I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 465: Unscrupulous bank

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Hongfa slowly exhaled.


   There is a feeling of rebirth after a catastrophe.


   Only when he recalled what happened today, his face was pale.


   He gritted his teeth angrily, "Where is this all? It's not our CCB family doing it like this!"


   For Zhao Hongfa, these are completely unwarranted disasters.


   It’s not 20 years ago. There are too many college students. If you don’t set the threshold, it will take a lot of time to select resumes.


   As for you said that there are **** in 985, and there are talents in Erben University...it is true that this is the case, but what is the probability?


   Of course, some double non-one books are not 985 or 211, but they are relatively strong.


   For example, Zhejiang University of Technology in Zhejiang Province, Yanshan University in Hebei Province, and Shenzhen University in Lingnan Province, etc., are stronger than some low-level 211.


   But Guanghua University...


   This school only started in the second half of this year, and there was no advantage in the recruitment market in Hu Province before.


   When he was depressed, there was a sudden knock on the door.


   "Please come in!" Zhao Hongfa straightened his back and his face became stern.


   "President, it's not good!" His assistant Su Wen walked in, um, a male assistant.


   Leaders all want female assistants and female secretaries, but in units, only female leaders can have female secretaries.


   After the door closed, Su Wen walked over quickly, his face a little flustered.


   "What happened? I have told you a few times, no matter when, you must be calm and calm!" Zhao Hongfa said with a face and a lesson.


   "President, I, I know." Su Wen shrank his neck, and swallowed abruptly.


   "Let's talk, what's the matter?" Zhao Hongfa picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip.


   "Guanghua University just called our provincial branch and asked to withdraw our account." Su Wen said calmly


   Zhao Hongfa almost failed to squirt out the unswallowed tea in his mouth.


   He thought that Guanghua was just a verbal threat, but he didn't expect to play it really!


   "What else did they say?" Zhao Hongfa pretended to be calm and composed, but in fact he was panicked, and it seemed that he could not drag on any longer.


   "Nothing else." Su Wen shook his head.


  While Zhao Hongfa was thinking, he noticed that Su Wen looked like he wanted to talk, and frowned slightly.


   "Xiao Su, is there anything else?"


   When he said this, Zhao Hongfa had already adjusted his mentality. After all, there can be no worse news, right?


   "President, please check Weibo and Weibo." Su Wen said vaguely.


   "Weibo? What do you mean?" Zhao Hong was confused.


  Excuse me, are you a riddler? ? ?


   "That is, China Merchants Bank and ICBC have posted some Weibo, you can check it later." Su Wen said in a frightened manner, and then he was ready to slip away, "President, if it's okay, I will go down first."


   "Well, let's go."


   Zhao Hongfa's heart alarm sounded. After listening to Su Wen's words, he always felt a little uncomfortable, and waved his hand to Su Wen.


   After the other party leaves, the office is quiet again.


   Zhao Hongfa computer opens Weibo and enters China Merchants Bank in the search box.


   When he saw the latest Weibo of China Merchants Bank, his pupils shrank instantly.


"In this college employment season, China Merchants Bank, as China's first joint-stock commercial bank held by a corporate legal person, has been practicing the principle of eclectic talent recruitment. Guanghua University is China's first private university. Convinced of Guanghua’s ability to cultivate talents, I would like to welcome all students from Guanghua University to join the CMB family with the treatment of 985 colleges and universities! @陈灏"


   Although it was only about recruitment, Zhao Hongfa was furious.


This is clearly because there has been a crack in the cooperation between China Construction Bank and Guanghua.


   Zhao Hong was trembling with anger, and then searched ICBC's Weibo. The content was different from that of China Merchants Bank, but the meaning was the same, that is, the students of Guanghua University were equivalent to the students of 985 colleges and universities when they submitted their resumes.


   If Guanghua University is just a university, it’s nothing unusual, and it’s not worth the competition for these big players.


   is of course for Chen Hao’s other industries.


   is so inward-rolled, even the bank has begun to roll up.


   What about the dignity of a bank?


   This is too shameless!




   Zhao Hongfa took a deep breath.


   can sit in the current position, no one is an idiot.


   These microblogs are just changing their attitudes to the public. He believes that the other party must have called Chen Hao.


   "No, it can't be delayed anymore, now I have to call Guanghua's principal Chen."


   Zhao Hongfa became more anxious. He just made a military order with the head of the head office on the phone. Guanghua University must keep it and not let the other party cooperate with other banks.




   "Hahaha, okay, next time I have a chance, I will ask President Deng to have a casual meal."


   Chen Hao smiled and hung up the phone, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and his face was a little tired.


   I have worked well with China Construction Bank before. If it weren't for this incident, it wouldn't be like this.


  Since the posting of his Weibo, almost all the provincial governors of banks in China have called.


  The purpose, of course, is to strengthen cooperation with Guanghua University.


   Chen Hao can only respond vaguely, and he still has to see how CCB plans to resolve it.


   If the CCB does not make corrections, it will turn around and change the bank's cooperation. Of course, this must be a domestic bank, and foreign countries will be exempted.


   "Dingling bell~"


   The phone on the desk rang again, and Chen Hao connected.


   This time, a smile appeared on his face.


   Because the person he was waiting for finally appeared.


   "Which line? Oh, CCB! Governor Zhao is embarrassed, I just got too many bank calls, I almost got confused." Chen Hao smiled faintly.


"It's okay, Principal Chen, I only learned about your school's students in the morning. I am so sorry for the result~www.readwn.com~ Zhao Hongfa's attitude is quite good, he said sincerely, and then paused. Then he asked, "I don't know that Principal Chen is inconvenient at night. Let's talk while eating? "




   "Yes, it's tonight."


"Oh, fortunately, tonight, tomorrow at noon, I have an appointment with President Deng of ICBC, and in the evening I have an appointment with President Huang of China Merchants Bank. Fortunately, President Zhao, you said tonight, tonight is okay! Do you decide the place or me?" Chen Hao "Relieved" he said, as if they were all true.


   In fact, the presidents of the provincial branches just wanted to rent a meal with him, but he declined.


   When Zhao Hongfa heard this, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he hurriedly said: "Principal Chen, I will decide this location. After all, this matter has caused CCB to do something wrong. I will send you the location and time later!"


   "It's easy to talk, see you that night." The corner of Chen Hao's mouth was drawn up, and now he has the initiative.


"See you tonight!"


   As soon as the phone hung up, Zhao Hongfa called his assistant Su Wen in, and immediately asked the other party to book the nearest flight from Rongcheng to Ludao.


  Ps: Recently, the college entrance examination has been divided, and it is about to fill in the volunteers. Please remember that there are students in the third year of high school!


   Do not apply for the six majors of biochemical and environmental materials, business management, and civil engineering. They are all sinkholes!


   Recommend electronics, computer, finance, law and economics.

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