I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 586: Anomalies in the university world

"I want to go to Guanghua University."

Xu Cong took a mouthful of braised pork and spoke naturally.

It seems to be a very simple thing.

And just before today, Xu Cong was still hesitating whether to go to Tsinghua University or Peking University.

Because the admissions office teachers of the two schools have contacted him, and even offered a lot of conditions.

Xu's father and Xu's mother don't care about whether it is Tsinghua University or Northern Nature. In fact, there is not much difference between the small amount of strength, as long as the children like it.

But I never expected that waiting until it was the third answer outside Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Father Xu coughed and lied to himself, "Son, do you mean you are tired from studying recently and want to go to Guanghua University?"

"Yes, even though I have never been to Guanghua, I also heard from my colleagues that the campus scenery of Guanghua University is unique, and it doesn't seem to be much worse than Xiamen University. It's not bad to go shopping." Xu Fu said naggingly.

"Dad, I mean I'm going to Guanghua to study." Xu Cong raised his head and looked directly at Father Xu, his eyes very firm.

Xu's father's throat squirmed with difficulty, not because Xu Cong was embarrassed by his decision, but because he felt an extremely powerful murderous aura accumulating beside him.

"This this……"

Before Xu's father finished speaking, there was a thumping sound.


Mother Xu slapped her face on the table fiercely, her face was so bad, she shouted directly at Xu Cong: "Guanghua University? That is a private university, not even as good as Ludao University, what is in your head?"

Parents of students are private universities regardless of famous foreign universities. Anyway, in China, only public universities are good, and private universities are hot chicken universities.

As for the photon screen technology and lactide technology that Guanghua University has conquered, and the optical core technology that is broadcast on the Daily News, these have nothing to do with her, as long as his child goes to a prestigious school.

It would be nice to let other people study these things. Anyway, Greater China lacks everything, but there is no shortage of people.

"You said that I let me choose." Xu Cong had no fear in his eyes, but took another bite of rice, and then said confidently.

Xu's mother was speechless for a while, her face still flushed, and she forcibly argued: "Then you didn't let you go to Guanghua University. We let you choose freely in Tsinghua University and Peking University."

"Is it me going to college or you going to college? Do you want to go to Tsinghua University or Peking University, then you go." Xu Cong said lightly.

When Xu's father saw this, he slowly sighed, and put his chopsticks aside. I'm afraid I won't be able to eat this dinner today.

Does he still know what his child looks like?

Xu Cong was smart when he was a child. If he hadn't been afraid of his immaturity, he would have skipped two or three grades in junior high school.

And not only are IQs high, they are not as naive as ordinary children in their ideas, they are indifferent to any affairs, and often shut themselves up in the room to do problems.

If you are tired of math problems, change to physics problems. In the first semester of high school, you will learn all about high school knowledge. In the next semester, you will start studying college mathematics and college physics.

Such people generally make decisions that are difficult to change.

Father Xu looked at Xu Cong, his tone became gentle, and asked, "Son, since you have this plan, there must be some reason, right?"

Xu's mother originally wanted to say something, but Xu's father stopped it.

For adolescent children, the more you stop the other person, the more determined the other person will persevere, even if he is not interested.

Xu Cong chopsticks paused and replied, "Professor Xu Chenyang has come to Guanghua University."

After speaking, he added another sentence, "Professor Yu Dong is also here."

Xu's father was stunned, and instantly emo.

Looking up at the ceiling at 45°, his eyes are melancholy.

"The two professors at MIT?"


Father Xu refused to persuade him, and said with a wry smile, "I understand, then you go."

The mother Xu next to her looked at her husband dumbfounded, and she didn't know how Xu's father had betrayed the unified camp.

"Dad, Mom, I'm finished, I'm going back to the room."

Xu Cong put his chopsticks on the bowl, then got up and walked to the room.

The two of Xu, father and Xu mother were left with big eyes and small eyes.

"What did you think?!" Mother Xu was full of anger, and the more she looked at Father Xu, the more unpleasant she became.

"Do you remember the two names the child mentioned?" Father Xu sighed.

"What's the matter?" Xu Mu froze and asked hesitantly.

Father Xu’s eyes fell on the door of Xu Cong’s room, and said quietly: “Son, he wants to go to MIT, especially Professor Xu Chenyang from the Department of Mathematics. That’s his idol, not to mention a physics. Professor Yu Dong from the Department of Studies."

"What a crime!"

As the world's No. 1 university, MIT admits only single digits to undergraduates in China each year. Last year it was fairly large, with 9 people admitted.

Of the 10 million freshmen in China, only 9 were admitted.

What concept?

It can be said to be one out of more than one million people on average.

And the prestigious schools in Europe and the United States are not just looking at their scores, they also need extra points for teaching experience, club activities, alumni recommendations, and so on.

Like Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, and Princeton University, undergraduates are extremely difficult to enter. On the contrary, it is easier to read the Expo.

Although Xu Cong is clever, but in the country, the top ten is still out of play, not to mention that there is a Yu Mingzhe on Ludao who is pressing on his head.

After listening to Xu's father's explanation, Xu's mother was silent, and then said depressedly: "Since that Professor Xu Chenyang is so good, why did he choose to teach at Guanghua University?"

"Did he get water in his head!"

Xu's mother was so angry that a son who had escorted Qingbei well was just because of this man.

"You don't understand, Guanghua University is an odd number. Maybe my son's choice is not as bad as he thought." Xu's father said with a melancholy expression.

As a teacher of Ludao Normal University, although he is a professor of liberal arts, he also knows the magic of Guanghua University, which has suddenly emerged in China’s colleges and universities. It is rich, well-connected, and resourceful~www.readwn.com~ The focus is also special. How can you have such a perverted scientific research ability, there is no duplication at all.

Xu's mother is just a small section chief, she knows about wool research.

"I don't understand? You know? I think you taught me if my son is disobedient! Don't touch my old mother tonight!" Mother Xu was furious, and squeezed a handful of Xu's father's waist in a 360° rotation. Go back to the room.

"Hey, what's the matter with this? Why am I not a human being inside and out!" Xu's father yelled innocently.

I wanted to enter the room, but found that it was locked inside.

Turning to Xu Cong's room on the other side, turning around, it was also locked.

Finally, dingy rolled to the study to read.


That night, the moon and stars were scarce.

Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan.

In the National Institute of Industrial Technology.

After reading a newly arrived email on the computer, AIST Chief Scientist Professor Zhou Haoshen's expression changed, as if he was thinking about some serious problem.

Afterwards, he walked out of the office and called in Hao Qi, his proud protégé.

"Hao Qi, I know that you plan to return to China to teach after completing your postdoc this year. Which schools have contacted you?" Professor Zhou Haoshen asked with concern.

"Nanda, Heron University, University of Science and Technology and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications have contacted me, but I haven't answered them yet." Hao Qi, who was wearing a plaid shirt and round retro-style glasses, replied obediently.

Zhou Haoshen glanced at him, "Which school do you prefer?"

Although I don't know why the tutor suddenly cared about this, Hao Qi still thought about it seriously.

"The high probability is to go to Sagishima University."

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