I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 180: Liang 1qing arrived at Lu (Tuesday/Friday) for monthly pass!

"Our school currently has no international students..."

The moment Chen Hao heard this, he was dumbfounded.

He asked silently and uncertainly: "What does it mean to have no students abroad?"

Deng Hui replied directly: "It means that there is no foreign student in our school."

"No one???? Can't it?"

Chen Hao was stunned and asked after some memories, "I remember that before I went abroad, Guanghua had foreign students, and there were quite a few... how could it be possible that there were none?"

When I learned that Guanghua only admitted more than 100 graduate students this year, he was taken aback.

What the **** is this foreign student being 0?

There are at least dozens of people in all three books!

Moreover, Guanghua University used to target Harvard University in the East. When Grandpa was still there, the blueprint envisaged was to build an internationally renowned university in the world.

"Uh, this thing is a long story."

Deng Hui twitched and explained: "When the former Dong Chen was in charge of Guanghua, he found that the recruited foreign students were not only low-level, but also harassed female students, and it was not easy to manage them. They stopped recruiting foreign students four years ago. The approved foreign students graduated in the first two years."

"Well, it is actually more expensive to recruit international students, and Chen Dong is reluctant to spend money on this..."

Hearing the previous, Chen Hao still thought about when this aunt had been abolished and had tossed Guanghua University like this, but at any rate did something useful.

As he was about to give a thumbs-up, Deng Hui added a sentence later that made his throat stuck in his throat.

Feelings are for money!

In order to make money, this aunt is really stingy to the extreme.

Chen Hao said dejectedly: "Well, it turned out to be for this reason, but it is also considered that she was hitting right."

On the contrary, Deng Hui was a little curious about Chen Hao's sudden question, and couldn't help asking: "Principal, are you planning to open the application channel for international students?"

"Starting this year, Guanghua University has begun accepting applications from international students."

Chen Hao nodded, and then said with a serious face: "But to set a threshold, I would rather not recruit foreign students than foreign garbage!"

To collect is to collect the elite, as for the foreign garbage, forget it.

Speaking of this, Chen Hao added, "Also, every foreign student enrolled will have to be personally reviewed by me at that time, and I can only enroll with my consent."

As long as it is determined to be a talent, even if the family background is not very good, it is not impossible to provide a full scholarship in order to harvest foreign talents.

As for wanting to enjoy the special treatments of Falun Dafa University and S.

Hum, then you can roll.

Private universities are so exclusive, and the chairman has the final say.

Deng Hui nodded and said, "Good principal, I understand."

After giving orders, Chen Hao went directly into his office.



606 classroom.

On the computer screen.

[1] Wang Zhanyong. Simulation study of diesel engine high pressure common rail fuel injection system based on AMEsim [D]. 2017.

[2] Wang Ling. Study on the injection characteristics and structure optimization of high pressure common rail electromagnetic injectors [D]. 2016.

[3] Guan Zhi, Lu Jinfu. Numerical Analysis Foundation [M]. Higher Education Press, 1998.


"A total of 5 Chinese documents and 1 English document are cited, and the format is fine."

Lu Zhou lifted his glasses, looked at the two people beside him, and asked, "How did you check?"

Today is the 28th, the last day of the digital model competition.

But for the three of Lu Zhou, this last day was very easy.

They had finished writing all the papers as early as last night.

This morning, I just need to check the format of the paper again.

As for the submission of papers, there are also designated processes and procedures, which are not simple.

You have to download the contest client, and then generate the MD5 code first, and then submit the contest question and MD5 code.

The last and most important thing is to upload "contest papers and supporting materials."

"I have no problem checking here."

"Me too."

Zheng Tianyu and Zhang Lei replied.

Lu Zhou finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Then let Old Zheng upload these materials."

After all, Zheng Tianyu is the captain, and of course this kind of thing is done by the captain.

"Uh, no problem, I'll upload it." Zheng Tianyu said nothing, his eyes focused on the screen.

During the operation, Zhang Lei and Lu Zhou also gathered around and looked at Zheng Tianyu's computer.

"Elbow, do you think we can win the Higher Education Society Cup for this paper?" Zhang Lei turned his head and asked Lu Zhou a little nervously.

Lu Zhou asked back: "What do you think of our paper?"

Zhang Lei touched his head and said, "I think it's pretty good."

Is it possible that the essays written by myself are not good enough?

And this paper was written together with Lu Zhou's assistance.

Modeling and programming were completed early, but the time spent in the paper was the longest.

Because the key to winning the Higher Education Society Cup is the paper!

Even if you are good at modeling and programming, but your paper is not good, you can only win the first prize in the national competition, as for the championship and runner-up awards.

Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows and said confidently: "That's not enough."

I don't know why, when he started this question, Lu Zhou felt very handy, much better than when he was in the dormitory, especially in determining the idea of ​​answering the question, basically did not spend much time.

"Submitted... I wiped it. Didn't it mean that the submission would still be in line? Why did it pass?" Zheng Tianyu shouted excitedly.

When Lu Zhou listened, they quickly moved their eyes.

A successful submission page pops up on the screen.

The above shows the work information and team information.

Work information:

[Entries: 20200225762A- Stable control of pressure fluctuations in high-pressure tubing]

【Supporting material: ...】

Team information:

【Current login account: 208365832……】

[Team members: Zheng Tianyu, Lu Zhou, Zhang Lei]

[Instructor: Zhu Chen]

[Region: Hu Jian Division] (Awkward, it is a bit embarrassing to use Hu Division here, I will call Hu Jian from now on)

【School: Guanghua University】

There is also a gray button [Save this page] under this pop-up window.

Zhang Lei looked at the information above, yelled instantly, and urged: "Old Zheng, hurry up and save it!"

"Why save this?"

"Save it and send me, I will make a mosaic of the message and send it to the circle of friends to show off!"

Zhang Lei said smugly: "Three days of hard work~www.ltnovel.com~ show off first, then get the results, show off again!"

"..." Lu Zhou and Zheng Tianyu were speechless.

However, Zheng Tianyu still saved the submission page and sent it to Lu Zhou and Zhang Lei on WeChat.

After receiving it, Zhang Lei was very happy to mosaic the key information, then edited a sentence and sent it to Moments with this picture.

"For this mathematical modeling contest, it took three days! It was completed! I don't know if I can win the prize, I hope everything goes well!?? ... [Picture]"

A few minutes later, several red dots lit up in the circle of friends.

Zhang Lei opened a lot of happily, but in a comment, he noticed a reply.

"Isn't it... I just want to post one, you post it, and Lao Zheng also post it. My circle of friends has been screened by both of you."

After reading this reply, Zhang Lei was taken aback.

Open the circle of friends, he is speechless.

Good news, I was bored just now, but both of these little **** were posted!

Zheng Tianyu's is also an old Versailles like him, but Lu Zhou's matching characters are a bit small, but he is extraordinary...

"Me, digital model competition, champion, understand?"



In the afternoon, Ludao International Airport.

Chen Hao appeared at the exit of the airport, beside Deng Hui holding the "Liang Yiqing" sign.

ps: The second one today!

During the double monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass! ! Can you get a 1,000 monthly pass this month? !

One vote for you, one vote for me, the author will debut tomorrow!

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