I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 174: Your kind question

"I'm the president of the university(

"Damn, isn't this the secretary of Tsinghua University?" a reporter exclaimed.

"Look at the side, this is the secretary of Fudan University!" Another reporter hurriedly shouted after seeing one person.

"The remaining few should be all, right?"

Everyone looked at each other.

The secretary is the top leader of the school, especially the top leaders of universities like Tsinghua University and Fudan University, who are all at the deputy ministerial level. They are not appointed by the Ministry of Education, but by the Central Committee!

The vice-principal and the secretary, there is a big gap between the two.

Seeing the secretary of the Seventh School came forward, Ma Xiaoxiao was stunned, and then his eyes brightened, "It seems to be big news, even the top leaders of the school are here!"

It is rare for the secretaries of seven prestigious universities to show up at the same time.

"Hello, friends from the media, welcome to Ludao, a beautiful and livable sea garden city. Today's event is divided into two sessions. The first is the signing ceremony for joint support for the construction of Guanghua University..."

President Zheng Qiang presided over the signing ceremony. As the voice fell, the presidents of the eight universities on the stage signed the "Cooperation Agreement on Correspondence Support between Guanghua University and Tsinghua (Fudan, Huaxia Science and Technology, etc.) Universities".

In fact, this is just a process.

The agreement has been finalized, and the signing ceremony is nothing more than publicity.

The general signing ceremony was attended by important leaders of the two universities, but today this one is a bit special, so apart from the vice president who was originally still at Guanghua University, only the secretary came forward.

The flash light kept on, and Chen Hao, who lowered his head to sign, was speechless.

The other seven people only need to sign one, and he has to sign seven...

Originally, he didn't plan to show up for the signing ceremony, and wanted Zheng Qiang to do it, but he was ruthlessly rejected.

Zheng Qiang's reason for refusal is also very reasonable. Other schools are the top leaders. As the host, let a deputy principal come forward?

This is too inappropriate!

Chen Hao thought about it, so he had no choice but to come forward.

After the signing, all the reporters in the audience cheered up and waited for Chen Hao's speech, but they heard President Zheng Qiang say: "Next, I would like to ask Gaoguan Zhao from the Ministry of Education to give a speech."

As for what position this senior official Zhao is, he understands naturally.

A middle-aged man in suit and leather shoes walked up to the stage and gave a speech.

"2020 is the final year of the 13th Five-Year Plan. The country is about to embark on a new journey of building a modern socialist country on the basis of a decisive victory in building a well-off society in all respects..."

The speech is very long, so I don’t show much.

After Gaoguan Zhao came down, the deputy director of the Hu Provincial Education Department took the stage to deliver a speech.

Just when everyone below was about to fall into sleepiness, the highly anticipated Chen Hao finally came to power.

On the speaking stage, Chen Hao glanced at many media outlets and couldn't help but ridiculed and said, "Hey, this is the first time I have faced such a multimedia friend. These are all long and short shots. You can't make me ugly. ! If you haven’t been more handsome than Louis Koo, then I’m going to send a group of lawyer letters~"

Just making a joke, instantly made the reporters below feel a little more fond.

Especially for female reporters, the eyes always fall on Chen Hao's face.

"Okay, to make a long story short, today is a huge momentum, let's talk about our counterpart support first."

Chen Hao gave a standardized smile and said loudly: "Here I am very grateful to the Ministry of Education and Tsinghua University and other seven universities for their strong support to Guanghua University. We will make full use of the high-quality educational resources of our brother universities..."

No way, after all, it is going to be on the news, and Chen Hao can't mess around either.

As for the transportation, I can't even talk about it. I'm afraid it's not going to be sprayed to death by students across the country.

When he was almost finished speaking, Chen Hao suddenly coughed a few times.

"Ahem, do you think that this is the end of today?"

"After a ten-minute break, the topic of the next report will be about chips."

After speaking, Chen Hao went straight down.

The electronic screens behind him also changed, and the new images directly attracted the shooting of various media.

I saw the words "Huaxia University Chip Alliance" on it, followed by a string of English "HuaxiaUniversityChipAlliance".

"China University Chip Alliance?"

"It sounds a bit like the Ivy League of a beautiful country!"

"Have you noticed that... The Ivy League is eight schools in a beautiful country. If you add Guanghua University to the seven supporting universities...it happens to be eight universities!"

"Don't tell me, it's really an eight-school league!"

"It's kind of interesting, is this meant to be done on purpose?"

Some reporters noticed that the chip alliance and the Ivy League have eight schools in common, and they are all made up of a certain characteristic.

For example, the Ivy League (IvyLeague) originally referred to the sports league of eight universities in the northeastern region of the beautiful country, and later referred to the university league consisting of these seven universities and one college and using the name "Ivy". .

Member universities are: Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Princeton University, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Brown University and Cornell University.

Basically, it includes several famous universities in the beautiful country.

As for Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other famous universities in science and technology, they all emerged later, and due to their geographical location, they are not in the Ivy League.

Take a look at this Huaxia University Chip Alliance. The member universities are: Guanghua University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China University of Science and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Xidian University.

As soon as the two alliances are compared, a very interesting thing is discovered.

The former is partial literature, history and business, while the latter is heavy science and engineering.

It just happens that the focus is quite different.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and all the media below looked forward to this chip alliance very much.

Huaxia has its own academic alliance of colleges and universities, which is also known as C9League, or C9 for short.

In the past, the C9 League was one of the nine prestigious schools, but also because of geographical reasons, individual schools have fallen behind. Now the Internet generally jokingly says that only two universities will introduce themselves as C9.

But to the disappointment of the reporters, it is not yet President Chen's turn to take the stage.

"Next, I invite senior official Huang from the Ministry of Industry and Information to give a speech."

Perhaps because of the limited time, Huang Gaoguan didn't say for a long time, but went down in half an hour.

Under a flash of light, Chen Hao took the stage again.

"My friends from the media, I'm here again." Chen Hao smiled and said: "This time the establishment of the Chip Alliance is to bring together the chip scientific research teams of the eight schools and jointly build our self-developed domestic chips!"

"About this alliance..."

Chen Hao spoke for nearly an hour before finishing.

Then he looked around and said, "Here is the question session for the media. There are three questions in total."

When the voice fell, almost all the media participating in the press conference raised their hands.

Looking at the rows of hands, Chen Hao was dizzy.

Blind, he glanced at a beautiful reporter in the front row, with a very oriental face, which should be a domestic media.

After the call, the female reporter stood up happily ~www.ltnovel.com~ took the microphone and said, "Hello, President Chen, I am a reporter from Sakura Kuni "Yomiuri Shimbun". I want to ask a question. Was the establishment of the Chip Alliance related to the Huaxing chip supply incident?"

Chen Hao was also thinking of the first Sakura country reporter who took care of his family, and he was fluent in Mandarin.

"Thanks to this reporter for the question. The establishment of the alliance is mainly to develop domestic chips and improve my country's standards in the semiconductor industry..."

Chen Hao snapped a bunch of things. He couldn't really answer what the other party asked because of this, right? If he really answered like that, it would be stupid!

Although the other party was not satisfied, they had to sit down.

The second Chen Hao watched for a long time and finally found the organization.

A decent and generous female reporter with dimples on her cheeks stood up and asked, "Hello, this is reporter Wang Bing from CCAV. I would like to ask if this university chip alliance will be used in academic and other fields except for chips. Are there exchanges? How is it different from the Ivy League in a beautiful country?"

Chen Hao, who clicked on his family, was very happy, and replied with a smile: "Although the chip is the top priority of the alliance’s development, the member universities of the alliance also carry out various teaching, teaching and research exchanges and cooperation, including mutual exchanges. Sending exchange students, holding seminars, launching summer camps, etc..."

For the last question, Chen Hao picked a blonde foreigner.

As a result, the foreigner's question was really not polite, and Chen Hao's face instantly fell cold after hearing it.

"President Chen thinks that this chip alliance can really develop chips?"

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket! Ask for a monthly pass!

During the double monthly pass, rush!

Today’s first chapter, today’s goal is to keep 4 and 5 more!

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