I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 170: Signing ceremony and ripping off

"I'm the president of the university(

(The end of the previous chapter has been modified, those who are interested can go back and have a look)

"Hahahaha, Principal Huang, then it's settled, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, good Principal Hu, no problem."

"Principal Zhao..."

Seven consecutive calls made Chen Hao's mouth dry.

"Finally finished..." Chen Hao exhaled a long breath, sitting in the pavilion with a cool breeze.

Stayed at 606 at noon and left after eating a meal.

Although there were a lot of instant noodles and Red Bull in the classroom, Chen Hao still told Deng Hui to deliver food to the classroom at noon and evening these days.

Otherwise, with the personalities of the three little guys, it is estimated that they will forget to eat.

Seeing that it was fine for him to stay there, Chen Hao left to go back to the office.

Halfway through, the phone didn't stop after it rang!

Without exception, the vice-principals of the seven colleges and universities called to agree.

Chen Hao vomited softly: "I'm just waiting for tomorrow's signing ceremony."

Naturally, this counterpart support plan requires signing a contract, and it still signs contracts with seven universities at the same time!

"In addition to this signing ceremony, there are also alliances that have to sign a contract. The two ceremonies... really troublesome." Thinking of this, Chen Hao couldn't help frowning.

He is thinking about a problem.

"Would you like to invite reporters to announce it?"

Chen Hao suddenly pursed his lips, thinking about this question.

Originally, he planned to take a photo and just notify it on the school's official website, official account and other platforms.

After all, too high profile is not good.

But... if this matter is announced to the public...


Seems to be a good publicity?

Thinking that he could improve the school's popularity and strength, he was a little moved.

"Go back to the office first, and you will have to go to the laboratory after the business affairs are handled."

Suppressing the inner commotion, Chen Hao shook his head and walked towards Guanghua Tower.

There are sparse students on the road at this point, and occasionally some enthusiastic girls say hello, and Chen Hao will always respond with a smile.

Until I walked into the Guanghua Building.

The sudden cold air made Chen Hao shiver comfortably, and he couldn't help but let him sigh with emotion:

"It's still comfortable indoors, it's too bad outside."

Ludao Island is still too hot at the end of September, and it won’t feel better until mid-to-late November.

Take the elevator to the door of his office.

Opening the door, the outer room was empty, and Deng Hui was still taking a lunch break.

Chen Hao walked straight inside, piled on the table with a pile of documents that need his signature.

Sitting down, Chen Hao made simple gestures to these documents, and instantly a black line appeared.

"Why are there so many piles up..."

"It's really tiring to be the principal. Alas, it's comfortable to concentrate on scientific research." Chen Hao sighed, held the pen, picked up the top document and reviewed it.

Always busy...until when he was almost sleepy, the knock on the door sounded.

"come in."

Deng Hui walked in and asked curiously: "Principal, are you looking for me?"

"Yeah. Sit down and wait for me for a while." Chen Hao looked up at the person, then lowered his head to approve the document.

Until the three-point file is processed.


Fold the files and align them on the table with a few jitters. Chen Hao pushed forward and said to Deng Hui, "The files have been processed. If you are asked to come over, there is something to tell you."

As soon as he arrived at the office, he sent a message to Deng Hui, and he came in directly during work hours and had something to say.

Deng Hui asked, "What's the matter? President, you said."

Chen Hao thought for a while, and then asked: "Tomorrow at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the school will hold a signing ceremony to support our Guanghua from seven universities including Tsinghua University and Fudan University. Do you think you want to invite reporters over for this signing ceremony?"

Deng Hui did not hesitate, and directly replied: "Principal, I think not only should we invite reporters, we should also invite more media and some government officials to come forward."

Chen Hao frowned, "How do you say?"

"President, you just want to be low-key. If our school is Tsinghua University or Fudan University, it would be a low-key level. But we are still developing." Deng Hui paused, looking at Chen Hao and said: "Higher-profile The better! We need popularity and attention, but of course it has to be positive news."

"you're right."

Chen Hao nodded and said with satisfaction: "The counterpart support and chip alliance will hold a press conference, and you will be responsible for supervising the layout of the venue."

"Principal, I suggest that these two ceremonies be held at the same time."

"At the same time?" Chen Hao asked interestingly: "Talk about it."

"Normally, the ceremonies are separate. But I think the two ceremonies can be carried out one after the other. The venue is in the lecture hall of the Guanghua Hotel, and the content is shown on the screen directly.

"Well, just follow yours."

With Chen Hao's permission, Deng Hui retreated.

"This invitation is going to be more troublesome..." Chen Hao felt a headache when he thought of some senior government officials who would be attending tomorrow.

For example, the Ministry of Education is required for counterpart support, and the Chip Alliance is the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

For such an important matter, there must be high officials from Ludao City and high officials from Hu Province...

"Hi..." Chen Hao took a breath and said with a headache: "It's a troublesome kick..."

"It's really a headache..."

He regrets it a little bit, or should he keep a low profile?

"Om~ Om~"

Mobile phone vibration.

"Hey, Uncle Zhou, what's the matter?"

Zhou Hanqing sighed on the phone, "My nephew, you Guanghua really can't be quiet, how long has it been for a big deal!"

Chen Hao deliberately pretended not to understand, and asked, "What's the big deal? I didn't understand."

"Ahem, Xiaohao, you said that since you returned to China, our Ludao City Government has given you a lot of special treatment, right?"

"It's pretty good, I keep it in my heart, what's wrong?"

Zhou Hanqing asked tentatively: "I heard that you are going to establish a Huaxia University Chip Alliance? If you want to develop chips, do you want to establish a chip industry park?"

"Chip Industrial Park? No, did you hear Uncle Zhou wrong?"

Chen Hao sighed heavily, and said with some regret: "Although we have considered the chip industrial park, the land is too big! The land price on Ludao is so high that we can't afford it!"

Hearing Chen Hao's meaning, Zhou Hanqing said quickly: "As long as Guanghua has this idea, land is not a problem. There are still many industrial land in Xiang'an District!"

"Xiang'an District?" Chen Hao hesitated all his life, with rejection in his tone, "Forget it, it's too far, let's not ask our researchers to go there."

"Then... Xiaohao, where do you think it is appropriate?"

"Ahem, I remember the last time I drove ~www.ltnovel.com~ passing by the third phase of the Software Park, there was a lot of open space! It would be a waste to leave it, it's better..."

Chen Hao had long been thinking about the open space. There are a lot of open spaces in the third phase of the Software Park. Currently only half of it has been built, and the other half is still flat.

Moreover, only half of the Internet companies have settled in the completed park.

The important thing is that it is close to Guanghua University!

The bus is only 2 stops!

10 minutes by bike and half an hour on foot!

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

A minute later, Zhou Hanqing sighed and did not directly agree, but instead asked: "The third phase of the software park is also an important project in Ludao. If it is given to Guanghua, what about the other Internet companies?"

"Didn't you say that there is a lot of open space in Xiang'an District? And the subway will be connected to Xiang'an District immediately, and a software park will be built directly there."

Having said that, Chen Hao added: "Uncle Zhou, the scale of the chip market is as high as hundreds of billions, and our chip industry park will also bring in large companies such as Ziguang Group, Yangtze River Storage, and Huaxing Group. The influence is comparable. The software park is too large~"

"Hey, it doesn't matter what Ziguang Group or Huaxing is. The important thing is that Guanghua University is our Ludao university. We should support the construction of higher education in industry, education and research!" Zhou Hanqing agreed immediately.

"Well, Uncle Zhou, you are very right!"

Chen Hao smiled.

In an instant, the old fox and the little fox reached a consensus.

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass~

Yesterday the main reason was that the information was missing, which became the fuse that crushed me and directly detonated negative emotions. But today I went out to relax, plus seeing everyone’s vote, it has been restored! There are 2 more chapters tonight!

Tomorrow I plan to hit 5 more!

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