I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 568: Special receptions of Guanghua University

(The ones that were modified in the previous chapter are still missing and refreshed before and after)


   "With Professor Xu here, I am relieved of the construction of the academy!"


   "Is Principal Chen so relieved?"


   Xu Chenyang gave a wry smile. He had some worries about the future life when he got off the plane, but was embarrassed by Chen Hao's hug.


   "That's natural, you are here with the morning sun. For Guanghua, it is like a tiger with wings. I don't worry at all." Chen Hao smiled and patted Xu Chenyang on the shoulder.


   Xu Chenyang had to continue to smile bitterly, seeing the other person's appearance of trusting him, and he was faintly moved.


   "Which stage is the preparations for the academy now?"


   Facing Xu Chenyang's words, it was Chen Hao's turn to smile wryly.


   "The stage from 0 to 1."


   "But the teaching building and hardware are all new."


   Xu Chenyang almost laughed bitterly again, even though he had prepared mentally before, but when he learned of the current environment, he was still a little helpless.


   Guanghua University used to have no mathematics department at all. It was not easy to start from scratch.


Unlike Ludao University, Nanjing University, Zhejiang University and other comprehensive universities, if you want to build a new department or college, you can directly transfer staff from similar departments and recruit some from outside, and you can almost establish a new department or department. stand up.


   As for the teaching building, what's the use of hardware? What kind of hardware is needed for basic research like mathematics?


   is not just chalk, blackboard...


   The brain is moving. It seems that the development plan for the Department of Mathematics of Guanghua University, which I spent more than ten nights before, is still useful.


   was about to speak, but Chen Hao was the first to speak.


   "Get in the car first, don't let the sister-in-law and the child stand up."


   After listening to Chen Hao's words, Xu Chenyang also reacted. Just now, the two had been standing and talking, leaving his wife and children hanging aside.


   A group of people boarded the car. Chen Hao came to the airport alone without the driver.


   Seeing Chen Hao picking up the plane and working as a driver, Xu Chenyang took all these things in his eyes and knew that the other party really valued himself.


   is determined to make a career and live up to the respect of the other party.


   half an hour later.


   The car parked downstairs in Block 2 of the Expert Building.


   Chen Hao brought three people to the 102 gate.


   I swiped my room card.


When the door opened, Chen Hao said by the way: "Chenyang, the door can be swiped and the password can be entered. As for the room type is four bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms (with baby room), a total of 200 square meters, decoration and furniture. , You can tell me what is missing."


   Xu Chenyang was stunned as soon as he walked into the door. Where is the decoration done? This is all in place in one step, really. Check in with a bag.


   "Dad, is this our home now?"


   Xu Minghao circled the hall, his big eyes twitching.


   "It doesn't seem to be as big as our house in the United States, but it's pretty pretty."


   Listening to Xu Minghao's words, Xu Chenyang's face went dark.


   Chen Hao smiled, looked at Xu Chenyang's embarrassed appearance, and waved his hand.


   "It's okay, childhood is unscrupulous."


   In the United States, apart from the vast area and sparse population, in addition to the high housing prices in New York, other cities have relatively good incomes.


   Before leaving, Chen Hao remembered something and reminded him: "Chenyang, I will pick you up later and go out for a meal."


   "Anyone else?" Xu Chenyang didn't care about this, but he looked at his wife and children next to him.


"Yes, President Zheng Qiang in charge of administration, Professor Chen Chong from Photon Screen, Professor Ren Hong from Optical Core, Professor Zhu Chen from MR Smart Glasses, and Professor Fang Haosen from Lactide." It seems that someone is missing, and Chen Hao slaps his head. , Added, "Oh, and Professor Buniel, who joined Guanghua a while ago and is responsible for the subject of lithium-air batteries."


   These people cover all the scientific research project leaders of Guanghua University, and they are basically Chen Hao's direct team.


   Xu Chenyang is a little embarrassed, but He Ying smiled and refused: "Principal Chen, let Chenyang go to this dinner alone, and our family will invite you to dinner another day."


   He Ying's remarks made Chen Hao later realize that he had made a low-level mistake again. He did lack in EQ. His thinking was too simple, so he just wanted to introduce more people to Xu Chenyang.

"no problem."


   Seeing Chen Hao agreed, the three of them were relieved.


   After Chen Hao was so good, Xu Chenyang's family of three studied their new home. In fact, there is nothing to study. Basically, they have furniture, and even many daily necessities.


   and they are all famous brands...


   After leaving the expert building, Chen Hao went to the Optical Core Research Center. The optical core business can no longer be delayed.


   6:46 in the evening.


   Guanghua University, Guanghua Downstairs.


   "Get in the car!"


   Zheng Qiang listened to Chen Hao's urging and got into the car.


   Xu Chenyang sat in the back row.


   "Hello Professor Xu, I am Guanghua's Executive Vice President Zheng Qiang." Zheng Qiang stretched out his hand and introduced himself with a smile.


   "Hello Principal Zheng, this is Xu Chenyang, the dean of the academy." Xu Chenyang also shook hands politely.


   "Have everyone else arrived?" Zheng Qiang glanced at Chen Hao.


   "Come on, I'm going to the research institute to pick up people..." While speaking, two black official cars appeared in the field of vision in front of him.


   Chen Hao was happy, "Oh, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. Let's have dinner!"


   There are seven people in total, three of them share a car, and the remaining four ride in two cars.


   Xu Chenyang sat quietly without saying a word, but Zheng Qiang asked curiously: "Principal, what shall we eat tonight? Are Fujian dishes?"


   Fujian cuisine is not as well-known as Sichuan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisines, but it is also the first choice to entertain guests from other places.


   For example, if the Buddha jumped over the wall, the dishes must be served.


   "I'll know when you arrive." Chen Hao sold it off.


   I don't know why, Zheng Qiang has an ominous premonition.


   What are you going to eat tonight? ?


   Xu Chenyang is also bewildered, but Ludao is not familiar with him, so he is right to follow behind anyway.


   half an hour later.


   Huandao Road, Siming District, near Zengcuo'an.


   Zheng Qiang looked at the scenery outside the car window, his heart began to commotion, "No, isn't this Zengcuo'an? What are you doing here...this is where tourists are killed."


   "It's pretty bad here, most of the businesses are expensive and unpalatable, but there are a few that are okay."


   Chen Hao, who was sitting in the co-pilot, talked back and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Lao Zheng, if I cheat you, you can't cheat Chenyang."


   Zheng Qiang:? ? ?


  No, what you said, the principal, is easy to make people want to curse!


   Just finished speaking, the car stopped.


   Several people got out of the car one after another and looked around.


   is currently near Zengcuo'an, with Huandao Road at the foot, and the beach and the sea on the opposite side of the road.


Zhu Chen next to    noticed that there is a building next to it, two floors ~www.readwn.com~ a supermarket downstairs, and an open-air barbecue upstairs.


   "Hey, this barbecue is in a good location. If you sit on the second floor, you can still look out over the sea."


   said, he couldn't help but smile, "It seems to have a sea-view barbecue feeling?"


   "Really? I think it's interesting too."


   Zhu Chen was very happy when someone picked him up. Although this person was Chen Hao, it was Chen Hao's next sentence that surprised him.


   "Go, go up, let's eat this ‘Seaview BBQ’ tonight!" Chen Hao walked over with enthusiasm.


   Zhu Chen was stunned in the same place.


   Zheng Qiang was also stunned.


   He couldn't help but spit out in a low voice: "No, how can anyone catch the wind and dust for barbecue??"


   Ren Hong who was standing at the back heard this and couldn't help touching his nose.


   a pensive look.


   "The last time President Chen received the wind and dust for our team was also a barbecue. I thought it was a feature of Guanghua University. It turned out not to be like this..."


   Zheng Qiang hides his face, which is too shameful.


  Ps: The next chapter will be later, I hope there will be no show operations.


   In addition, ask for a ticket, any ticket will do, woo woo woo.


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