I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 466: With one's own power, a genius who promotes the progress of the world!

Guanghua University, Guanghua College, 3rd Floor, Teaching Building.


   After a class, Zhai Yang was walking in the corridor, but unexpectedly found the back of an old friend.


   is wearing a slightly old but very neat suit, carrying a computer bag in his hand, and walking with his back straight, giving people a sense of energy.


   "Professor Luo." He shouted.


   was walking in the footsteps of Professor Luo Hong, turned around to see the appearance of the caller, smiled and said hello: "Professor Zhai, you just finished class too?"


   "Yes, class just finished." Zhai Yang and Luo Hong walked to the elevator side by side.


   In the elevator, because there are not many teachers and students in Guanghua College, and the students left first, it was quite empty.


   "Professor Luo, why don't you go to the coffee shop on the first floor for a while?" Zhai Yang looked at Luo Hong.


   Luo Hong laughed, "Yes, I just go to the white prostitution for free coffee at Guanghua."


   The first floor of the teaching building of Guanghua College is a comprehensive area, with a small restaurant, a large meeting room, a reading room, a video room, and a coffee shop.


  As a distinguished professor of Guanghua College, not only does the meal card have a monthly quota, but the coffee shop is free.


   In the coffee shop on the first floor, there are only three or four people sitting on the table and chatting.


   "Professor Huang, Professor Chen." x2


   After saying hello to the two professors of our college, Zhai Yang and Luo Hong sat down.


  Because there are not many people, the coffee came quickly.


   Zhai Yang took a sip of coffee, then smiled and asked Luo Hong: "Professor Luo, how do you feel about teaching at Guanghua?"


   After all, they are all professors at Sagishima University. Although one is in the Department of Biology and the other is in the Department of Chemistry, the relationship is not bad.


   "It feels." Luo Hong pondered for a moment, his face solemnly replied, "To tell the truth, it's quite unexpected! I feel that there is not much difference between these students and our students in class."


   After finishing speaking, Luo Hong added, "Even one or two students made me remember very deeply."


   There was something Luo Hong didn't say in his heart. In his opinion, those one or two people should be in Qingbei, how could they appear in Guanghua school.


Regarding Luo Hong’s words, Zhai Yangshen nodded with a sense of feeling. Several of the students he taught showed extraordinary learning ability, especially the student named Chen Ping’an, who was so talented that even the top students of Ludao University were also very talented. It's hard to compare.


   "Guanghua seems to be extraordinarily accurate in talent training. It's really amazing." Zhai Yang said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.


   If God closes one door for you, he will open another window for you.


  The point is where is this window open?


   Whether or not a person has talent, and what kind of talent is, this is actually a very profound question.


   But the students of Guanghua College are a bit wicked. Many of the students' talents appear very clearly and they are easy to cultivate.


   After discussing this issue for a while, the two of them gave up, and couldn't figure it out at all.


   The topic was chatting, and it turned to the recent incident of President Chen bombarding China Construction Bank.


   "Professor Zhai, how do you think this thing will develop?" Luo Hong asked with a smile.


   "In this matter, I think Principal Chen has a chance to win." Zhai Yang chuckled, his tone seemed to be particularly confident in Chen Hao.


   "How do you say? This is after all, one of the four major construction banks."


   "CCB is very good, but first of all, CCB will be at a loss in this matter, and this time, the capital will not take action."


   Zhai Yang glanced at Luo Hong. Both were old foxes and smiled knowingly.


   CCB refused to accept the soft, so Chen Hao transferred all the funds in the account to China Merchants Bank and ICBC. Anyway, as long as the funds are in China, it doesn't matter which bank is in Beijing.


   So this time, CCB not only didn't get the support from above, it even offended Guanghua miserably. It's hard to say that the head office, but the provincial governor of Hu province must lose a lot of impression points.


   So this time, Principal Chen is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.


   "Guanghua is really lucky to have such a good principal." Luo Hong sees the essence of it very clearly. The important thing is not Guanghua University, but the assets and background behind Chen Hao.


   Not every university can shake the four major lines.


   "Principal Chen is a good principal." Zhai Yang moved his eyes to the campus scenery outside the glass of the coffee shop.


   He added silently in his heart.


   "Guanghua will also be a good school."


   This private university is almost the same every day, just like the country under their feet.


   is so vibrant.




   It has only been more than a day since Chen Hao sent Weibo annoyed by CCB, and just made it into the top three in the hot search list. CCB's response was a bit unexpected by netizens.

   "In response to the statement made by President Chen Hao of Guanghua University yesterday, our bank said..."


   After reading a long passage, netizens were shocked!


   The CCB service is soft!


   and said that from now on, CCB will equate Guanghua University with the status of 985 colleges and universities in school recruitment, and the recruited students will also enjoy the same treatment as 985 college graduates.


  Even Zhao Hong, the publisher of the provincial branch, sent a Weibo to apologize to Lin Yu from Guanghua University. What follows is about improving the working mechanism and so on.


   The following netizen comments directly exploded!


   "Niu ah niu ah, Guanghua University has successfully touched porcelain? Tsk tsk, this is the school relying on its own efforts to let students lie flat and enjoy the treatment of 985 colleges and universities."


   "It's sour, we still don't have this treatment at 211 University!"


   "It is strongly recommended that the principal of our school also be angry with the four majors, maybe it will be successful."


   "Upstairs, do you want to eat ass? Guanghua's success cannot be copied. Who made the Guanghua-based enterprise too fierce? This is not so awesome in China!"


   "Well, you guys go to the official Weibo of Huaxing, Ari, Xia Run, and Fujisun, this time it's really awesome!"


   This time not only China Construction Bank, but also large companies and state-owned enterprises have stated that Guanghua University is equivalent to 985 universities in recruitment, and students will enjoy the same treatment.


   What is the function of the graduation certificate of 985 colleges and universities?


   This is equivalent to a universal stepping stone, which can help you knock on the doors of all companies.


   But it's just the door, and it depends on the individual's ability to stay.


   But even with this knock on the door, many netizens are already sour.


   Large companies like Fujisun, Huaxing, and Ari only recruit 985 colleges and universities or 211 college students in science and engineering.


   For some people, sometimes the difference is this stepping stone.




   The afterglow of the setting sun dyed the clouds wandering in the blue sky red, and they also decorated them with glittering lace. These clouds turned into a rose sunset for a while.


  Sagishima University Library.


   Wang Cang and his girlfriend Xie Lin both walked out with their schoolbags on their backs.


  Walking on the way to the cafeteria, Wang Cang turned his head and looked at his girlfriend, who seemed to be swiping the phone with relish, as if he was watching Weibo, and he looked a little fascinated.


   He asked curiously: "Linlin, why do you look so engrossed?"


   "Wow, Principal Chen is too manly! To vent his anger at CCB for the students, and he succeeded!"


   Xie Lin looked happy as if she was the student who was supported by Chen Hao, she didn't notice that Wang Cang's face was a little ugly.


   "Success? How could it be... CCB is the four major banks..."


"What is this called? It is called a mountain higher than a mountain! Our Luda's principal Zhang is also very good, but principal Chen, who is not as handsome as Guanghua, and his hair is not as dense as principal Chen, I still prefer Principal Chen." Xie Lin Still talking tirelessly.


   Wang Cang seemed to swallow the fly abruptly, making him sick and bad.


  What does this mean?


   Explain that the students of Guanghua University will enjoy the same treatment as theirs.


   Some Fortune 500 companies that come to Ludao School to recruit, usually only recruit 985 students, and later...


In the future, Wang Cang might meet students from Guanghua~www.readwn.com~ when he thought of his own 985 students competing with students from Guanghua, a private university, his expression suddenly changed. , Gloomy and powerful.


   Compared to Wang Cang's uncomfortable, the happiest thing is the students of Guanghua University. Many dormitories are sounding the voice of "principal critics".


  It’s hard to say anything else, but at least on Ludao and Hu Province, relying on the reputation of Guanghua can at least knock on the doors of all enterprises.


  Especially the senior freshmen, it's totally overwhelming.


   It's because the students of Guanghua University who just got happy because of this incident have ushered in another happy event.


   To be precise, it is also a happy event for the entire Chinese scientific community!


   On December 15, the top academic journal "nature" (nature) released this year's top list of science and technology circles:


   Top Ten Scientific People of 2020!


  The top ten scientific figures are...


  Chen Hao, the president of Guanghua University in China and a four-degree Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology!


   The evaluation language of "Nature": A genius who promotes the progress of the world by his own power!


  Ps: After writing for 2 hours, I will get rid of this chapter... I'm really sorry, I won't ask for votes, I hope I can be more diligent tomorrow.



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