I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 181: Chen Hao's invitation (Wednesday/Friday) third is here! Ask for a monthly p

"I'm the president of the university(

"Deng Hui, how long will it be?"

"Dr. Liang took Luhang MF8512 flight, which arrived at exactly 14:00. I checked the Xiahanglv Zongheng app, and it showed that the flight arrived 8 minutes earlier."

After hearing Deng Hui's words, Chen Hao looked down at his watch.

It is now 14:01. Considering that you get off the plane, take your luggage, and walk over for about 10 minutes, that means it's almost there.

"Ludao Airlines is still possible." Chen Hao said softly.

In fact, in China, if it is not a long distance, it would be more convenient to take the high-speed rail.

You have to arrive at the airport more than one hour earlier by plane, and the airport is usually on the outskirts of the city. Normally, it takes one hour to take the bus, plus the waiting time for the bus and the time to go to the airport bus station.

So, you have to leave 2-3 hours before the plane takes off, unless the Gaoqi Airport like Ludao is in the city center...

For the special situation of Ludao, there is no second case in the country, so there is no reference.

Not only have to arrive at the airport early, but the plane is often delayed and even makes an emergency landing during bad weather.

On short distances, high-speed rail kills aircraft in seconds.

As long as you choose an airplane for a long distance, the price/performance ratio will be higher.

After the two had just finished talking, a wave of people poured out from the inside.

It seems that another flight has landed.

Among them, a man wearing a white shirt and a suit jacket on his wrist stood and visited around the exit, and finally walked straight towards Chen Hao.

The other party reached out his hand very gentlemanly and said with a smile: "Hello, is this Principal Chen?"

"Yes, hello, Dr. Liang. Are you really 68 years old, Dr. Liang?" Chen Hao looked at the other party. The other party looked like a person in his 50s. Although the hairline was a bit high, it was not white. hair.

The overall thing is a very honest and honest feeling. (Baidu looks at the photo, it is indeed)

"During the Three Kingdoms period, the 72-year-old Huang Zhongshang was able to kill Xia Houyuan and defeat Cao Jun in one battle. I am only 68 years old, and I can still think in my mind, and there is still no problem in studying chips." Liang Yiqing smiled, but introduced the Three Kingdoms Shu The case of National General Huang Zhong, it sounds like 68 is not a big deal.

Chen Hao explained: "Ha, Dr. Liang, don't get me wrong, I have no other meaning, just through external observation, I feel that Dr. Liang, you are not 68 years old, but a 50-year-old middle-aged person."

Liang Yiqing smiled and said, "Hahaha, President Chen is not only skilled, but also extraordinary in eloquence."

"How can it be, Dr. Liang has praised it." After the courtesy, Chen Hao didn't bother and said directly: "Dr. Liang, let's get in the car and take you to the hotel in the school."

"No, let's go to the optical core laboratory of the institute first. I want to visit and understand the situation, but I don't know if it is convenient?" After speaking, Liang Yiqing squinted at Chen Hao.

Deng Hui on the side also looked at Chen Hao and wanted to remind, but it was not easy to speak on this occasion.

Liang Yiqing's visit was different from the previous university presidents and professors.

After all, those who agreed to join the scientific research team of Guanghua University belong to their own people.

Liang Yiqing hasn't agreed here yet, just to talk about Ludao.

Only when the talks go smoothly will it be possible to take up the post of director of the Optical Core Research Center.

Worried about technology leakage?

Chen Hao didn't hesitate at all, and straightforwardly agreed: "As long as Dr. Liang doesn't feel tired, we of course have no objections to Guanghua."

The group went to the parking lot to pick up the car and put Dr. Liang's luggage into the trunk.

The car started and Deng Hui drove back to school.

Chen Hao and Liang Yiqing sat in the back chatting.

Gaoqi International Airport is located in the northern part of the island, adjacent to Jimei District, just half an hour's drive from Guanghua University.

The car stopped in the parking lot of Guanghua Hotel.

After the luggage was settled, the group went to the Advanced Materials Research Institute.

Entering the institute, although the internal science fiction is full, Liang Yiqing only raised his eyebrows, and was not too surprised.

As an old man in the technology industry, I have seen the laboratories of many top companies.

The laboratories of Google and Microsoft are not much worse than here.

Chen Hao pointed to the front door and said, "Dr. Liang, the front is the optical core laboratory."


Liang Yiqing nodded and followed Chen Hao's steps into the laboratory.

In the laboratory at this moment, since the major chip teams settled in these two days, there is no longer the empty space of the past, and there are busy researchers everywhere.

Everyone was busy intently, and almost no one noticed the entry of Chen Hao and the others.

Chen Hao came to one place and introduced Liang Yiqing: "Dr. Liang, here is the place responsible for wafer etching..."

Listening to the noise in his ears, the fat researcher who was working hard, raised his head a little uncomfortably. After seeing that the person was Chen Hao, he put away his dissatisfaction.


When he noticed Liang Yiqing.

The girl screamed when she saw the idol instantly!

"Ah ah ah!!!"

"It turned out to be Dr. Liang! I admire you the most, can you sign me!!"

The fat researcher was so excited that he was dancing, and then groping for a while on the table, finally found a pen and paper.

"Haha, of course." Liang Yiqing took the pen and paper, signed it and handed it to the other party.

It was just because of the fat researcher's scream that the busy people in the entire laboratory also looked here.

When I saw Liang Yiqing next to Chen Hao, I was shocked.


"Fuck~www.ltnovel.com~ it's Dr. Liang!"

"What's the situation? Didn't Dr. Liang just have a fight with SMIC? This is... Is it coming to Guanghua University?"

"Niuban! I want to sign too!"

A few young men directly rushed to ask for an autograph.

What is Liang Yiqing's position in the chip industry?

That is equivalent to the breeze in the smiling and proud rivers and lakes!

Invincible existence!

Fighter among the bosses!

Especially after Liang Yiqing returned to the mainland to devote himself to the country's chip construction, for the younger generation in this industry, whether it is ability or morality, it is excellent!

The appearance of Liang Yiqing has caused a little trouble to the laboratory.

Fortunately, after the respective professors exported, they finally calmed down.

However, Chen Hao said with some embarrassment: "Dr. Liang, I made you laugh."

Liang Yiqing waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "It's okay, then let's continue to visit."


In the next hour, Chen Hao took Liang Yiqing around the optical core laboratory.

Then the two came to the reception area.

Chen Hao looked at Liang Yiqing and asked, "How does Dr. Liang feel after visiting the laboratory?"

"The laboratory's hardware facilities are good, and the instruments and equipment are sufficient. It would be okay if people only have chip research, and there are no major problems."

"In the past, I invited Dr. Liang to Ludao through a professor, hoping that you can serve as the director of our Optical Core Research Center and the CEO of Guanghua Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd. I don't know how you think about it?"

Chen Hao didn't mess around, but went directly to the subject and asked.

Liang Yiqing smiled upon hearing this, and shook his head, "Well..."

ps: The third one is here, ask for a monthly pass! ! ! ! !

There are still 2 chapters to complete the mission!

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