I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 166: China University Chip Alliance

"I'm the president of the university(

in the morning.

After Chen Hao ran in the morning, he finished his meal in the cafeteria and brought breakfast for three to Class 606.

Looking at the work area in the middle, only Zheng Tianyu was beating. He didn't even notice when he walked around.

"Are you doing the second question?"

A sudden voice shocked the fascinated Zheng Tianyu, and when he looked up, he realized that it was the principal.

After Zheng Tianyu recovered, his hand stopped and said, "Yes, I am doing the second question."

"Write well, when did they sleep?" Chen Hao glanced at the sleeping two of Lu Zhou and asked softly.

"Lu Zhou went to bed at 6 o'clock, Zhang Lei didn't know." Zheng Tianyu scratched his head. He was woken up by the 6 o'clock alarm clock.

After waking up, he watched Lu Zhou still writing at the table by himself, without feeling tired.

When he returned to the computer, he saw that Lu Zhou was already in question three, and hurriedly drove the other party to sleep, and then started programming for question two.

"Then let them sleep well. I'll put breakfast here, then you can eat it."

After putting down the breakfast, Chen Hao did not stay in the classroom.

There is another big thing this morning, which is related to optical core.



At 9 o'clock in the morning, in the meeting room of Guanghua Building.

There are 18 signs with names on the big conference table.

[Chen Hao, Guanghua University]

[Chen Chong, Guanghua University]

[Ren Hong, Huaxia University of Science and Technology]


There are 9 institutions, 8 universities and 1 company present here.

In today's meeting, apart from dividing the tasks of the respective teams, there are naturally other things.

"Ahem, I believe everyone should have a good idea after visiting the laboratory last night?" Chen Hao looked at everyone and smiled.

Shen Sheng, the vice president of Tsinghua University, said: "Our seven universities support optical core research. There is always our share of credit for successful research and development?"

The others did not immediately agree, but waited for Chen Hao's reply.

Chen Hao smiled and said, "Then Principal Huang thinks how to divide this achievement?"

I have not developed it yet, I have already thought of dividing the cake, I am worthy of becoming the head of a school.

President Huang of Tsinghua University looked at Chen Hao intently and said: "Our idea is to set up a new company, and the 9 institutions present will equally share the shares."

"Oh, that's why you guys think so?" Chen Hao didn't care at all, but looked at everyone with interest.

He noticed the word "men", and as expected, these people really joined together.

The university presidents on the field watched their noses, their noses watched their hearts, and remained silent.

Instead, several professors frowned. They came purely for China's chip business.

When the vice principal came to this set, his face didn't look pretty.

However, the principals didn't care at all.

China's chip market is as high as 300 billion, even if it is divided into tenths, there are tens of billions.

Once the optical core is available, it will sweep the world, and neither Intel nor Qualcomm can resist.

The global market is even bigger!

If the state summons them, it is not easy to reach out, but if the object is changed to a private person...emmm.

"I will set up a new company, but..."

Chen Hao said and smiled, "But I won't give you any shares, even if you don't have 1%."

When this sentence came out, it directly aroused the dissatisfaction of the seven principals.

President Hu of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China said dissatisfied: “Don’t President Chen feel that this idea is too overbearing? Our seven universities not only sent the chip research team, but also brought all the materials. These materials are said to be valuable and not cheap. Why?"

"I have finished speaking. I don't want to say it a second time. If you don't agree, you can leave now. If I keep my last name with you."

Chen Hao said it calmly.

President Zhao of Fudan University frowned and said: "Does President Chen think that optical cores can be developed by himself?"

Chen Hao raised his eyebrows, and said indifferently: "It's really difficult, so what? If our Guanghua University can't develop the optical core, will it not be able to open it? No, our photon screen is very popular."

This sentence choked Principal Zhao.

Also, the most urgent is Huaxing Company, not Guanghua.

And Dean Li Jingye of Huaxing is like an ant on a hot pot, very suffering.

Hurriedly said: "The chip matter is related to the country's strategy, and everyone should cooperate sincerely."

The eight universities present can continue to operate with or without chips, but Huaxing cannot!

Within half a year, chips must appear, otherwise Huaxing's high-end market will be over.

Even though Chen Hao spoke badly, none of the principals here got up.

"Since no one is leaving, then I will talk about my thoughts."

Chen Hao's gaze swept in front of everyone in front of him.

"The newly established company is called Guanghua Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd., unless a China University Chip Alliance will be established."

"Huaxia University Chip Alliance, English name: HuaxiaUniversityChipAlliance, referred to as HUCA."

"This alliance is based on our eight schools and no more new universities. All the profits of this new company are managed by the alliance, which is used for the development of the chip industry and rewards scholars and experts who have made contributions to the chip."

As soon as Chen Hao finished speaking, an uproar was immediately set off.

This completely abandons all profits and uses them to promote the development of China's chip industry.


President Huang of Tsinghua University, who was the first to speak, felt embarrassed. This contrast made him look like a very small person.

There are tens of billions of billions a year, if you don’t want it, you don’t want it.

The reaction to everyone was completely within Chen Hao's expectations.

Is he short of money?

Grandpa alone gave him a property worth tens of billions, and the property of the beautiful country father is no less than this.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, he has now reached the final level of self-realization.

He is not short of money, he just wants to grow Guanghua University and become the world's number one university!

Guanghua University has placed the expectations of grandpa Chen Qingxing and Zeng grandpa Chen Ruguang.

China’s revival must first be the revival of the education field before it can lead to the revival of other fields!

Only with a steady stream of talents pouring into various industries can China’s national strength be strengthened~www.ltnovel.com~ Professor Ren looked at Chen Hao with excitement and gaffe, "Does President Chen really mean this?"

If according to Chen Hao's vision, once the optical core is developed, there will be a steady stream of funds and advanced technology in the future, why not worry about China's chips not standing on the top of the world?

Chen Hao calmly said: "Of course it is true."

Everyone was in awe. Both the professors and the vice principals were impressed by Chen Hao.

Only Li Jingye stood up a little embarrassed, "Principal Chen, what about our Huaxing?"

China University Chip Alliance?

This sound has nothing to do with the company!

Li Jingye panicked instantly!

I admire Chen Hao's character, but he represents Huaxing's interests, and of course he has to speak for Huaxing.

Chen Hao explained with a smile: "Dean Li don't have to panic. Although this alliance is a university alliance, there will be partners. Huaxing will be our first cooperative enterprise."

After speaking, he looked at the seven principals who were still in joy and coughed slightly. After everyone looked over, he said:

"The members of this alliance, of course, not only enjoy the benefits of the alliance, but also bear the responsibilities of the members."

"Member's responsibility??? What responsibility?"

Everyone was stunned, but when they looked over, they found that Chen Hao was smiling very brightly.

One sentence thundered everyone present!

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass~

In the first two chapters, I knew I was going to be said to be water-it was totally thankless. I wrote a chapter for 2 hours and looked up information for 4 hours... All the formulas were purely hand-written by me, so I didn't have to copy at all.

In the future, I will try to sketch out the content of the game as much as possible. My pen can't make those boring plots interesting.

Thank you "Heart Fox Warrior" for the reward of 100 book coins!

Thanks to Xiaoyao Mengzhong for the 200 starting currency reward!

The next chapter is at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

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