I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 588: This topic is a bit difficult!

The first test begins.

A series of keyboard sounds sounded in the computer room.

After Yu Mingzhe input the information, click the button with the mouse, and the screen will switch accordingly.

[Comprehensive Level Evaluation Volume]

Drag the mouse to slide down, there are 10 questions on the whole page.

After briefly scanning these questions, Yu Mingzhe's eyes suddenly narrowed.

There are no mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology topics, but various types of topics, such as politics, economy, history, culture, geography, environment, nature, technology, etc.

It feels more like finding the bottom and testing IQ, even with graphical reasoning questions and logical judgment questions.

This kind of question can't trouble the students present here. After all, they are all key classes in top middle schools, and they still have the ability to reserve knowledge.

Instead, he glanced at the screens on both sides of Lu Yan and Zhang Yang.

She was dumbfounded and laughed.

Jiang Lin on the stage also shook his head and smiled as he watched the commotion rising below.

On the side of Double Ten, Teacher Huang from the Academic Affairs Office who stayed here to cooperate frowned.

"Quiet! Don't look around, do your own problems, only two hours!"

After Teacher Huang shouted, the effect was still there, basically all of them were staring at the screen to do the questions.

"Group leader Jiang, is there a problem with the question type?" Teacher Huang asked Jiang Lin curiously.

Jiang Lin said with a chuckle: "Teacher Huang might as well go for a walk."

When Jiang Lin said this, Teacher Huang was also interested, nodded and walked around.

As the most prestigious middle school in Ludao and even Hu Province, high requirements are not only for students, but it is also not easy to enter Double Ten Middle School.

For Guanghua University in the same city, Mr. Huang still pays a lot of attention.

One is young and has a strong ability to accept information; second, he likes digital 3C, because of the photon screen and optical core, I also have a good impression of Guanghua University.

five minutes later.

Teacher Huang returned to the podium with a wonderful expression on his face.

He looked at Jiang Lin, "Is this a smart question? I see that the questions on everyone's screen are almost non-overlapping, which is interesting."

"Not only that, but our test system will conduct a secondary analysis and judgment based on the answering speed and accuracy of each question. The questions on the next page will change. Finally, based on these basic abilities and talents of the student Identify and build a portrait." Jiang Lin has a little pride in his tone, and his sense of belonging to the school has already reached the IMAX level.

Hearing this, Teacher Huang suddenly realized that he had installed the Security Center App launched by Guanghua University Dayu Studio on his mobile phone.

No way, the icon of Guanghua University and the words of Dayu Studio are clearly printed there every time you log in. It's hard to remember.

Since big data can be counteracted, it can also be analyzed and judged through big data.

Moreover, according to some media reports, the optical core research center of Guanghua University, the Advanced Materials Research Institute and other scientific research institutions have all applied intelligent systems.

Even some of the great gods on Zhihu combined with the field and ability analysis of Guanghua President Chen Hao at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. Perhaps Guanghua University has an artificial intelligence system in its own hands.

"Can this system be applied and taught?" Teacher Huang concealed his inner excitement.

It's just that Jiang Lin glanced at the other party, disguised too badly.

"I'm sorry, it's not mature yet. It can only be used for testing and mapping at the moment." Jiang Lin didn't say anything, but thought about it, "Wait in the future, it may be launched at that time."

Teacher Huang gave a wry smile, "I hope to cooperate with Guanghua then."

What else can I do? I can only go back and report to the school leaders to see if they can become the first batch of cooperative schools in the future.

The students under the words on the stage did not pay attention at all.

Many of the students who had been scornful had begun to correct their attitudes, and some had even scratched the back of their heads.

[5. In ancient my country, "gold", "stone", "silk" and "bamboo" were used to refer to musical instruments of different materials and categories. The following poems refer to "bamboo":

A. Hearing the bell in the Zhulian Xidian, remembering the drums in autumn by day

B. The host has a drink to celebrate tonight, please play the piano and Guangling guests

C. Thousands of rain in the curtain of late autumn, a flute wind on the terrace at sunset

D. Aizheng plays the Xiangjiang song, the sound of Xiangbo green is written all over]

Lu Yan is the best in mathematics, followed by physical chemistry. On the contrary, Chinese is only upper-middle, with a score of 150 and a level of 120+.

"A must be ruled out. The clock is made of metal, so it belongs to gold. It doesn't meet the meaning of the question and is ruled out."

Lu Yan went down three more, dizidizi. Most people knew the word bamboo flute.

"I know the bamboo flute, but this qin and guzheng..." Lu Yan hesitated and thought for a while.

Looking back at the original question, he also had the answer in his heart.

"Qin and Guzheng belong to silk, so they are also excluded. The answer is C."

It's just that when he looked at the next question, he was dumbfounded.

"What the **** is this?"

He couldn't help exclaiming.

[6. Regarding Chinese medicine, which of the following classifications is correct:

A. Spicy medicine: forsythia, almond

B. Sweet medicine: Angelica, Ginseng

C. Sour medicine: tangerine peel, coptis

D. Bitter medicine: Lobelia, Gentian]

"How do I know this!"

My eyes move back and forth among these four options, and I think which one is right!

He is in good health and has never taken Chinese medicine. When he is sick, he usually takes some Chinese patent medicine or western medicine.

Regarding Chinese medicine, there is really nothing involved.

"It's over, this is the first page of the knowledge blind zone, play snake!" Lu Yan was anxious, and then glanced at the little friend on the right.

Yu Mingzhe seems to answer the question quite quickly, and has already done the 9th question.

Really powerless to spit out, this first page will be finished at a glance, but he is stuck on this question.

He sighed, his eyes returned to this question.

Can only continue to use the elimination method.

"Almonds are sweet, A can be ruled out."

"Danggui, ginseng... are they sweet?" Lu Yan muttered, "I haven't eaten this before!"

"The orange peel seems to be orange peel, right? It should be sour, but what is Coptidis?"

As for the last item, Lu Yan was even more confused.

"It seems to have heard of gentian, but don't you remember, Lobelia...I still have half lotus!" Lu Yan couldn't help but vomit.

"It seems that I have drunk Shuanghuanglian oral liquid before. It's quite bitter. It should be a bitter medicine? Get rid of it!"

Finally stuck on B and D.

Lu Yan scratched his hair, and finally eliminated D.

"There are many D characters, but I have ruled out! Just choose B, no matter what!"

After this question is finished, the next four questions are not accidental, and they will all be done.

After finishing the questions on the first page, Lu Yan scanned the ten questions and clicked the [Continue to Answer] option after confirming that they were correct.

However, the topic on the second page is a bit more difficult than the first page~www.readwn.com~ There are only one or two questions that are not sure.

Lu Yan didn't think much, and continued to work on the problem.

By the time I reached the third page, I was already a little struggling, and three or four questions began to blur.

As for the fourth page, the question of uncertainty has already passed halfway.

It's page 5... Don't mention it!

Lu Yan looked over until he filled out the answer on page five.

There is no [Continue Answer] button below, but it becomes [Submit Answer].

"These should be just the beginning dishes, right?" Lu Yan guessed, then clicked.

The page changed for a while, looking at the content displayed, Lu Yan was emo! !

[Congratulations on completing the comprehensive proficiency evaluation paper. This section is for reference only and does not constitute the final score. 】

[Final score is composed of mathematics part (full score 70) + physics part (full score 10) + chemistry part (full score 10) + biology part (full score 10)]

There is also his answer below: the correct rate of 50 questions is 86%, the correct answer is 43 questions, and the wrong 7 questions.

"Good day! Even if you make 7 wrong questions, it turns out that half an hour is wasted??"

Lu Yandan was so painful, and after half an hour of tossing for it, it wasn't the final result. It was just a reference?

But seeing the answer, there is some fluke, it seems that this is also good.

"But this initial test is getting more and more interesting."

As the previous test questions became more and more difficult, Lu Yan looked forward to the later mathematics + physics and chemistry.

Without hesitation, click on [Continue to answer].

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