I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 162: Discussion on the plane

"I'm the president of the university(

On the morning of the 25th.

Many banners were raised upstairs and on the road of Guanghua University.

"Come on for the 2020 National College Students Mathematical Contest in Modeling!"

"A warm welcome to Huaxing experts and scholars to come to our school for research and exchanges!"

"Warmly welcome experts and scholars from Tsinghua University to our school..."

"A warm welcome to Fudan University..."

Many students passing by were talking about it. The first banner is still normal, but the following...

Why do Huaxing Company come to school?

School recruitment? impossible……

Later, it was even more outrageous. Tsinghua University and Fudan University have all appeared.

Although I don't know what the school is doing, it seems that things are not simple.

For these, the instigator Chen Hao is in the optical core laboratory.

"Principal, Huaxing's expert team has got off the plane, and there is about half an hour to arrive at the school." Deng Hui reminded me.

Chen Hao nodded and signaled, "Principal Zheng can be arranged to leave."

A total of 6 groups of people came to Guanghua University today, the earliest being the Huaxing Expert Group.

The remaining 5 batches are 7 universities, and all arrive in the afternoon.

Tsinghua University in Beijing and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications are on the same side.

Shanghai Jiaotong University and Fudan University in the magic city.

The other three universities depart from Rongcheng, Luzhou and Chang'an respectively.

As for the welcome at the door, naturally a few deputy principals went.

The leader of Huaxing this time is the dean of Huaxing Research Institute. If President Ren or Academician Yao comes, he must come forward.

"It's pretty early, it's 10 o'clock in the morning, are they taking the first flight?" Chen Hao shook his head and smiled.

It seems that Huaxing is really nervous about this optical core.

An hour later, with the sound of footsteps, two people appeared at the entrance of the laboratory.

The one walking in the front is naturally Principal Zheng Qiang, and the one behind is a middle-aged man.

She is very thin, wearing black square glasses, short hair, and wearing a white shirt, which looks like a cultural person.

When the other party came to the front, Chen Hao gently extended a hand.

"Hello, Dean Li, welcome to Guanghua University. This is Chen Chong, the director of the research institute, and is also the head of Guangxin."

Li Jingye smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Hello, Principal Chen."

"Hello, Director Chen."

Seeing Li Jingye looking at the laboratory curiously, Chen Chong on the side stood up and said:

"Dean Li, let me show you around the laboratory."


The purpose of Li Jingye's visit this time, in addition to leading, naturally also explored the optical core laboratory.

Only as he went deep into the laboratory, Li Jingye gradually put away his contempt, and the expression on his face became serious.

As the world's top research institute, even if it didn't show it on his face, he still despised Guanghua University from the bottom of my heart.

After all, this is only a second university. If you switch to Tsinghua University or Peking University, Li Jingye will certainly not be like this.

In the laboratory, in addition to the researchers in white coats, there are also various operating machines.

Some machines look very tall and have a sense of technology.

Looking at it, Li Jingye curiously pointed his finger aside, "What is this machine?"

Chen Chong glanced at Chen Hao, and then explained: "This is xxxxxx" (can't make up, too)

Li Jingye started groping for the machine, and the more he understood, the more frightened.

He whispered with emotion: "It's incredible. The malleability of diamonds was solved in this way."

At this moment, Li Jingye understood that he had made a mistake!

Should not be substituted into subjective consciousness, leading to a mentality of contempt for Guanghua University.

The scientific research strength of the other party is not as bad as outsiders imagine!



Luzhou Xinqiao International Airport.

An airplane on the tarmac took off.

The destination of this flight is Lu Island in Hu Province.

On the plane, Dai Wenyu looked at the instructor beside him, a little speechless.

"Professor, is it necessary to hold it so tightly? Of all the modes of transportation, airplanes have the lowest crash rate. Don't worry."

Ren Hong, who hugged the briefcase tightly, didn’t care, and said with a smile: “Of course I know this, just in case. It doesn’t matter if you fly by plane on weekdays. Today we bring the chip data. If something happens, we will only I can learn from Mr. Guo Yonghuai."

Hearing this name, Dai Wenyu frowned, "Mr. Guo Yonghuai? What a familiar name."

On the other side, the junior girl put in, "Guo Yonghuai, I know, I have read it in textbooks before, I remember being a scientist with two bombs and one star!"

After speaking, the younger sister tilted her head to look at Ren Hong and asked, "Professor, why do you want to learn from Mr. Guo?"

"You guys don't know this." Ren Hong shook his head and slowly said.

"Mr. Guo is a famous physicist and nuclear weapon expert in my country, and one of the founders of modern mechanics."

"In 1968, the plane on which Mr. Guo Yonghuai was travelling crashed. Before the plane crashed, Mr. Guo and his guardhouse hugged tightly. Do you know why?"

Ren Hong was halfway through and asked the two people beside him.

The two shook their heads, and Ren Hong continued: “Not long after the plane crashed, the searchers found the top-secret document of nuclear weapons protected by Mr. Guo’s body among the two charred bodies. On the first day of Mr. Guo Yonghuai’s death In 22 days, according to the top-secret information, China’s first thermonuclear weapon was successfully tested!"

"Although our chip data is not as important as that of Mr. Guo, it is also very important. If there is an accident in the plane, Wenyu, you will protect this data with me at that time."

It is rare for Dai Wenyu not to be naughty at this time, but to reply very seriously, "Professor, I have no problem!"

"Mr. Guo Yonghuai is so admirable." The younger sister was deeply moved when her eyes were moist.

However, several researchers in the front and rear rows and graduate students led by Ren Hong were enthusiastic.

"Professor, add me!"

"And me~www.ltnovel.com~ Let's protect data together!"

"Many people are powerful, I want too!"

Ren Hong watched this scene, feeling relieved, and blinking his eyes hard, did not let the tears flow.

"Mr. Guo Yonghuai, if you see these children, you will definitely be happy! The reason why China's scientific research has developed so fast is because there are countless patriotic scholars."

Perhaps infected by the blood of the students, Ren Hong decided to tell another true story.

"Classmates, let me tell you another story of a scientist who happened on an airplane."

"In November 2016, on a flight from Beijing to Chengdu, Huang Danian fainted on the plane. Before fainting, he hugged the computer tightly and said to the stewardess beside him: If I can no longer work, please take my The computer is handed over to the country, and the information in it is very important."

"Huang Danian is a well-known geophysicist in my country. He returned to China from overseas in 2008 and led a team to fill in the technical gaps for China day and night."

"Do you know what Mr. Huang Danian wrote to his classmates in the year he graduated from university?"

Everyone shook their heads, waiting for Ren Hong's next sentence.

But in the originally noisy cabin, I don't know when it quieted down.

"That sentence is: It is my responsibility to revitalize China!"

"This sentence, Mr. Huang Danian did it." Ren Hong sighed with emotion, then looked at everyone with infinite hope in his eyes.

"It is precisely because there are countless people like Mr. Guo Yonghuai and Mr. Huang Danian, China has recovered so quickly. Although you are still young, I believe that one day, you can do it too!"

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket for a monthly pass!

Tomorrow will complete the transition of the mathematical modeling contest.

Happy Christmas tomorrow, everyone??

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