I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 567: AIST Chief Researcher Zhou Haoshen



   Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan.


   National Institute of Industrial Technology (aist).


   In the laboratory.


   A young man walked quickly from outside to a middle-aged man and said a few words in his ear in a low voice.


  The middle-aged man wears square frameless glasses, a brown suit with fleece on the outside, and a light blue shirt with no tie on the inside.


   Looking up again, the hair is not only dense, but also quite dark. There is not even a single white hair.


   Zhou Haoshen was born in 1964. He is 57 years old this year. His body is still very stiff, which is naturally related to his health preservation.


   just after listening to his subordinates today, he couldn't help but whisper.


   "Is the message correct?"


   "Incorrect, I have a friend who was a senior engineer in the Ningde era, and he specifically asked him to prove it. He said that the news is true." Hao Qi's face was solemn, and he obviously attached great importance to Guanghua University's attitude.


Hao Qi, from Linyi, Higashiyama Province, graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with a bachelor's degree and came to Hokkaido University for a master's degree with a master's degree. Although he graduated from the National University of Tsukuba with his Ph. Carried out, just moved in and linked to the University of Tsukuba.


   After graduating from Ph.D., Hao Qi stayed at aist and continued to study as a post-doctoral researcher.


   That's right, his tutors both when he was in his Ph.D. and his post-doc were Professor Zhou Haoshen.


   As for Professor Zhou Haoshen, it is even more powerful.


   is the chief researcher of the Japan Institute of Industrial Technology, but he holds three faculty positions: a co-professor of the University of Tsukuba, a professor of the University of Tokyo, and a distinguished professor of Nanjing University.


   has more honors.


   Yangtze River Scholar of the Ministry of Education of China, a distinguished expert of the National Thousand Talents Program, the chief scientist of the National Major Research Program (973 Program), the executive deputy editor of sciencebulletin, and the deputy editor of energystoragematerials.


   is a famous scientist in the field of energy science in the world. He has long been engaged in research in the field of energy storage and conversion, such as basic research and technological development of lithium ion batteries, sodium ion batteries, lithium air batteries and lithium flow batteries.


   And the news he just received was related to the research group he is currently studying.


   "You call all the people in our group." Zhou Hao thought for a while and gave an instruction that made Hao Qi puzzled.


   After a while, 15 people gathered, including 5 post-doctoral researchers and 10 doctoral students.


   Seeing the confusion on everyone's faces, Zhou Haoshen swept across every face in front of him with a serious expression.


"Just now Hao Qi sent me a domestic news that the lithium-air battery research group of a domestic university was established a few days ago. Why did I tell you this? Everyone knows that our research group is a Japanese lithium-air battery research group. The forefront, even if it is placed in the world's major scientific research institutions, is properly ranked in the top ten."


   "But do you know which school this college is?"


   Zhou Haoshen’s words made more than a dozen people confused, especially the five Japanese who are even more limited to domestic colleges and universities.


   The remaining ten post-doctoral and doctoral students are all from China. Even so, I don’t understand why Professor Zhou is so solemn, as if facing a big enemy.


   "Is it Tsinghua University?" a researcher guessed.


   "I think it may be Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Professor Zhou Zhibin of Huake is very good in the field of lithium-ion batteries." Another person stood up and said.


   As soon as the second person finished speaking, he was immediately rebutted.


   "It cannot be Professor Zhou Zhibin, I think it may be Professor Xu Hongjun from Wuhan University of Technology."


   "Then I guess a Nanda!"


   "Blind Jiebao guesses randomly, only the materials of Nantah University don't have that strength at all!"


   "Zhang Zhibing, you are dying! Have you forgotten that Professor Zhou came from Nantah University?"

   The doctoral student who mocked Nanda in front was flushed, and when he was reminded, he remembered that Professor Zhou Haoshen graduated from Nanjing University with a bachelor's degree, and then went to Japan to obtain a doctorate degree from the University of Tokyo.


   However, Nantah's materials are indeed a bit broken. The Ministry of Education's subject assessment b+ is considered the fourth grade among domestic universities (the first grade, Tsinghua University and Beihang University).


   As for the strongest subject at NTU, you know it since Yingzi dreamed of applying for Nanda astronomy.


  Nan University claims to be the strongest in astronomy, physics, and geology, and has won first place in the country.


   Although the three majors are all a+, the University of Science and Technology of Physics is undermined by the University of Science and Technology of China.


  Professor Zhou Haoshen, the person involved, did not take it seriously. These are trivial matters, and Zhang Zhibing is right. The materials from Nantah University are indeed a bit of a hindrance.


   This is the principal and secretary of Nantah University who repeatedly tried to persuade him to return to China and serve as the head of the Department of Energy of the NTU Institute of Technology.


   Although he is doing research in Japan, he has trained and imported more than 20 professors and associate professors for many domestic universities and research institutes in the past 10 years.


   It can be seen from the postdoctoral and doctoral students he is now carrying. There are 15 people in total, and Chinese students account for 10 people.


   Do you want to shift the focus of your career to China?


   In recent years, the domestic academic environment has gradually improved, and it seems that going back is also a good choice.


  Thinking of this made him slightly lost.


   After returning to his mind, Professor Zhou Haoshen did not sell anything, and said bluntly: "It is Guanghua University, and the head of this lithium-air battery technology laboratory is Professor Bunnier of Penn University."


   One said that it was Guanghua University. The 14 people except Hao Qi were directly transformed into two factions.


   One party feels that Guanghua University cannot be underestimated. After all, the other party has achieved great success on the photon screen, lactide, and optical core.


   But the other party feels that looking at the essence through the surface of Guanghua University, the other party is still a Pheasant University and Caotai team, so there is no need to pay more attention, just ignore it.


   Zhang Zhibing, who had spoken before, was ready to move again, and finally he couldn't help but said: "Professor, I don't think Guanghua University should worry about it. The other party will definitely not be able to conquer lithium-air battery technology."


   Hearing what the other party said, Zhou Hao raised his eyebrows and asked, "How do you say?"


"You are a world-class expert in this field. After more than ten years of research, I don't think that a newly established laboratory in Guanghua University can be better than us!" Zhang Zhibing said confidently ~www.readwn.com~ That is, Lao Zhang It's right. On the person in charge, on the laboratory conditions, and on the technical reserves, we throw each other ten streets, there is no reason to lose to the other party! "


   "+1, I agree too."


   On the contrary, Professor Zhou Haoshen furrowed his brows deeper after listening, and his face was a little unhappy. He is not a person who likes to listen to flattery, although the other party also makes a lot of sense.


   is faint, there is an ominous sign in his heart.


   It seems that the other party will recreate the myth that the photon screen turns out to be born in the field of lithium-air batteries.


   Zhou Haoshen directly said nothing, letting everyone express their opinions.


   originally wanted to test everyone's scientific judgment through Guanghua University, but he was disappointed in the end.


   Only five people can make a rational analysis.


   Fortunately, his highly regarded Hao Qi (postdoctoral fellow) is not among the ten.


at the same time.


   Ludao, Gaoqi International Airport.


At the exit of   , Chen Hao strode forward with joy in the sound of the airport announcement.


   Hug affectionately with each other.


   "Professor Xu, I can look forward to you back!"




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