I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 161: The night before the competition

"I'm the president of the university(

In classrooms.

Both Chen Hao and Zhu Chen stood on the podium.

Lu Zhou, Zheng Tianyu and Zhang Lei were seated in the audience.

"The current National College Student Mathematical Modeling Contest will start at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. Are you nervous?" Chen Hao smiled, and he has a lot more confidence in this contest.

The training effect these days is remarkable.

With the triple buff bonus and the training of Chen Hao and Zhu Chen. Lu Zhou's mathematical ability exceeded 80, Zheng Tianyu's programming also reached 78, and Zhang Lei's scientific research ability was 59. Chen Hao used an attribute point to promote it to 60.

Although Zhang Lei is still a pit, but with two great gods, the hope of winning is still great.

The three of Lu Zhou nodded.

Chen Hao's eyes were like a torch, and his voice was a few decibels louder in an instant.

After so much effort, his goal is not just to win the first prize in the national competition.

"No problem!" Lu Zhou pushed his glasses, his eyes grew wary

Zheng Tianyu shouted confidently: "Yes!"

After these days of training and the ability to program himself, Zheng Tianyu feels that the Higher Education Club Cup is not indisputable.

Zhang Lei pursed his lips, clenched his fists, and shouted with a trembling voice: "Isn't it the Higher Education Club Cup, I must stay in Guanghua this year!"

Chen Hao seemed to see the raging fire burning, nodded with satisfaction, and smiled: "Very well, I believe you will be able to do it. Next, Mr. Zhu Chen will give you some precautions."

Zhu Chen was also very satisfied with everyone's state, stepped forward and said:

"The competition time is 72 hours. It will start at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. You must remember to submit your paper by the afternoon of the 28th. Don't forget to hand it in! Every year, some students can see some students staying up for two nights and forget to hand in on the third day The paper, all the hard work is wasted."

"Tonight, everyone should get enough sleep. For the first three nights tomorrow, don’t stay up late. Sleep as much as possible. Not going to sleep will greatly affect your condition the next day."

Student Zheng Tianyu raised his hand very actively.

"Teacher, we are in good health. Staying up late does not affect our spirits. Three days are too rushed. It is okay to not sleep for one or two nights."

Lu Zhouyan said concisely: "Just stay overnight."

Zhang Lei exclaimed excitedly: "All night? Is it so exciting! Add me!"

Looking at the three excited little monkeys, Chen Hao and Zhu Chen looked at each other, both gratified and helpless.

Chen Hao had no choice but to say: "Well, tomorrow I will let Assistant Deng arrange to make a floor for you, and you can sleep a little when you are sleepy."

The three nodded without objection.

Fighting spirit is on the head.

Even if Chen Hao didn't make such arrangements, they planned to return to the dormitory to bring the mat.

It was a bit crowded to complete modeling, programming, and writing in three days.

"Cough cough." Zhu Chen cleared his throat and continued to exhort, "Since you all plan to stay up late, then we will tell you how to sleep."

"Modeling hands."

Zhu Chen glanced at Lu Zhou, "Usually I can't sleep on the first night, so I have to stay up late to build the model and hand it over, then sleep for one night on the second night, and squint for a while on the third night."

Lu Zhou nodded.

Then, Zhu Chen looked at Zheng Tianyu and said:

"Programmer, sleep for one night on the first night, and can't sleep on the second night. You have to quickly run the code out and run the calculation, and squint for a while on the third night."

Zheng Tianyu also said that there is no problem.

Finally, Zhang Lei.

"The writer can sleep for the first two nights and cannot sleep on the third night. You are responsible for the final link. You must write the paper with the support of the modeler and programmer's data. The format must be standardized! It will be revised during the day on the 28th. , Check it, you can submit it in the afternoon if there is no problem."

"In this modeling contest, although you have a division of labor, you must cooperate. It is not that the modeling hand is only responsible for modeling, the programmer is only responsible for programming, and the writing hand is only responsible for writing. This is wrong. Cooperate with each other. After starting the topic, discuss the establishment of the model together, and then wait for the final thesis to assist the writer to write the thesis. Understand?"

Lu Zhou (Zheng Tianyu, Zhang Lei) said: "Understood!"

"Let me talk about discipline again. During the competition, the team members can use various books and materials (including public materials on the Internet), computers and software, but each team must complete the answers to the competition independently and cannot communicate with the instructor. "

As if thinking of something, Zhu Chen added, “Don’t add any discussion groups for the competition, and some public accounts have also hurriedly canceled their attention. In recent years, the competition organizing committee has become more and more strict. The junior school team discussed in the group, and finally won the first prize of the national competition and was cancelled."

Zhang Lei became nervous when he heard that the seriousness was so serious, "Isn't the official account OK?"

Zheng Tianyu and Lu Zhou turned their heads instantly and stared at him.

Zhu Chen said: "It's better not to."

Feeling two death gazes falling on him, Zhang Lei shrank his head silently, "I'll take the pass..."

"There is also the issue of the captain setting. It is just a false title and has no practical significance. It is responsible for coordinating the cooperation between the team members, but the name is at the front of the list of winners. Who do you think will be the one?"

Lu Zhou was not interested in this, Zhang Lei was similar, and Zheng Tianyu was the captain in the end.

The explanation is almost complete, and the rest depends on the three of Zheng Tianyu.

On the way back from the classroom.

Facing the cool breeze, Zhang Lei was still a little nervous. He turned his head to look at Zheng Tianyu and Lu Zhou, and couldn't help asking, "Why are you two not panicking at all?"

Zheng Tianyu glanced at Zhang Lei~www.ltnovel.com~ What panic? We have all been preparing for this game for so long, there is nothing to panic. "

Lu Zhou said lightly, "Stay steady, we can win."

Seeing that the two teammates were not panic, Zhang Lei's tension gradually dissipated.

When we are about to leave at the intersection.

Zhang Lei, who had an episode of S2, suddenly shouted:

"How about let's make a cheering gesture!"

"What gesture?" Zheng Tianyu frowned, what did these two guys do?

"Usually not before the game, a few teammates will put their hands up and inspire them?"

Lu Zhou did not speak, and Zheng Tianyu hesitated.

Zhang Lei stood aside and urged: "Come on, this is a general mobilization before the station."

"All right." Zheng Tianyu reluctantly agreed, turning to look at Lu Zhou, "Elbow, do you want to get it?"


"Come, come, palms down, hit them up." Zhang Lei smiled and held out his hand first.

The six palms of the three were stacked together.

Looking at each other, a sense of war suddenly rose.

The arena is like a battlefield. In tomorrow's mathematical modeling contest, the three of them will face more than 1,000 universities across the country and nearly 40,000 competition teams.

To win the championship from 120,000 people!

How difficult it is!

But they are not afraid!

What about private two books!

The three of them bowed their heads, their fighting spirit blooming in their eyes and rolling in their chests.

The slogan sounded.

"2020 Mathematical Contest in Modeling."

"Guanghua University."

"Sure victory!"

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The next chapter is about 6-7 pm.

(Thanks to QQ reader "Qianli Fengyan" for the reward of 999 book coins! Thanks)

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