actually be transformed from a magic weapon through human interference." Become a magic weapon, a spiritual treasure, or even a top-notch Taoist weapon!"

Datou stared at Tushanjun.

Tushanjun laughed.

As expected.

The boss will definitely ask about this.

He had a premonition when he heard from Li Ku that Da Tou was making Soul Reverend Flags.

Datou may already know the secret of the Soul Flag.

Tu Shanjun asked: "Why do you want to know?"

"A monk will die if his lifespan reaches a certain level but does not break through the realm. Sometimes such a moment will not come. Maybe he will die after a certain tribulation or serious injury."

"There are not many ways left for monks. Reincarnation is one, but the most reasonable and useful one is..."

"Live the second life!"

"Do you doubt that I have lived a second life?"

"I'm not doubting it."

"I think you just live the second life."

"And it's countless times better than my method!"

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