I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 182: Who will be the director? ? (Thursday/Friday) Fourth, ask for monthly pass! !

"I'm the president of the university(

"Well... it's still a bit early, but I have a few questions to ask Principal Chen."

Chen Hao condensed his mind, a little nervous, and said, "What's the problem? You said."

The importance of Liang Yiqing is really too great!

He had been very optimistic about Ren Hong and Dai Wenyu before, but in front of Liang Yiqing, neither of them was a big deal.

Dr. Liang is in the chip industry, that is the combination of Wolong and Phoenix!

Both Qualcomm and Intel are very keen to invite Dr. Liang.

As long as Dr. Liang joins, for the chip manufacturing company, it is completely off!

Therefore, Liang Yiqing must get it!

Liang Yiqing thought for a while, and then concluded: "Let’s talk about today’s harvest first!"

"According to my visit just now, your school has overcome the problem of diamond materials. The photonic chip uses photons instead of electrons, but that requires photoelectric conversion. This conversion problem is not big."

"Traditional electronic chips have transistors that are becoming smaller and smaller. This requires high production technology, especially in the lithography link. A lithography machine must be used. However, the diamond that realizes the optical operation can skip the lithography. The etching technology is also top in the world, and there is no technical limitation."

"Therefore, it is a matter of time for your school to develop optical cores. Once optical cores appear, neither Apple's A-series chips nor Qualcomm Snapdragon chips on the market can resist!"

The traditional electronic chip is nanotube technology, which uses electrons to perform operations.

For the photonic chip being developed by Guanghua, the single crystal nanotechnology of diamond is much stronger than the nanotube technology. In addition, the optical conductivity of diamond is very good. The use of photons instead of electrons not only greatly improves computing failure, but also reduces heat generation!

Liang Yiqing shook his head and said with emotion: "The low energy consumption and high power of the optical core are terrible!"

Traditional electronic chips and electronic display screens are operated by electronics, so when the mobile phone performs high-intensity operations, it will gradually cause heat.

The chip with the stronger processing effect, the harder it is to generate heat.

Smart phones carrying optical cores basically say goodbye to fever.

After being praised by Liang Yiqing, Chen Hao smiled like a spring breeze.

"Since Dr. Liang knows the gap between optical core and traditional chips, I think the answer is very clear, right?"

Liang Yiqing did not directly agree, but instead asked: "No, no, it's not necessarily. Too many patented technologies on traditional chips are foreign, and optical core wants to bypass these and reshape a new chip system. Right?"

Chen Hao nodded, "Yes."

Liang Yiqing asked: "So this requires too much work. Design, manufacturing, and packaging and testing are the three main links of the chip industry. President Chen wants to do chip design again, but also wants to do chip manufacturing?"

Although the prospect of optical core is indeed stronger than that of traditional chips, if the other party wants to be arrogant enough to shake the entire chip industry, then he will leave without saying a word!

That is so arrogant!

A small chip is designed with too many technologies and fields, no matter how powerful a company is, it can't do it!

"It won't."

Chen Hao chuckled. As a computer professional, he would pass data analysis in everything.

He calmly said: "I am going to set up an optical core research center, with eight university chip teams of the Huaxia University Chip Alliance responsible for chip design; the other Guanghua Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is responsible for chip manufacturing; Cooperating with other domestic companies, the same applies to chip packaging and testing."

Hearing this, Liang Yiqing glanced at Chen Hao with satisfaction.

The young man in front of him was not dazzled by the prospect of Guangxin, he was very sensible and thoughtful.

This is something he appreciates very much.

However, this has to consider decentralization again.

Liang Yiqing himself is a technical house, but technically he is very hegemonic, but he can't manage and easily offends people.

This is also the reason why TSMC was brought out due to the failure of the Minister of Competition.

Just as Liang Yiqing was about to ask about CEO power, he was surprised to hear Chen Hao's words.

"By the way, I forgot to tell Dr. Liang a little bit. Regarding this Guanghua IC company, I plan to set up a Guanghua Chip Development Foundation for all future profits to support chip companies and reward chip talents."

Chen Hao said apologetically, "So I may not be able to give Dr. Liang an excessively high share, but I promise that the annual salary will not be lower than the income when I was in SMIC!"

Liang Yiqing looked at Chen Hao with some complicated eyes, and asked, "I don't take a penny? Does President Chen know the market size of the entire chip industry?"

"Don't take a penny!" Chen Hao said firmly: "Our country's chip field needs more and more talents to influx in order to bridge the gap with foreign countries!"

Liang Yiqing was silent.

With a global chip market of hundreds of billions of dollars, with such a huge interest, Chen Hao actually said that if you don’t want it, you don’t want it...

This can't help but plunge him into self-reflection.

Compared with Chen Hao's words and deeds, he regrets leaving SMIC a bit.

Is it a bit too selfish?

In front of the country, what is my personal face?

For the rise of the country’s chips, I will bear the burden, and I will not lose a piece of meat. It is nothing more than facing the guy surnamed Jiang.

After a long time, Liang Yiqing sighed and said:

"It's me who saved the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

Chen Hao was a little confused and couldn't help asking: "Dr. Liang, what do you mean by this?"

Liang Yiqing stood up suddenly, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "I am very happy to join Guanghua's big family!"

"Dr. Liang...this..."

The surprise came too soon... Chen Hao was a little stunned for a while~www.ltnovel.com~ It took a moment to react.

Liang Yiqing agreed to join Guanghua!

Chen Hao got up excitedly, held the opponent's hand with both hands, and shook it vigorously, "Great! With Dr. Liang's joining, the day when our country's chips take off is not far away!"

Looking at Chen Hao's expression, Liang Yiqing didn't feel infected, but it made him feel a little ashamed. "President Chen, your mind to serve the country is so admirable."

Sincerely, he returned to China to join SMIC to improve China's chip capabilities, but he couldn't make such selfless dedication like Chen Hao.

Although he is quite a bit older, his patriotism is less than half!

"Hahaha, all for the industry to serve the country, regardless of high or low, they are all worthy of admiration!" Chen Hao shook his head and said modestly.

After the two sat down and became their own, their vigilance was relaxed.

Started to chat.

Just from Liang Yiqing's mouth, I heard a word that shocked Chen Hao.

"Chip design and chip manufacturing are very complicated and require a lot of energy. President Chen's invitation is very forgiving that I can only agree to attend the CEO of Guanghua IC. As for the position of director of the Chip Research Center, please forgive me for not accepting it."


Who will do the director of the Chip Research Center? ? ?

Chen Chong pushed.

Finally, the famous Dr. Liang Yiqing was recruited.

As a result, he only agreed to another one.

Tossing for a long time, back to the starting point? !

ps: The fourth one is delivered, more than 9,000 words are added to the four chapters, ask for a monthly pass! ! ! !

Fuck, it's really all night code...

After drinking two bottles of Red Bull and one bottle of coffee, my heart was beating...

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