I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 168: The chip R&D center changes?

"I'm the president of the university(

"I have finished my words, cough cough, although it sounds a little bit more than a billion, but they all contribute to China's education cause, I believe that everyone will understand." Chen Hao said this, he did not Sorry.

The banners of education are all pulled out...

Several principals had a better understanding of Chen Hao's black belly.

But the professors on the side do not matter. As the head of the chip team, they must be stationed at the Optical Core Research Center.

On the contrary, Li Jingye and Dong Wencheng of Huaxing are sitting on pins and needles. These discussions are all about colleges and universities, and there is no opportunity for them to participate!

It feels like we are witnessing the establishment of this alliance? ? ?

"Principal Chen, this matter is too big, we need to go back to the hotel to discuss with the secretary."

Chen Hao said indifferently, "No problem, I am waiting for everyone's reply. After all, the fewer members of the Chip Alliance, the more benefits it takes."

Each principal: "..."

This sentence is too heartbreaking!

The principals looked at each other with no expression on their faces, not knowing what they were thinking.

Last night I also discussed to advance and retreat together, now it's all right.

The boat of friendship is about to capsize...

Chen Hao clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Then today's meeting has ended successfully, let's adjourn."

Chen Hao got up and shook hands with the professors and principals who came to say hello one by one.

After a while, Chen Hao and the two finally walked out of the conference room, but unexpectedly found Li Jingye, the director of Huaxing Research Institute, and Dong Wencheng, the head of the carbon technology team, standing at the door.

"Dean Li and Director Dong, who are you two?" Chen Hao stopped and looked at them.

Li Jingye said embarrassingly: "Uh, that's it. I want to ask about the cooperative enterprise of China University Chip Alliance."

In this meeting, he felt that he was a redundant existence, completely unable to get in!

Chen Hao thought briefly and explained: “This alliance is mainly to build a semiconductor industry ecosystem of architecture, chips, software, complete machines, systems, and information services. In the future, the integration of production, education and research will be completed. In addition to Huaxing Tsinghua Unigroup and Yangtze Memory have joined these chips."

It is of course difficult to drive the entire chip market on his own. His idea is to build an ecological environment for chips based on the eight schools, plus leading companies.

Li Jingye smiled and said, "Ahem, President Chen has a very good idea. We, Huaxing, will be the closest partner of Guanghua University."

Watching the two leave, Chen Hao shook his head and said to Chen Chong beside him: "Before the optical core research center building is completed, please stay at the current Advanced Materials Research Institute."

This building must not be picked up so quickly, and he will communicate with the system later to see if a system building can be built.

Chen Chong said hesitantly, "Principal, I...I still have something to report to you."

"What difficulties have you encountered?"

"I think you may need to find another professional to be responsible for the optical core..."

Hearing Chen Chong's words, Chen Hao was stunned and said comfortingly: "Why do you say that? I still believe in your ability, don't be afraid."

"It's not such a principal, I...I found that I'm really not suitable." Only feeling that he had lived up to the principal's expectations, Chen Chong said in a low tone.

Looking at Chen Chong's appearance, Chen Hao gradually frowned, "What's the reason?"

"You know, I'm from a material background. Although I understand on the chip, which of the professors present today is not as capable and experienced on the chip as me?" Chen Chong's expression was a bit bitter, and he was sitting in the conference room today. The most uncomfortable is not Huaxing, but him.

"Those professors are all in their forties and 50s, and you are only in their early 30s. It's not as normal as they are. This is a good exercise opportunity. Moreover, at our Guanghua, you are the only one who can get it on the chip." After Chen Hao finished speaking, he was thinking, did he put too much burden on Chen Chong?

In the face of the principal’s comfort, Chen Chong did not change his mind, but said firmly: “According to the principal’s idea, more experts and scholars will enter the center in the future. With my ability, it is difficult to provoke Guangxin. The backbone of the research center."

Chen Hao got a little big, and asked: "Then what do you mean?"

"I hope that the principal will find a big cow in the chip field to be responsible. Before that, I will continue to stick to the optical core laboratory."

After saying this, Chen Chong's mood was a little depressed.

He knows how big this opportunity is, as the only talent in Guanghua University who can get a handle on materials.

As long as he is willing, then the position of the head of the optical core research center must be his.


This is not good.

Because after standing in that position, the pressure he faced was unprecedented!

Not only must the center's researchers convince him, but also the outside media and the public must believe in his abilities.

He has no confidence to carry over...

This responsibility is too great!

He can't bear it!

But Chen Hao is also embarrassed...

Where to find the big cows in the chip industry?

They are all in SMIC, TSMC, Samsung and Qualcomm.

The optical core R&D center is still a concept until now. There is no design drawing for the building. How can I reward the other party for digging it?

High salary?

High salary does not work!

This kind of top-notch existence always pays dividends wherever it goes, and it doesn't look down on the small temple of Guanghua at all.

"It's hard to find a chip man..." Chen Hao sighed silently, turned to look at Chen Chong, the haggardness on the other's face could not be concealed.

"What you said also makes sense, you still have to let professionals take charge of the professional field. Then you should stand up first, and you will go back when I find the right person."

"Good principal." The burden on his body was relieved at once, and Chen Chong only felt extremely relaxed. Recently, the pressure has been too great.

When Chen Hao saw this scene, he also found that he was putting too much pressure on Chen Chong.

After saying goodbye to Chen Chong, Chen Hao didn't go anywhere. Instead, he walked out of the Guanghua Building and sat down on the bench by the Qiuzhen Lake~www.ltnovel.com~ thinking about what happened this morning.

Chen Hao muttered: "Guanghua Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd., China University Chip Alliance, Optical Core R&D Center."

The biggest gain is that the seven famous schools are tied to the thief ship of Guanghua University through the optical core. With the support of the seven schools, the shortcomings of Guanghua University have also been reduced a lot.

Guanghua University now has about 5,000 students per session. After the 21 colleges are complete, some useless majors will be streamlined, reaching between 7000-8000 per session.

Seven schools have 150 people each, plus 1,050 people.

Probably accounted for the first 15% of the grade.

There are a lot of students at Guanghua University. He has provided such a great help, and he can't be blamed for not getting it.

As for the piece to be recommended, he is indeed unfair to other students across the country.

Chen Hao looked up at the white swan splashing on the lake, slowly exhaling a stale breath, and said helplessly, "But there is no way to do this..."

He said faintly, "Otherwise, with the foundation of Guanghua University, how can we compete with those elite schools?"

Even with sufficient funds and systems, it is difficult to improve the overall strength of the school in a short time.

Can only make some shameless means...

"The person in charge of this chip R&D center is even more troublesome. Where can I find a suitable candidate?" Thinking of this, Chen Hao even sighed.

Picking up the phone, he was about to make an appointment with AirPlus to relax on the roundabout road, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the two pop-up news.

"Four ministries and commissions jointly issued a major policy, and state-made chip companies have unprecedented tax exemption!"

"Internal and external troubles, SMIC executives shake, Liang Yiqing resigned and left!"

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass~

Immediately broke 10,000 recommended votes, alas. Try your best to code braille tomorrow.

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