I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 575: Unwilling to be ordinary

February 27, 2021.

As the first day after the Lantern Festival, it was also the day when colleges and universities across the country began to report back to school.

There are not a few colleges and universities in Ludao. On this day, Ludao Airport, North Railway Station, and railway station are crowded with young boys and girls pulling suitcases.

The main entrance of Guanghua University.

The bright sun shines on the school's name stone, and the four words "Guanghua University" are printed on the pleats, which makes you feel magnificent when you look at it from a distance.

When I walked in, I don't know why, it makes people feel admiration.

But who knows that the words on the almost old school name stone were incomplete and incomplete six months ago.

Especially the word "Hua" is vaguely concealed by rust spots.

Recalling the events of more than half a year, Lu Zhou lost consciousness at the door for a moment.

In the end, it was the noise in the ear that pulled him back to the real world.

Bathed in the sun, Lu Zhou's body is warm, not just on his body, but the most important thing is his heart.

"Come on." He murmured in a low voice.

I don't know if this sentence of cheering is spoken to myself or to the school in front of me.

Stepping through the gate, students who are pulling suitcases and backpacks are all caught in the eye.

Although the back-to-school report is today and tomorrow, but after returning home for a long time, some people are looking forward to the early start of school and return to school.

After all, there are still a few sand sculpture sons and friends in the school where they can play, which is much better than tolerating a blank eye every day at home.

Lu Zhou, who was quite happy, stopped halfway.


The shoulder was patted.

Lu Zhou turned left and looked back, but the man half-bowed and then flashed aside.

Lu Zhou turned right again, and the man turned left again.

It's like playing peekaboo.

Lu Zhou:...

This time he directly grabbed the opponent's hands on his waist, soft and comfortable.

Then he turned around, and the other party stopped making trouble. The other party stood up. Although his head was lowered, he could still see the other's beautiful red cheeks through the strands of black hair.

"Is it fun?" Lu Zhou asked lightly.

"Hand... You are holding someone's hand..."

Listening to the other party's answer, Lu Zhou couldn't help but get a black line.

Then release the two hands that have been holding on.

"Senior sister, you are all about to graduate. Will you be more mature?"

After speaking, Lu Zhou turned his head and left.

Seeing that Lu Zhou really left, Wang Yaxuan kicked the ground on the spot, and then hurriedly followed up with the suitcase.

"Elbow, wait for me. I just joked with you, why are you angry?"

"Don't be so stingy, can you not afford to play? Humph! ╭(╯^╰)╮"

When I was in the library, I occasionally met this senior sister, and the other party stuck to him all the time.

Every day I occupy a seat for him in the library, and then ask him about some mentally retarded problems from time to time.

Well, for him, those math questions for postgraduate entrance examinations are too mentally retarded, and they can be solved without thinking about them.

As for WeChat, I also added it, because Lu Zhou is really not good at rejecting people.

They talked for a while, and the two were quite close, but Lu Zhou knew that he was not the same with him.

Lu Zhou couldn't help but feel soft when he saw the senior sister's attitude that was afraid of him being angry.

Sighed and asked: "Senior sister, how are you preparing for the retest?"

"No problem, as the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red and black are those who are black. I have been with you for a long time, and I can be regarded as a primary school bully!" Wang Yaxuan said with a grin.

Seeing the other person pulling the 24-inch suitcase with some difficulty, Lu Zhou thought for a while and took the suitcase from the other person's hand.

"Senior sister, let me help you pull it."

"Okay." Wang Yaxuan's face blushed slightly, and she glanced at Lu Zhou secretly, only to feel that her heart was as sweet as a white rabbit toffee.

No words all the way.

Lu Zhou sent the senior sister back first, only when he walked downstairs to the girls' dormitory.

Wang Yaxuan took the suitcase and was about to wave goodbye, but noticed that Lu Zhou's face became serious.

"Senior sister, I have said it many times before, but today I still want to make it clear."

"After graduation next year, I will go to the United States to study for a PhD in mathematics. From a mathematical point of view, the probability that we are together is about 12.425%." Lu Zhou stared at Wang Yaxuan seriously.

"Senior sister, you are very nice, good-looking and cute. Although it seems a bit stupid to have a low IQ, you are always a good girl."

"In the future, we should just be ordinary friends."

After speaking, Lu Zhou turned his head and left mercilessly.

As for Wang Yaxuan standing in place, moving for a long time, until he got a familiar figure and disappeared from the field of vision.

I don't know why, the nose is particularly sore.

"Is it a bit uncomfortable to eat bad food at noon." Wang Yaxuan sniffed, her eyes flushed.

"Fool, I knew you were going to America, but the man I valued wouldn't let it go easily!"

Wang Yaxuan took a deep breath, clenched her small hand into a fist and waved forward.

"Study abroad is great? It sounds like I can't go!"

"Also, don't use mathematical analysis for everything. Some things cannot be analyzed by mathematics."

After speaking in a low voice, Wang Yaxuan wiped his eyes and walked into the dormitory.

the other side.

Lu Zhou, who left after speaking harshly, panted at the turn.

There is no peace in the past, but some inexplicable sadness on his face.

He doesn't know what feelings he feels for the senior sister, but after saying these things today ~www.readwn.com~ there is a vague pain in his heart.

It's just that he doesn't know how many years he will stay in the United States this time, ranging from four to five years to as many as seven or eight years. It is inevitable when he returns to China, but he has to wait until he finishes his studies.

For several years, how to make a girl who is in her best years to wait in the country.

"I don't think much about it. After returning to the dormitory, I put my suitcases and went to the library to study. Compared with emotions, mathematics is easier to understand." Lu Zhou scratched his head and walked to the dormitory.

at the same time.

A young man passed by Lu Zhou, but his pace was a little slow.

Jiang Lin greedily looked at the surrounding scenery as he walked.

Seeing the outline of Guanghua Tower gradually clear, Jiang Lin gave a wry smile instead.

"Leaving school this time, it's estimated that I will be back in June."

Although not easy, it is also a challenge.

Sometimes, putting yourself in the midst of busyness will make him feel more secure.

After a while, Guanghua went downstairs.

Jiang Lin straightened his face, took a deep breath, and strode into the building.

In the principal's office.

"Please come in."


Looking at Jiang Lin sitting in front of him, Chen Hao put down the files in his hands and smiled gently.

"Xiao Jiang, how are you taking a rest during the Chinese New Year?"

"Very good, now I'm very energetic."

Chen Hao nodded, glanced at each other emphatically, and said with a smile: "School is also open now, and the Hundred Schools Lecture Tour Plan for the Junior Class has just started."

"Principal, don't worry, you won't be disappointed!" Jiang Lin said full of fighting spirit.

The most terrible thing in life is not doing nothing, but that you are not working hard and comforting yourself as ordinary and precious.

He is unwilling to be ordinary.

His life shouldn't be like that either.


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