I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 574: Su Bai

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"This is the end of today's interview. You can go back and wait for the news first. There will be a text message notification the day after tomorrow. If you pass, you can pack your surname Li and report to Guanghua."

After Deng Hui finished speaking, a girl couldn't help but asked.

"Hello, does the school provide accommodation?"

"Yes, there is a teacher's apartment, a two-person room, and there is no money to eat. Every month, the meal card will be paid in. As long as it is not too extravagant, basically there is no need to recharge more money." Deng Hui answered with a smile.

After hearing Deng Hui's words, several people were relieved.

Institutions like universities, as long as they can enter, the treatment is still very good, like all meals and lodging are all inclusive, as long as the monthly salary is not lavish.

Not to mention that Guanghua University’s salary package has become unique and far ahead of other schools in China.

Of course, the prerequisite for high salary and high treatment is that the ability is also high. Guanghua University's requirements are also quite high, and many people who want to miss it have been recruited.

Watching all the interviewers leave, Deng Hui walked in again.

Chen Hao stared intently at a piece of paper on the table with several names on it.

Comprehensive Assistant: [Su Bai], [Ma Xiaomei]

Research Assistant: [Jiang Yaning]

Business Assistant: [Huang Yuxuan]

Among the four names, only the name Su Bai has been marked in a red circle.

Obviously, Chen Hao is also somewhat difficult to decide.

Seeing Deng Hui's return, Chen Hao put down the pen in his hand and asked in a deep voice: "Deng Hui, today's interview situation, tell me your opinion."

Deng Hui only thought that it was the principal who was testing herself, her expression straightened, and she organized her language a little.

"Today's interview situation is generally good. There are one or two interviewees for the three positions. For example, Ma Xiaomei, a general assistant, is the best among the five interviewees today, and his written test is the first. Two, I think I can consider sending her an offer. In addition, the research assistant..."

Deng Hui's later statement is consistent with him, the only difference is the general assistant.

Chen Hao did not speak, but turned the paper on his desk in one direction, and then pushed forward.

Knowing that the principal would not aimlessly, Deng Hui picked up the piece of paper with curiosity.

Jiang Yaning and Huang Yuxuan at the back happened to be right, only the general assistant had two names.

After seeing the name [Su Bai], Deng Hui was really surprised.

Raising his head, he said ignorantly: "Principal, are you still considering Su Bai?"

"Her written test is number one." Chen Hao said simply.

Deng Hui hurriedly said, "But when there was no leader in the group discussion, her performance was too bad, not only the worst in this group, it can be said that it is the worst among the 15 people today. It seems that her communication and coordination skills are not good. Taihang."

It's not that Deng Hui put on eye drops, but the truth. Among so many people, the one who impressed Deng Hui the most was not the three people just explained, but the girl named Su Bai.


I was sleepwalking throughout the interview, and I was stubbornly talking, obviously too nervous.

She is not very optimistic about each other.

The general assistant is mainly responsible for coordinating school affairs, not only writing materials and writing reports, but also responsible for the holding of some meetings and exchange activities between school departments.

Although you don't need to be as exquisite as a corporate assistant, you still have certain requirements for social skills and emotional intelligence.

"I understand what you mean, let me think about it." Chen Hao shook his head and said.

He can't always say that the upper limit of Su Bai is much higher than that of Ma Xiaomei, right?

Su Bai's potential value is 87, while Ma Xiaomei's potential value is only 79.

Don't look at Ma Xiaomei's current ability value higher than Su Bai, but in terms of the upper limit, the ceiling is too low.

It's not as good as Su Bai, at least the upper limit is high, he is a potential talent, as long as he is well trained, he can be used in the future.

How dare Deng Hui say no? He was promoted to the head of the principal's office, but it was the master who was in charge. She was just a worker who was promoted to a senior worker.

After the principal left, Deng Hui thought secretly behind her back.

Sure enough, the face value is still justice!

Ma Xiaomei has a big pie face, a bit like a village woman in temperament, while Su Bai's appearance is weak and weak, and looks very cute, which makes people look protective.

Which star does it look like?

Well, that's Zhao Jiying.


Ludao, Siming District.

The entrance of Atour Hotel next to Zengcuo'an.

"Thank you, Master."

Su Bai, who got out of the car, was a little bit lost.

"It's over, this interview must be out of play, woo woo woo."

At the end, the voice was choked.

She did a lot of homework for Guanghua's recruitment of assistant principals, especially the written test. She didn't know how many sets of papers, but she was still in the middle of the interview.

Thinking of this, the original plan to go back to Ludao for two days after the interview began to waver.

"Otherwise, I'll go home, I won't get the offer anyway," Su Bai said weakly.

When he was about to enter the hotel's door, Su Bai couldn't help but take a step back after sweeping away from the corner of his eyes to the person next to him.

"Ya, sister Yaning."

Jiang Yaning, who had just got out of the car, seemed to hear someone calling his name, and his eyes widened when he confronted Su Bai.

It was a bit of a surprise, I didn't expect to meet again after the interview.

Jiang Yaning had a deep impression of this cute little girl, she didn't have much thoughts, she was suitable for being a friend, a colleague...maybe back to the headache.

"You, you are..." Jiang Yaning couldn't help smiling when he said this, and she stroked her hair, she probably guessed it too.

"It won't be a coincidence, you also live in this hotel?"

"Yes, I quite like the simple style of Atour Hotel, and the bedding is comfortable to sleep." Su Bai's tone was a little excited. Obviously, she can meet a friend whom she knows in a different place, and it is also a kind for her. Unexpected surprise.

"Do you like Atour's style too? What a coincidence, so am I." Jiang Yaning was taken aback for a moment, and then his smile became brighter.

"How many days are you staying here? I plan to visit Ludao in the past two days, so I can wait for the results the day after tomorrow."

"Ah, originally I planned it this way, but now..."

Before Su Bai could finish speaking, Jiang Yaning interrupted the other party directly and took the other's hand and walked to the hotel.

"Alright, alright, the interview is over, so I don't need to talk about it anymore. We will form a group to visit Xia Lu Island in the past two days."

"Go~www.readwn.com~ Go back to our room and change our clothes. Let's go to Zhongshan Road to eat small octopus balls!"

Su Bai was encumbered and had to give her a wry smile, and now there was no place to lose her.

As for the result, it depends on God.


Two days later.

The day before the Lantern Festival.


Su Bai, who was walking with Jiang Yaning on the Gulangyu beach, shook his mobile phone twice.

ps: The story is advancing. Cavan is very good recently. I'm sorry to be a little bit watery!

The next chapter may not be out at 12 o'clock.

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