I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 178: International students and bathroom

"I'm the president of the university(

"Of course there is a way, it just depends on whether you want it or not."

Professor Chen said in one mouth: "President Chen, just say, I will promise you no matter what it is!"

"The alliance has already been established. Naturally, you can't just change it as you say it. This is too unauthoritative. So, since you can't add a new school, then Professor Chen can take the team and jump to our Guanghua University."

"..." Chen Ping had a black line, only to realize that he was being teased by the other party.

"Principal Chen, this joke is not funny!"

Instead, Chen Hao replied with a surprised look: "No kidding, I'm serious!"

"As long as Professor Chen comes to our Guanghua University, the scientific research fund is enough, and the ceiling is not capped. We Guanghua can't say anything else, but there is no shortage of money!" When it comes to money, Chen Hao said with confidence.

Hearing that the scientific research fund has enough management...To be honest, Chen Ping was really moved.

Serious scientist, who doesn't lack scientific research funds?

The more these things, the better. Scientific research is too expensive.

Professor Chen shook his head and refused: "President Chen joked. I have served in Zhejiang University for so many years and it is impossible to leave easily."

Since there is no need to talk about it, Chen Hao didn't make a joke, and said flatly: "Then I'm sorry, it is impossible for the alliance to add more members."

I'm kidding, I didn't agree when I was invited, but now I see it's good and I want to come in?

Why did you go?

Regret is still useful, why do you need the police?

Chen Ping felt a little uncomfortable after hanging up the phone.

He sat on the chair, his eyes blurred.

It is too late to regret it now.

Once this chip alliance develops a chip, and Zhejiang University cannot participate, over time, it will cause Zhejiang University's academic strength to divorce from other universities.

"How can this be good!"

Chen Ping sighed long and suddenly felt that he was not energetic today.

Just got up to go out, patted his head, and said with some annoyance: "Huh, I almost forgot about this!"

As if thinking of something, Chen Ping hurriedly sat down and opened the Zhejiang University bbs on the computer. As expected, a very conspicuous post was being topped.

[Why does China University Chip Alliance not have Zhejiang University? According to the gossip, Guanghua University originally invited Professor Chen Pingchen, but was rejected. 】

"calm down."

Chen Ping's eyelids twitched, comforting himself in a low voice, then clicked on the post.

Hold the mouse and look down.


When he saw the following posts, he almost got a cerebral thrombosis!

"Although I look down on Guanghua University, they have developed a photon screen. It is not impossible to build it on a chip. Why not work together?"

"I'm quite boring about this. Chips are related to national plans. Is Professor Chen's behavior too selfish?"

"Fortunately, I am not studying semiconductors. When the chip research center is up, the students of Zhejiang University will be speechless if they can't go to study."

"It is said that Academician Xue also persuaded Professor Chen to let go of his selfishness, but Professor Chen insisted on going his own way, insisting that Guanghua University, a two-level school, could not make chips at all!"

"I'll go, the upstairs is really fake? This melon is too big! I have seen Professor Chen several times, but I didn't expect it to be such a person, disappointed..."

Looking at the classmates who broke the news behind, Chen Ping's eyes went dark and he almost fainted. Fortunately, his hand was about to grab the edge of the table beside him.


He held his chest and took a few breaths before he came back.

"Take it down! Xue Zhengkai...you are really good!"

Chen Ping's face was gloomy, and these words were completely gritted teeth


Modify it now, because the update is too late, we will replace the modification later, sorry!


Modify it now, because the update is too late, we will replace the modification later, sorry!


The advantage of diamond single crystal nanotechnology is the combination of optoelectronic computing, because the energy consumption of the photoelectric core is the lowest, and it has advantages over graphene. The carbon core does not mean that it must be black graphene. Diamond is carbon. .

The carbon application team of the Huawei Research Institute is really exploring this now. Once the carbon application technology breaks through, it will forget about the original nanotube technology restrictions, and now it's almost a tipping point.

Diamond can be used as a chip, and it can also be combined with optical computing and electrical computing. The current chip is electrical computing. The next generation has two directions. One is an optical core, which uses photons instead of electrons, but that requires photoelectric conversion, and the other is Use carbon technology to replace the current silicon-based or molybdenum-based, and diamond can take care of both. If the process of material ductility and flexural toughness is solved, then the next-generation display screen is integrated with the chip, there is no circuit, no bus Up.

Diamond has high strength and is not afraid of damage, but its ductility and flexural toughness are not good, and it has no free electrons and is difficult to conduct.

However, the optical conductivity of diamond is very good. Now the new technology realizes the tensile and bending properties of diamond nano-single crystals, and the single crystals can achieve good electrical conductivity while retaining the original optical conductivity.

Use this material to make a display screen~www.ltnovel.com~ There is no need for layering, and there is no need to equip a decoding imaging chip, you can directly make them together.

Moreover, the speed, efficiency, and energy consumption of optical logic gates can be reduced by an order of magnitude by using photons to implement operations.

And it will not be limited by the refined manufacturing accuracy of chips or OLED displays, which will widen the road in one go.

With such a display, it is easy to linearly jump to a 16K screen, and the energy consumption is less than one-tenth of the current one.

Electronic chips or electronic displays are easy to generate heat, transistors are made smaller and thinner, and the production process requirements are high. However, the diamond soft screen that implements optical computing does not have this display. The production process of his chip or optical unit is currently produced It is easy to implement and does not require a 7nm lithography machine.

The advantages of photon screens are sturdiness, low energy consumption, high power, and production is easier than OLED, at least the process is easy. Moreover, it can realize multi-function integration and greatly reduce the production process.

The current OLED is a kind of plastic, which is resistant to fire and is not really resistant to high temperatures. It is also afraid of corrosion. The photon screen does not have this defect. The softened diamond screen is not only strong but also tough.

Diamond is man-made diamond. Its light conductivity is very good, and the image is more fidelity than that of OLED. And the force is very high. It is a thing that solves the material problem, comprehensively reduces the process complexity and comprehensively improves various performances.

The current OLED is a kind of plastic, which is resistant to fire and is not really resistant to high temperatures. It is also afraid of corrosion. The photon screen does not have this defect. The softened diamond screen is not only strong but also tough.

Diamond is man-made diamond. Its light conductivity is very good, and the image is more fidelity than that of OLED. And the force is very high. It is a thing that solves the material problem, comprehensively reduces the process complexity and comprehensively improves various performances.

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