I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 171: send invitation

"I'm the president of the university(

After the phone hangs up.

Chen Hao was so happy that he couldn't help but hum a song.

The land in the third phase of the Software Park is really too suitable for getting to and from the school.

The point is still half-buy for free!

As for the funds spent to buy...You can also apply for a batch of special support funds for chips.

And time is enough, it is still under study, and I don’t know when it can be developed.

The manufacturing process on the chip is not simple, and it is not something you can make if you want to make it.

The optical core is no better than the photon screen, and there are too many aspects to be broken.

But it's okay if there are enough staff now.

Everything is done, Chen Hao is about to go to the research institute, and put one foot back again.

"Forgot to forget, there is one more thing that has not been handled properly."

Facing the system, Chen Hao said uncertainly: "System. Is the chip research center considered the research institute building in the system building?"

He held his breath, waiting for the system's answer.

This question is very important to him.

If it counts, then it's a good deal.

Spent 20 million system construction funds, and then built a building with a "scientific research ability" bonus.

The buff bonus is too important for the research team.

The system replied: "It's all related to scientific research."

The cold words of the system, at this moment, are especially sweet in Chen Hao's ears.

"That's good." Chen Hao was immediately happy, but after a while, he suddenly thought of the key point and asked a little nervously: "How much money is needed then?"

The system replied: "20 million system construction funds."

"Fortunately the original price!"

Chen Hao let go, just remembering that he didn't have any money for system construction, and he felt cold, let alone new buildings.

"A penny stumps heroes..."

Chen Hao sighed, "I can only hope that the digital model competition can get a good result, and quickly get the task reward, 20 million system construction funds, the problem is not big.

After solving the problems of the research center, Chen Hao got up and went outside.

As soon as he stepped out of Guanghua Tower, a heat wave hit.

"This is too stuffy, isn't it?" Chen Hao felt that his bare skin was a little slimy.

This is the weather in the south.

Summer is sultry and winter is damp and cold. If you are not used to it, you will suffer more than the north.

Walking along this road, I finally came to the Institute of Advanced Materials.

As soon as he entered, Chen Hao felt no better than before.

The previously empty research institutes, after nearly 200 people from 8 institutions including Huaxing, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, etc., became lively in an instant.

The current three-story building of the Institute is basically full except for a photon screen laboratory.

The optical core laboratory also expanded from one to four.

Each team is responsible for different directions, and everyone is working hard for the same direction.

It’s just that today is the first day when I came to the institute. Most people are still familiar with the laboratory and familiar with the instruments and equipment.

In one of the laboratories.

Several young people in their twenties were tidying up while chatting in a low voice.

"This research institute doesn't look good on the outside, I didn't expect it to have a sense of science and technology inside!"

"I thought that Guanghua University would have no scientific research environment for a second private school. I didn't expect it to be beyond my expectation."

"Honestly, I really shouldn't be surprised... the environment in this laboratory is even better than ours at school!"

"Hiss... It's really amazing. A man will be silent when she sees it and a woman will cry when she sees it!"

"Principal Chen is a wealthy young man, do you think there will be no money?"

When everyone was discussing intensely, a majestic voice came from behind.

"Everyone has discussed it, concentrate on tidying up, we will start the experiment later."

When I heard Ren Hong's voice, several people were like mice meeting a cat, their mouths closed and silent.

Although Professor Ren is a good person, he is really meticulous in his work.

Dai Wenyu said excitedly: "Professor, when will we start the experiment?"

"I guess it will be at night, in the afternoon we are now familiar with these instruments." Ren Hong pondered for a while and gave a reply.

Because the photonic chip and the ordinary chip manufacturing process are not the same, so we have to change the way of thinking.

While Ren Hong was thinking about it, he noticed the appearance of Chen Hao.

Seeing Chen Hao, Ren Hong showed a friendly smile and said, "Principal Chen, what are you doing here?"

After the morning meeting, Chen Hao, who selflessly dedicated the interests of Optical Core, showed a sharp increase in his favorability towards Chen Hao.

Chen Hao smiled and invited and said, "Professor Ren is free now? Want to have a bubble tea chat in the reception area?"


It's not anti-theft, but it's too late to update, modify it immediately, wait a while, it will cause trouble for everyone! !


It's not anti-theft, but it's too late to update. Modify it right away. Wait a while, it will cause trouble for everyone! !

Diamond's single crystal nanotechnology ~www.ltnovel.com~ The advantage is the combination of optoelectronic calculations, because using that to make photoelectric cores has the lowest energy consumption and has advantages over graphene. The carbon core does not mean that it must be black and black. Graphene, diamond is carbon.

The carbon application team of the Huawei Research Institute is really exploring this now. Once the carbon application technology breaks through, it will forget about the original nanotube technology restrictions, and now it's almost a tipping point.

Diamond can be used as a chip, and it can also be combined with optical computing and electrical computing. The current chip is electrical computing. The next generation has two directions. One is an optical core, which uses photons instead of electrons, but that requires photoelectric conversion, and the other is Use carbon technology to replace the current silicon-based or molybdenum-based, and diamond can take care of both. If the process of material ductility and flexural toughness is solved, then the next-generation display screen is integrated with the chip, there is no circuit, no bus Up.

Diamond has high strength and is not afraid of damage, but its ductility and flexural toughness are not good, and it has no free electrons and is difficult to conduct.

However, the optical conductivity of diamond is very good. Now the new technology realizes the tensile and bending properties of diamond nano-single crystals, and the single crystals can achieve good electrical conductivity while retaining the original optical conductivity.

Using this material to make a display screen does not need to be layered, and there is no need to match a decoding imaging chip, and can be directly made together.

Moreover, the speed, efficiency, and energy consumption of optical logic gates can be reduced by an order of magnitude by using photons to implement operations.

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I ate too much at night, and my eyelids were fighting fiercely. The third chapter is estimated to be delayed until tomorrow. The egg hurts. I am too sleepy and can't hold it anymore. I'm going to sleep. . . .

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