Tushanjun, who was sitting beside him, was holding a wine cup and his pupils suddenly shrank.

But he smiled and shook his head as if he had expected it.

If Datou didn't have any background, he wouldn't believe it himself.

Da Tou's path is very obscure but vaguely equal to, or even surpasses, his.

It’s not that Tushanjun is arrogant.

At his age and age, there are very few who can keep up with him. He also seemed to be walking very slowly because Qianxiu and Enlightenment did not race against time to push themselves.

It was just that in Gao Xiu's eyes he walked slowly, but in fact he walked fast but steadily.

Even many great geniuses are not as good as Tu Shanjun.

No wonder Datou would think that Tushanjun had lived a second life.

However, the big head that can be so stable and fast naturally has a great origin.

However, even Tu Shanjun did not expect that this was actually the second incarnation of Da Tou.

What makes Tushanjun strange is that if Datou has such a background, then Datou should be able to improve his own cultivation very quickly, which is simply not something Tushanjun can match.

Tu Shanjun immediately asked a question.

Datou sighed and continued: "Living the second life is a general term, and everyone's method is different."

"The method I use is to use my own Taoism and secret methods to break free from the shackles of the body, just like flowers blooming and falling, fallen leaves bearing fruit and blooming again."

"That's why it looks crude."

"Actually, my method is not to live out the second life in the true sense."

Datou frowned suddenly and explained in a deep voice: "If you want to live a complete second life, you need fairy medicine as a guide to reshape the body, and Taoism as medicine into the soul. Only in this way can you break through the shackles on the original basis and become a person who has surpassed the previous realm. exists and has the ability to continue climbing to the top.”


Tushanjun stared at Big Head.

Datou dropped the wine bottle on the table angrily and lowered his voice: "If I had magic medicine, I wouldn't be like this grandma."

"The ghosts of all tribulations will never become holy."

"I don't have any elixir. The second generation's body is always a hidden danger."

"What does the elixir look like?"

"Everything is available."

"Strange shapes, trees, flowers, grass, lotus roots,..."

"Lotus root?"

Tushanjun fell into deep thought.

Using lotus roots as a body can lead to a second life and make breakthroughs in the original cultivation level.

There was only one person he could think of.

Third Prince.

If there was no elixir to serve as a guide to rebuild the body, he would be like Datou now, hiding in a dilapidated Taoist temple, facing the problem of the wall falling down at any time.

"I don't have any elixir either."

Tushanjun spread his hands.

Not only did he not have any elixir, this was the first time he had ever heard of it.

This is the secret method of living a second life, and I am afraid that not even a few saints know it.

Most monks have only heard of living a second life, but have no idea how to complete it. However, there is one person, Tu Shanjun, who thinks that he not only knows, but also expects to complete his second life.

Lord Jambuddha!

"I know you don't have any magic medicine, but you..."

Da Tou pointed at the Zhang Xu Zun Soul Flag standing in front of him, and said with admiration and surprise in his eyes: "It's really beautiful!"

He remembered that when he first saw the Zunhun Banner, it was just a magic weapon. What about now?

The best Taoist soldier.

Others may not think much of the best Taoist weapon, even if this Taoist weapon breeds a powerful and intelligent weapon spirit.

But Datou was different. He knew clearly that the Soul Reverend Banner could be advanced.

It had only been a few hundred years, but a magic weapon had become a top-notch Taoist weapon. Now that he had not seen Tu Shanjun's true form, he had reason to suspect that Tu Shanjun's main soul was preparing for the Soul Banner to be promoted to a sacred weapon.

"You don't have a magic medicine, but you have a way to grow it."

Datou stared at Tushanjun with bloodshot eyes.

Even the handsome face has a greenish gray color, and the smooth and white teeth in his mouth seem to have become sharper, fitting together like a row of tiny gears.

Datou suppressed the excitement in his heart and quietly looked at Tushanjun on the other side.

"Bu Bai knows, I can use my secret technique in exchange." Having said this, Datou's aura became much weaker.

There is definitely no problem with his own secret scriptures. Once released, it will cause an uproar. However, compared with such an opportunity to change his destiny, it pales in comparison.

Tu Shanjun finally understood why Da Tou was so persistent.

Anyone who knows about such a thing will pursue it to the end.

Moreover, Datou is relatively candid.

Perhaps it was out of consideration for his 'previous life' or his current strength and understanding of him that Datou asked such an honest question.

It’s not that Tushanjun is self-conscious, but he doesn’t know it himself.

Why on earth does the Zunhun Banner have such the ability to continuously evolve?

If you really want to find a reason.

That should be,


This crudely made thing that looked like a semi-finished audio and video editor was what distinguished him from other creatures.

If I tell you this, I don’t know whether Datou will believe it, or it might even involve his time travel.

Compared to the ability to advance the Soul Flag, the only thing Tu Shanjun wants to forget deeply in his heart but remembers clearly is this.

Even though that period of time seemed like a dream, an illusory recollection, or a faded memory, he still refused to tell the biggest secret of his life.

Tu Shanjun stared at the wine bottle in front of him, the amber wine reflecting his face.

"My fellow Taoist was very powerful in his previous life?"

Questions are heard.

The gentle and calm tone, like an old friend reminiscing about old times, made Datou startled for a moment, then he nodded, then shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "It's not bad."

After feeling regretful for a long time, he finally spoke: "For me, what happened in the previous life is completely cut off from the past. What's the difference between being powerful and not being powerful?"

Tu Shanjun said with envy and admiration: "When I was alive, I was just a mortal."

The big head looked confused as if he didn't understand what Tu Shanjun said.

"That day."

"The sun is shining brightly."

“The scorching summer scorches the heart.”

"The young man was lying in a dilapidated house recovering from his injuries. His body was passed over by a fast horse and he was seriously injured."

"I heard the village chief beating gongs and drums to say that there were good people helping me, so I dragged my exhausted body to the entrance of the village. The young man was already sweating profusely as soon as he was hit by the sun."

"The young man noticed something was wrong with him at the first sight when he saw the man standing at the entrance of the village giving porridge."

"That's a monk."

"Demon cultivator."

"The demonic cultivator raised up the formation and massacred more than a hundred people in the village in an instant. However, the young man was deliberately left behind to be cast into an evil ghost using the soul refining method. He collected the newly formed soul flag and became the soul flag's magic weapon. Utensil." Tu Shanjun stopped talking, his expression was very calm after he said these things.

Revenge when there is a grudge, and revenge when there is a grudge.

He has fully avenged himself.

Even the Blood Evil Sect was uprooted by him, so of course he has no resentment anymore.

He can also speak calmly.

Datou listened in surprise and frowned.

Given the character of his old friend, he would never invent a lie just for the sake of telling it.

But why does this story sound so wrong?

A demon cultivator at the third level of Qi training refined a mortal into a crude magical weapon, and then this magical weapon 'accidentally' had the ability to advance.

Many treasures can be reforged by adding heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and the same is true for soul flags, but if you want to retain your sanity, don't even think about it, not to mention that the strength of the main soul can be climbed like ordinary monks.

In Datou's view, Tushanjun's path is very smooth.

"This boy is me."

"I was still very young at that time."

"After I knew that I had preserved my sanity, I accumulated strength, waited for the opportunity, and finally took revenge when the demon cultivator and the righteous monk were fighting. After that, I dragged the demon cultivator's body towards the city, and met a young man with a book boy on the way. Scholar, the honor banner was picked up by the scholar."

"With the help of the secret scriptures left by the demon cultivator, the scholar became a monk."


"After the old jailer died, the soul flag was sent to the Hou Mansion."



Datou was stunned.


Everything clicked.

He probably knew what happened next.

Because he sent people to check the traces of Tushanjun.

Tu Shanjun said calmly: "I have told you my origins without telling any lies."

"I believe."

Big head nodded.

He raised his hands in salute and said sincerely: "Can I borrow the Zunhun Banner to take a look?"

"Let's see."

Tu Shanjun removed the body-protecting aura around the Zunhun Banner.

Datou stood up and approached.

He looked at it carefully. But his mood was not as calm as his face.

Great disappointment swept over his tired body like a tide. He thought he had found a way to grow a 'miracle medicine', but who would have thought that the treasure mountain was right in front of him, but he had no clue at all.


"What kind of magical powers does the Zunhun Banner have?"

"The Yin Soul Pill, the storage of the Yin God,...the reincarnation of the Ghost King,..."

"That is to say, you can improve your cultivation by swallowing souls and refining souls, while the Soul Reverend Banner can be advanced by swallowing heavenly materials and earthly treasures."

"There is a catastrophe."

The big head's eyes lit up, and he carefully observed the soul flag.

The blue-black flag cloth has a half-body skeleton evil ghost biting it, and the ghost claws on both sides are holding the secondary flags like fairy catkins, all tied up with gold threads. The evil ghosts painted on the flags are constantly changing, as if they are walking on clouds. Heavenly generals, or Yin soldiers ready to go. If you look closely, you will see that the clouds are gathering and dispersing, the sky is high and the earth is thick, and hundreds of ghosts are walking at night.

Under it, the black gold main pole was rough, with blood-colored lines flowing like lava.

Datou admired: "It's so similar, so similar."


"Yeah, don't you think it's similar?"

"like what?"

Tushanjun became confused.

Could it be that Datou has seen any magic weapons that are similar to the Sovereign Soul Banner, or that there are other people who have successfully refined themselves into weapon spirits.





Having said this, Da Tou put his hand into his sleeves and grabbed something that looked like black coal.

Staring at the black coal, he looked at the Zunhun Banner and Tushan Jun, and said seriously:

"Don't you think you resemble it?"

"No, strictly speaking, the demons outside the territory are all very similar. They can swallow souls and refine souls to improve their strength, absorb evil spirits, and refine heavenly materials and earthly treasures."

Second update, late.

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