I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 587: Junior Class Preliminary Examination

"Ludao University?"

Professor Zhou Haoshen's expression was a little weird.

"Yes, that's Hu province." Hao Qi didn't understand why the professor had such a reaction. He only explained that the other party was not familiar with Ludao University.

"I know Ludao University is in Hu Province," Zhou Hao then asked with great interest, "What kind of treatment does Ludao University offer you?"

In the field of lithium batteries, he Zhou Haoshen is also a world-class expert. As his master apprentice, Hao Qi will definitely get some high salaries for the introduction of talented talents.

"Following the overseas high-level talent introduction plan of the Ministry of Education, there will also be a top-notch young talent in the Nanqiang A class launched by Ludao University itself, and will directly join the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering as a full professor and doctoral tutor."

As he said, Hao Qi scratched his head, "As for what salary is not high, I won't talk about it."

"It is already very good to judge a full professor at your age." Zhou Haoshen said with consolation.

Hao Qi was born in 2001, and this year is only 30 years old.

The 30-year-old evaluation of the full professor, although it accounts for the dividend of biochemical and environmental materials (the lack of talents in basic disciplines in my country), but the future is unlimited, and the academician step is not impossible.

Just settle for a few years, concentrate on research, write more top-issue papers, and then win a few talent hats.

In the meantime, build a good relationship and make more friends, after all: no relationship, no academician.

You can't be an academician just because you have the ability.

Refer to Professor Rao.

"Hey, it's mainly the professor who took good care of you." Hao Qi is also quite satisfied. After all, it is not common for a full professor to be rated as a 30-year-old.

The normal route is 18-year-old college entrance examination, 22-year-old undergraduate graduation, 26-year-old doctoral graduation, two years of postdoctoral work, 28-year-old named assistant professor, assistant professor for 2-3 years and then associate professor, associate professor 3-5 years and then become full professor.

After all the troubles, he would have to be 33 years old at the earliest to be named a full professor.

From post-doctorate to full professor and doctoral supervisor, it is considered a winner in life.

"Come, take a look at this email." Zhou Haoshen stepped aside from his chair and stood thinking alone.

"Ah? This is not so good..." Hao Qi had no choice but to sit down and look at the screen.

I thought it was related to the laboratory, but I didn't expect it to be a poaching post.

As for the inscriber: Professor Buniel.

He is no stranger to this name. He is a well-known expert on lithium batteries in the United States and the group that first began research on lithium-air battery technology in the past.

"Professor, you, aren't you going to Guanghua University?" Hao Qi asked in a trembling voice, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

This surprised him too much!

"What do you think of Guanghua University?"

Zhou Haoshen didn't wait for Hao Qi to answer, and raised another question.

"Guanghua University and Ludao University are in the same city. Would you like to go to Guanghua University with me?"

"Ah? Professor, are you serious!?" Hao Qi's eyes widened, even more surprised than before.

Although Zhou Haoshen was also specially hired as a professor by NTU, he was not full-time in nature. This time, Nanda took the position of department head and invited Zhou Haoshen to return to China for development.

A dean of a top 10 domestic school, not to mention that Zhou Haoshen is only in his 50s. It is not impossible to be evaluated as an academician and president of NTU before his retirement.

"Of course it's a joke." Zhou Haoshen smiled playfully.

Just as Hao Qi breathed a sigh of relief, another word rang in his ear.

"But I am really interested in Professor Bunir's invitation. When it comes to the domestic scientific research environment, Guanghua University seems to be quite good." Zhou Hao said with serious thought.

Hao Qi: "..."

So, is that sentence true?

However, Guanghua University's salary package is indeed quite high.

With his academic level, it is no problem to go to Guanghua to get a Guanghua youth, with a one-time payment of 1.1 million yuan...compared to Ludao University’s Nanqiang Youth Program, which is paid in ten years.

Oops, it's a heartbeat feeling!


The next day, noon.

Egret Hotel, in the guest room.

Jiang Lin took the three documents handed over by Yu Jing, flipped through it from start to finish, then looked up and asked:

"Isn't it missed?"

"Group leader, they are all here."

Jiang Lin nodded and motioned for the two to sit down.

This room is a standard room, but there are still small tables and chairs in the room.

Jiang Lin passed the document to Yu Jing and Wen Dong to see.

"The final lists of the three high schools of Double Ten, No. 1 Middle School and Foreign Languages ​​have all been submitted. There are 117 people in total. To be honest, it was a little bit beyond my expectation."

It was originally for students to sign up voluntarily, but after communicating with the school later, it was more convenient for the other party to organize.

Double Ten Middle School: 42 people signed up;

Ludao No.1 Middle School: 49 people signed up;

Ludao Foreign Language: 26 people signed up;

Total: 117 people.

Although 8 classes were taught on this day and a half, for more than 300 people, he was quite satisfied with this result.

"117 people, these are all top students, and at least 50% of them passed the first test. It is estimated that there will be a dozen or twenty people who pass the retest. As long as a few can be persuaded to join the juvenile class, the work of these few days will not be wasted. "Wen Dong said excitedly.

"It's just a preliminary test. 50% should be underestimated. I think more than 80% can pass the test. After all, these people can pass the test with more than 600 points!"

There was light in Yu Jing's eyes. This trip was a bit tiring, but only in this way could she show her abilities. Just like Jiang Lin, didn't she show her outstanding performance in that mission in the northwest, and thus got promoted.

Jiang Lin also smiled relievedly, but he reminded him, “Let’s not talk too early, let’s leave at 2 o’clock and the exam will start at 3 o’clock on time. I am in charge of the double ten middle school examination room, and Wen Dong is in charge of the Ludao No. 1 middle school examination room. Yu Jing is in charge of the Ludao Foreign Language Examination Center."

"The test lasts for two hours, and the result will be known when the competition is over."

"Okay, get ready to go!"


2:45 pm.

Double Ten Middle School Computer Room.

Lu Yan, Zhang Yang, and Yu Mingzhe still sat in a row.

"Is there any mistake? Computer test?" Zhang Yang snorted and raised the pen and scratch paper on the table.

"The computer-based test is already very funny, why do you still prepare draft paper?"

Lu Yan and Yu Mingzhe also have doubts in their minds. The model of the Junior Class of the University of Science and Technology of China is actually the first trial + retest.

The retest is divided into: written test + learning ability test + interview.

The written test and the learning ability test are both mathematics + physics.

But the difference is that the written test is for the big questions of the Olympiad, and the difficulty of the questions is not low.

The learning ability test uses on-site teaching and on-site exams to test students' knowledge acceptance ability.

Testing methods like the Junior Class of the University of Science and Technology of China are more in line with the mainstream.

As for the Guanghua University, it feels a bit non-mainstream.

There was also some discussion around him.

"It's so funny! I feel that I have no interest in this Guanghua University at all. I'm really blind!"

"+, I don't feel formal at all. If I want to give my first choice to Qingbei Junior Class, then HKUST Junior Class. As for the Guanghua Junior Class, I'm here to make up the number."

"Like the recent real estate company: My Evergrande, please bear with me."

"Hahaha, laughed to death, let me show you a full score in the test."

Seeing everyone being quite confident, Zhang Yang was happy.

Had it not been for Yu Mingzhe's sudden desire to participate in this initial test, he would never sit here.

At this time, Zhang Yang's mind flashed.

The social horror syndrome suddenly broke out.

"Take a look at the sophomore (1) class." Zhang Yang stood up and shouted.

A total of 14 people from their class came here this time, which is considered to be the largest class.

As the fourth place in the class, Zhang Yang, coupled with a superior family background and generous shots, still has a lot of face.

Looking at the gaze from the classmates beside him, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"Our 1st class is a competition class. It is the best class for the whole year, and even the best class in the city!"

"If you want me to say that coming to participate in the junior class of Guanghua, it is almost a college student doing elementary school questions, so it's not easy to get it?"

"It just happens that tomorrow is the weekend. When the time comes, everyone will go to dinner together, so what if those who fail to pass will share the cost?"

As soon as Zhang Yang's proposal came out, everyone burst into laughter, and then they all agreed and passed it.

Most families who can come to study on Double Ten are okay.

It is estimated that three or four people did not pass. Simply eating a meal in a restaurant near the school, there are not more than five or six hundred people per person.

However, affected by the publicity and tossing movement, the three nearby classes also followed suit.

It seems that among the 42 people present, no one will feel that they will not pass the upcoming preliminary test.

Until Zhang Yang sat down ~www.readwn.com~ Lu Yan pulled him aside, and whispered: "It's not good for you. I feel that if the teacher at Guanghua heard it, it would be offensive."

"What's my name?" Zhang Yang craned his neck and gave himself a thumbs up. "My name is Zhang Yang. Why don't I be so embarrassed?"

"Keep your powers and bide your time? Low-key? That doesn't exist in me!" Zhang Yang said with his lips curled.

Lu Yan sighed. This guy has the strength, but he is too arrogant and arrogant. The reason why he has a good temper with himself and Yu Mingzhe is because they both performed better than him.

If his grades are not as good as him, Zhang Yang may use what tone to talk to them.

Yu Mingzhe did not speak, so he closed his eyes and rested.

At this time, a few people walked into the door of the computer room.

Lu Yan looked at it, and walking in the forefront was Jiang Lin, the person in charge of the preaching yesterday morning. He was not very old, but his speech was orderly and he looked steady.

Jiang Lin was followed by several teachers from the school, and even a deputy principal Huang.

Several people whispered a few words on the podium in the computer room, and then Jiang Lin's voice resounded in the computer room.

"Students can open the [Guanghua University Junior Class Test System] on the computer desktop, fill in the student number and name and start answering questions after entering."

"This first test lasts for 120 minutes, during which you cannot use your mobile phone. Once you use it, you will not only be disqualified from the junior class candidates, but will also be punished by your school, so please take this test seriously.".

"The first exam for the Junior Class has officially started!"

(Look for a monthly pass!!)

(Guess how many people can pass)

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