I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 163: Chip genius?

"I'm the president of the university(

Ludao Gaoqi International Airport.


When Dai Wenyu walked out of the cabin, he was shocked by the violent heat wave.

"I'm going, this is too stuffy, right?" The junior sister next to her said directly.

Professor Ren's voice came from behind.

"It's still at the end of September. Ludao has a low latitude and belongs to the south subtropical maritime monsoon climate. The summer is relatively long. You can wear short-sleeved shorts in November."

With his hand under the cover of his forehead, Ren Hong looked around the airport environment and greeted everyone, "Let's go, get on the shuttle bus first."

A student asked: "Professor, don't you have to wait for President Xin?"

"No, President Xin is in business class. Get off the bus before us and meet at the exit." Ren Hong usually travels in business class, but this time the whole team set off together. After thinking about it, he still sat with the students. Together.

"Oh, yes." The student who asked the question suddenly realized.

At first glance, he didn't travel with Ren Hong.

Dai Wenyu doesn't need to ask, Ren Hong likes to take him and his junior sister on business trips. I often travel in business class at public expense, and I know all these things well.

A group of 12 people got on the shuttle bus and entered the airport building, picked up their suitcases and met with President Xin, and finally found the staff from Guanghua University who picked up the plane at the exit.

Get on the bus and go to Guanghua University.

In the car, except for the professor and Vice President Xin, the other twelve people came to Ludao for the first time.

Looking at the scenery along the way, screaming.

Vice President Xin frowned and didn't say anything, Professor Ren just smiled kindly, all came from young people.

"Although Lu Island is a bit hotter, the scenery is very good, the blue sky, white clouds, palm trees, sea, beach...It's so beautiful!" Dai Wenyu looked outside through the window, somewhat stunned.

As a native of the north, this is the first time to come to Ludao.

In his heart, there was an idea of ​​wanting to settle here.

It was so fright that he shook his head quickly.

It seems that this idea can be thrown out...

Ludao’s airport is different from other airports in the country. It is built in the urban area and is particularly convenient for travel. It takes less than half an hour to reach the destination.

Guanghua Hotel.

As soon as Professor Ren and his party walked in, they saw a man who was more handsome than Peng Yuyan and Gu Juji in the hall.

The eyes of the only two girls in the team lit up instantly, and the light that lit was enough to cross the strait to summon Tiga.

Chen Hao just came to the hotel to visit several teams who have already checked in. Of course, the visit is fake, and the insight is true.

I deliberately used skills to scan the professors of several teams, and the data obtained were very high.

Under the prestigious reputation, there are no vanities.

This sentence still makes sense.

Just about to leave, they all walked to the hotel lobby and happened to ran into the team from China University of Science and Technology.

"Name: Ren Hong

Faction: Neutral

Potential value: 90 (top talent)

Ability: Electronics (8893), scientific research (8691), material science (8489), teaching (8388)..."

(Electronics includes integrated circuits, microelectronics, circuits, etc.)

Although it is over 90, the upper limit of 94 capabilities in integrated circuits is very eye-catching!

Chen Hao's enthusiasm changed like naked eyes, and then the few students beside him...

"Name: Dai Wenyu

Faction: Neutral

Potential value: 92 (top talent)

Ability: Electronics (8196), Scientific Research (7894), Chemistry (7191), Material Science (7388)..."

The other students were considered normal, except for Dai Wenyu's high ceiling.

This age, this upper limit...

A genius in the chip industry!

Give the other party ten years of time to grow, and it must be China’s chip industry in the future!

Among the several teams that Chen Hao explored before, there were one or two with a potential value of over 90, but they were all professors in charge of the team.

Above the students, this was the first one to scan.

After all, they are all the best in prestigious schools, and their potential values ​​are basically concentrated in 85-90.

It is not uncommon for one or two abilities to exceed 90, but it is rare that the potential value exceeds 90!

So when he discovered Lu Zhou's attributes in school, he was so surprised!

It feels like digging into treasure!

Today... Seeing Dai Wenyu, Chen Hao felt this feeling again.

These middle-aged professors can dig one or two and stay.

If you can't dig it, it's okay. Doctoral students and researchers in their early twenties to early thirties can dig.

Just drop the money!

If you can't spend money, talk about dreams!

Do you have a dream?

As long as you have a dream to come to Guanghua University, that's it!

Nothing else in the school, just a lot of money.

Even if you want to install a glacier elevator in the Himalayas, it’s not impossible.

Isn't Musk in the beautiful country all getting space elevators?

Chen Hao's smile gradually changed.

Under the expression of constipation on the other side's face, this dazzled.

"Ahem, I'm really sorry. The first time I met you, it was really hard to suppress the joy, please forgive me!" Chen Hao adjusted his face quickly and revealed a charming smile.

"This is the professor of Huaxia University of Science and Technology? The leader of China's chip industry! I have long admired the name! This time with the participation of the professor Ren team, it is completely powerful for the development of optical chips!"

Ren Hong was a little embarrassed about being touted, and he quickly reached out and shook his hand, and the business bluntly said: "President Chen is overwhelmed. Your school's photon screen is also very good. Even Samsung's OLED screen has no resistance. "

"All of these?"

Seeing Chen Hao's gaze turned to the people beside him, Ren Hong quickly introduced.

The first person to introduce is naturally Headmaster Xin.

"This is Xin Zhiwen, the vice president of our Huaxia University of Science and Technology."

Xin Zhiwen was neither enthusiastic nor cold, but just nodded and shook his hand with a smile, "Hello, Principal Chen."

Chen Hao smiled, "Hello, Principal Xin."

"These are all members of our team. There are a few graduate students I brought, so there is no need to..."

Before Ren Hong finished speaking, Chen Hao quickly interrupted and said enthusiastically: "Although I and you are not in the same school, I met for the first time today. It was extraordinarily cordial, like a family member. You must know each other."

Having said that, Ren Hong couldn't touch his head, and let everyone introduce themselves~www.ltnovel.com~ Principal Chen Hello, I am Zhao Xuan, a member of the Rockchip team. "

"Principal Chen..."


Chen Hao shook hands one by one without feeling cumbersome.

It's just that when the eyes were facing Dai Wenyu, a hot flash inadvertently.

As for Dai Wenyu himself, he didn't notice it at all.

Instead, after Chen Hao left, he felt that his party was taken seriously and rejoiced.

"Professor, although President Chen is not very young, he treats people very well, much better than President Xin." At the end, he glanced at Vice President Xin's figure far away, which was relieved.

"It's really enthusiastic... it's a personal thing." Ren Hong said hesitantly before he recovered from Chen Hao's enthusiasm.

I just feel that this Principal Chen is very easy to get along with.

On the other side, outside the hotel.

Deng Hui couldn't help asking, "President, why were you so enthusiastic about the team at China University of Science and Technology?"

Before meeting the Hua University of Science and Technology team, she followed Chen Hao to visit famous universities such as Tsinghua University and Fudan University.

I haven't seen Chen Hao so enthusiastic. They shook hands one by one.

"Ahem, whether it's Huake University or other universities or Huaxing, as long as it is not an excessive request, we must let everyone on these teams feel like they are home!" Chen Hao coughed softly and said.

One of these talents is one!

The fat...talent delivered to the door, how can the other party easily slip away.

Please call me Chen Papi!

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket for a monthly pass!

Today, procrastination is happening again. I originally planned to write three chapters this afternoon. I was really drunk.

Merry Christmas everyone! The single dog has not had a holiday and cried.

There is still more than 400 recommended votes to break 10,000, please help! ! !

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