I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 175: Hot discussion caused by chips (Happy New Year's Day!)

"President Chen thinks that this chip alliance can really develop chips?"

The blond reporter continued to ask without stopping: "Or maybe the developed chips are just larger process chips?"

Chen Hao quietly listened to what the other party said, his face was calm, he just asked, "This reporter friend, which country do you come from?"

"I'm from a beautiful country. Could it be that President Chen discriminates against the beautiful country?" The blonde reporter had a sharp tongue and wanted to buckle up a **** hat.

"Hehe, this reporter friend is quite eloquent."

Chen Hao smiled slightly and continued: "Unfortunately, the answer I want to tell you is that our University Chip Alliance can not only develop chips, but the performance of the chips far exceeds your country's Intel and Qualcomm!"

This sentence was like a stone falling into the calm water surface, and instantly surprised everyone below!

As a reporter's basic accomplishment, the basic knowledge about chips has been supplemented in the past two days. I also know the performance of Qualcomm's Snapdragon chips, but domestically produced chips have not yet surpassed each other.

Even the Kirin chip of Huaxing is only a chip design, and there is still a long way to go before chip manufacturing.

The blond reporter was very excited, and asked with trembling lips: "What President Chen just said is true?"

This time I caught Chen Hao's handle!

Chips are not so easy to manufacture. They require too much technology, and the blonde reporter doesn't think it can be made with China's strength.

"This beautiful country reporter friend, you seem to have a lot of questions."

Ignoring each other, Chen Hao scanned the audience and said confidently: "The chip matter, please wait and see! We the Chinese nation has a history of 5,000 years, and we are never afraid of any challenges! The past is, and it is still today! I believe it will not be used. How long will it take the world to see our self-developed domestic chips!"

Zheng Qiang on the side hurriedly took the stage and said: "This is the end of this press conference. I would like to invite friends from the media to leave the venue one by one."

Behind the lecture hall.

Several secretaries and some senior government officials were chatting until Chen Hao appeared.

A high-ranking official smiled and praised: "The remarks that President Chen said just now are very good, and they speak of the confidence that our Chinese nation should have!"

Another secretary also agreed: "This speech is very good. For some of our people, even if the country is now stronger, there is still a phenomenon that the moon abroad is rounder than the domestic one."

Chen Hao was a little embarrassed after being praised by two people one after another. He originally thought he would be said something.

After all, what he said just now was a bit tough.

Chen Hao quickly stated: "No, no, I did speak too directly just now. There are a lot of media. I should say that it is implicit."

"Hahaha, young people are normal." After a senior official of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology smiled, he suddenly asked: "President Chen, this light core matter is important, but I don't know who is responsible?"

The others didn't say a word, their eyes fell on Chen Hao casually.

The position of the person in charge of the optical core is really important.

The leader of a company may even decide the direction of the company.

"I decided to hire Dr. Liang to be the person in charge of Optical Core." After finishing speaking, Chen Hao somewhat expected everyone's response.

Sure enough, the few leaders present, except for the layman in the education department, were immediately shocked when they heard it.

The senior official of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology opened his eyes wide and asked, "Which Dr. Liang?"

Chen Hao said naturally: "Of course it is Dr. Liang Yiqing."

Several people at the scene glanced at each other, and one of them nodded and said, "If Dr. Liang is here to preside over the optical core, then there should be no problem."

The other person nodded and said, "Dr. Liang's ability has nothing to say. We can rest assured that he is there."

Everyone is saying that, but as for what they think in their hearts, I don't know.

And Chen Hao is even more audacious.

Liang Yiqing was just an invitation, and Chen Hao used it to promote it before the other party gave a reply.

Upon seeing this, Chen Hao went on to say: "Leaders, the report meeting is over, let me lead you to visit the research institute of our school!"

Several leaders came to Guanghua University. In addition to attending this ceremony, of course they also took the opportunity to inspect the scientific research situation of Xia Guanghua University.

When Chen Hao led the crowd to visit, many online media had already begun to edit the information and prepare to release it.

In this Internet age, the timeliness of online media is much faster than print media and television media.

"China's top academic alliance? China University Chip Alliance may replace China Nine Schools Alliance!"-"Easy Net News"

"Is it self-confidence or arrogance? Guanghua University takes the lead in establishing the Huaxia University Chip Alliance, and eight universities jointly develop domestic chips!"-"Sanlian Life Weekly"

"Shock! Guanghua University has another big action? The presidents of 8 universities got together for this..."-"cu News"

"The joint support of seven prestigious universities in my country to build Guanghua University will start a new chapter in education!"-"Straits Daily"

Whether the domestic media received the red envelope or the suggestion from the superior department, even the Xinjingbao and the Northern Metropolis Daily, which liked to do things in the past, did not dare to make small moves in this press conference report.

On the contrary, foreign media hacked Guanghua University on the Internet, and of course they pointed to mocking Guanghua University for its inattention and dared to reach out to the chip field.

The domestic Internet was also screened by the news.

The comments of netizens are polarized, with both praise and disapproval.

"What about hairy? It's interesting to have a college chip alliance in China's environment~www.ltnovel.com~?"

"Hua Xia Xiong! Hua Xia chip first!??????????????"

"In the short term, I'm not very optimistic about how to make chips with small processes without EUV lithography machines? Even SMIC's current 7nm is not capable of production."

When the news spread to the campus, students at Guanghua University were very excited when they saw the news.

After all, students are integrated with the school. The more famous the school, the better the employment of students. On the contrary, it is not conducive to employment.

"!!! Give us a strong call to Guanghua University, cowhide! (broken sound

"I'll go...In the future, not only will professors from famous universities come to teach us, but also apply to Tsinghua University and Fudan University for joint training? This is too strong!"

"I guess it depends on the grade point, right? Cry, old guys, can I still study now?"

Eating melon) Fortunately, I am the first in the class. I think there should be a chance for joint training. But depending on the situation, the seniors who took the postgraduate entrance examination this year are blessed!"

"Happy! I took the exam this year for Xidian University, I hope I can help a bit in the interview in the retest!"

"There is also this chip alliance, which is a bit powerful...It is the Chinese version of the Ivy League, 6666!"

ps: I'm really sorry, I overestimated the temperature outside. I was thinking about writing two chapters when I went out in the afternoon, but it made me silly... it was too cold...

Five shifts failed, another two shifts... My procrastination is not saved...

Finally, I wish you all a happy New Year's Day! There must be a new atmosphere in the new year!

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