I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 167: 7 school joint support

"I'm the president of the university(

Chen Hao squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "We Guanghua has paid so much. Shouldn't the principals who are doing this help Guanghua?"

Several principals were stunned.

What is the aid law?

President Huang of Tsinghua University looked up at Chen Hao and asked, "President Chen, what exactly does this assistance refer to?"

Several other principals also listened attentively.

They must join this college chip alliance.

Didn’t you hear that no more universities will be added?

In other words, missed...then it's gone.

Chen Hao said with a smile: "The Ministry of Education's counterpart assistance plan for higher education in the western region should all principals know about it?"

Upon hearing this, the seven principals felt relieved instantly.

This plan is an important task for the state to develop higher education in the western region, accelerate the training of urgently needed senior professionals, and implement the strategy of developing the western region.

It is mainly based on more than a dozen top schools in China, supporting some schools in Anxi Province, Xihai Province and Tibet Province.

A principal asked hesitantly: "Principal Chen, if it is about this plan, we have no problem, but this also requires the approval of the education department..."

Chen Hao smiled upon hearing the words and said with a pack of votes: "You don't need to worry about the relevant departments."

The principal who had just asked the question also suddenly realized that he shook his head and said nothing.

Yes, the call a few days ago was from the Ministry of Education.

Several principals looked at each other, and then Principal Huang of Tsinghua said with a smile, "Then we are fine."

It's just that Chen Hao's words happened at this moment.

"Ahem, I almost forgot. This support is definitely different from supporting universities in the western region."


Glad it's early,

Principal Zhao of Fudan University felt his eyelids throb, and seemed to have an ominous premonition about to happen.

"If there is any difference, Principal Chen might as well say it all at once."

With a smile on Chen Hao's face, he said, "Then I will say, whether you can become an ally depends on how you choose~"

"The mechanism of the China University Chip Alliance is similar to that of the European Nuclear Research Center. Each university sends a certain number of students and faculty members to Guanghua's Optical Core Research Center to study and practice each semester."

The current optical core laboratory can no longer accommodate. Chen Hao is going to stand alone, build a building, and set up a research center specializing in chip research.

As for the main force, the 8 member universities of the China University Chip Alliance are the main ones.

The chip field needs too many talents, let alone Guanghua University, even Tsinghua University dare not say that it can support it.

Therefore, only by cooperating with several universities in the field of integrated circuits and microelectronics, can we continuously send relevant talents.

With the strength of Guanghua University, compared with Tsinghua University and Fudan University, it is certainly not on the same level.

But who made the core technology of Optical Core in Guanghua University!

The situation forces you to join if you can't beat them.

The principals still agreed with what Chen Hao said.

The point is how much to pay!

"But well, our Guanghua University has limited strength. I need several sister universities to vigorously promote our development."

"In terms of teaching, in addition to professors from universities and colleges who come to Guanghua to give lectures, they also have to offer courses for one semester. There are about 10 courses per semester. The specific courses will be discussed at that time."

"Oh, by the way, Guanghua will pay extra for the professors who come to class, and we will also include round-trip business class air tickets."

The seven principals were silent...

Lectures are normal.

For example, Tsinghua University provides counterpart support to Qinghai Normal University, and often sends teachers to Qinghai Normal University to give lectures.

The problem is that Chen Hao not only wants lectures, but also offers courses!

There are at least 32 class hours and 16 large classes in one semester, so the professor has to go to Ludao once a week...

President Hu of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China sighed and discussed in a soft tone: "President Chen, this... is a bit too much? How about 3 people? Or 5 people..."

Chen Hao showed a bitter face and sighed: "President Hu, our Guanghua University is suffering. I really can't help it. I really can't recruit a teacher."

Principal Hu and Principal Huang, who was opposite to him, looked at each other, sleeping in Chen Hao's words!

Can't hire a teacher? ? Lie!

It's nothing more than watching our senior professor start...

"Also in the joint training of students, each school undertakes 150 students each year; Guanghua University participates in the summer camps of each school or the re-examination of the graduate school, and must be treated fairly, equivalent to the status of 985 universities; each school's graduate school needs to accept Guanghua The university's recommended students are directly recommended and do not require any written examination or interview-related assessment."

The first 150 students jointly trained is nothing, and the schools they support are almost the same number.

The second 985 status is equivalent, usually every summer colleges and universities will hold summer camps, but there are some requirements for applying for summer camps. For example, undergraduate 211 or 985 is required. Guanghua's request caused them to frown, considering the optical core, it was acceptable.

What makes them unable to accept is the third request!

Generally better public universities will have a certain number of places for undergraduates.

It’s called Baoyan, but it’s actually called “reduction and exemption”.

The exemption here is exemption from postgraduate exams, but not directly to the other college.

In order to ensure quality, universities will conduct written examinations and interview assessments for students who sign up for exemption, and they will be admitted after they pass.

And the pass that Chen Hao said... is a real pass without any evaluation.

President Huang of Tsinghua University directly refused: "The first two are fine, but the last one is really not! This is too unfair to the graduate students of other universities!"

"There is no absolute fairness in this world. The principals should know better than me~www.ltnovel.com~Chen Hao raised his eyebrows, and then continued: "Don't worry, it won't be too much. Each of our colleges will only select one student, and whether he can graduate after entering it depends on his own luck? "

Guanghua University has a total of 7 colleges, and it seems that it is not impossible to accept 7 referrals every year.

Thinking of this, the seven principals were relieved.

As for Chen Hao, he was smiling.

Sorry, there will be 11 colleges in our school next year, and 21 colleges in two or three years.

One college recommends one person, and 7 universities have 147 people.


The real "recommended" students are broken!

Thinking of this, Chen Hao turned to President Zhao of Fudan University, a little regretful.

These seven universities are basically science and engineering colleges, and only Fudan is a comprehensive university.

It is a pity that Peking University and Zhejiang University did not agree, otherwise 42 more people could be sent out.

In the future, Guanghua University will focus on Guanghua College. As for some other students who are not suitable for scientific research and the head, of course Chen Hao has to find some way out for them.

And the Huaxia University Chip Alliance, he took out the interests of Guangxin in exchange for the bargaining chip of seven famous universities to support Guanghua University.

President Huang of Tsinghua University broke the deadlock and agreed by tacit agreement: "What else did President Chen say..."

"Then I'm welcome."

Then, as Chen Hao's words fell, the expressions on the faces of the seven principals became even more rigid.

This meeting made Chen Hao's image deeply carved into their hearts...

How could there be such a shameless person in the world...?

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket for a monthly pass!

Because of the recent dismal results, the codeword mood has also been frustrated, alas, today's explosive plan has been ruined again.

There is one more chapter tonight.

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