I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 177: Digging the corner of Zhejiang University?

"I'm the president of the university(

Zhejiang University on a chip laboratory.

As the top-ranked lab-on-a-chip in China, there is no shortage of scholars.

At this time, the laboratory is always reading literature and doing experiments, and very few people are constantly twittering.

Today is a little different. Many students are whispering and discussing.

This made Professor Chen Ping who entered the laboratory a little dissatisfied.

The brows on his face frowned, and he shouted directly on the spot: "Who are supposed to read the literature, read the literature, and those who should do experiments do experiments, what are they muttering?"

With that said, the laboratory instantly calmed down.

Professor Chen Ping walked into the office with satisfaction.

Not long after, a student who delivered materials came in.

After putting down the materials and finishing talking, I watched when the other party was about to turn around and leave.

Professor Chen shouted:

"Xiao Cai, wait a minute."

The yelled classmate Cai stopped, turned around stiffly, and asked in a bewilderment: "Professor, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing big, just ask you one thing." Professor Chen smiled slightly and asked: "Everyone seems to be a little absent-minded today. Are you discussing something?"

Although everyone became quiet after he uttered his voice, this phenomenon is a major event in the academic circle.

This situation happened before because of the incident of the father of Wuhan University of Technology and the doctoral student of XX University being forced to jump off the building by the supervisor.

The student Cai, who was asked, flushed, and said falteringly: "Professor...this matter..."

Looking at this situation, Professor Chen knew that no matter how stupid he was.

And looking at the situation, it is very likely that it is still related to me.

Professor Chen has an ominous premonition in his heart, and there is always a feeling that something will happen.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help getting anxious, and shouted with a bad face: "Xiao Cai, what is it? Hurry up!"

Xiao Cai looked up at Professor Chen, hesitated again and again, gritted his teeth and said: "That's it, there is a big news in the academic world today. It's about Guanghua University..."

Hearing the four words of Guanghua University, Professor Chen felt a little in his heart.

Thinking of the refusal a few days ago, the expression on his face changed.

"What happened to Guanghua University? Continue to say..."

"Today, the Huaxia University Chip Alliance was established in Ludao, and the leader is Guanghua University." Xiao Cai said when he saw Professor Chen's expression as gloomy as a cloudy sky, he was scared to shut up immediately.

Professor Chen took a deep breath, the expression on his face instantly disappeared, and he became calm and asked: "How many schools does this chip alliance have?"

"There are Fudan University, Tsinghua University..."

After listening to the schools on the list, Professor Chen couldn't help sinking into thought.

In the first step of chip research in domestic universities, apart from these seven schools, it seems that Zhejiang University and Peking University did not appear.

Thinking of being accompanied by Peking University, Professor Chen's mind was relieved a lot, and randomly asked with some ease: "Then what did you just discuss?"

"It stands to reason that our chip lab is also among the top five in China. The chip alliance shouldn’t be without our school. Then one of the senior sisters in the lab...the suitor is a student led by Academician Xue. During the meal, I talked to the senior sister. Say, there was an invitation at the time, but you refused." After Xiao Cai finished speaking smoothly, he realized that Professor Chen's face was dark, and he screamed badly.

Professor Chen looked at Xiao Cai coldly, and said threateningly: "You will go out and notify the others in the laboratory. This matter is never allowed to be spread out! If it goes out, I will let whoever spread it out. Can't graduate!"

What are the most afraid of PhD students?

It's okay to meet a crusher, and I will endure it for a few years.

I'm most afraid of encountering the kind of deliberately not letting you graduate and keeping you as a cow.

Chen Ping had already said this to the extent that he was stable, but unexpectedly, Xiao Cai did not find fear, but embarrassment.

"Professor, this... this needn't be told..."

Professor Chen asked: "Why?"

"Because when I told the elder sister in the cafeteria, the boy's words were heard by a few tables next to him, and he even stepped forward to ask. Now there are probably posts on the school bbs."

"..." Chen Ping almost sprayed out a mouthful of old blood.

He waved his hand to let Xiao Cai leave, "You go out first."

When Xiao Cai went out, Chen Ping could no longer maintain his disguise!

An instant rushed into the crown, his fists clenched and hit the desk.

Perhaps it was excessive force that caused Chen Ping's toothache.

"Unexpectedly, Academician Xue you are such a person!"

Obviously the other party gave him the idea, but now he sold himself instead!

"Look at what's going on in Ludao first."

You have to understand the situation before making a decision.

Only when Chen Ping saw several reports about the Chip Alliance, he was furious!

Integrating the chip teams of eight universities, coupled with the strong support of the country, may really start research and development.

Not to mention whether it can be developed, as far as this academic alliance is concerned, resource exchange is also good.


All this was ruined by Xue Zhengkai!

At first, he just hesitated and didn't know how to choose. Xue Zhengkai taught him to refuse.

"No, you have to get this surname Xue to settle the account!"

Chen Ping became more and more angry and directly called Xue Zhengkai.

The call is connected.

"Academician Xue~www.ltnovel.com~ Have you watched the news today?"

"Are you talking about the Chip Alliance? Look, it's a loss for this alliance without our Zhejiang University!" Xue Zhengkai smiled, as if nothing happened.

But in fact, he was in a bad mood at the moment.

He didn't expect that this private second book he looked down upon would be so frustrating.

He looked away!

Professor Chen said bluntly: "But you were the one who suggested me to refuse."

"What? I asked you to refuse?" Xue Zhengkai looked surprised and said, "No? I remember I didn't say such things."

"At the beginning, your last sentence was that the other party was just a second book..."

"Yes, what I meant at the time was: the other party is just a second university, but they should not underestimate their scientific research capabilities."

"Haha, Academician Xue, you are great. Goodbye!" Chen Ping directly hung up, and it is useless to say more, this guy has no plans to admit it!

"What should I do now?"

Chen Ping walked around the office a little anxiously, finally... he thought of a way.

After some tossing, I finally got Chen Hao's phone number.

"Hello, President Chen, I am Chen Ping, the head of Zhejiang University's Chip Lab. I hope we can also contribute to the alliance!"

Chen Hao decisively refused to say: "If you don't mean it, the establishment of the alliance will not change."

Chen Ping asked unwillingly: "Is there no other way?"

"Ahem, it's not impossible, isn't it right in front of you."

Chen Ping hurriedly asked: "What is the solution?"

ps: The second one is delivered! Ask for a monthly pass during the double pass! ! !

I was sleepy, and the procrastination was so severe that I was tired after procrastinating so late.

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