I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 185: Military training countdown

The news that Liang Yiqing joined Guanghua University spread like wings, and the whole chip industry practitioners knew about it that night.

Magic City, the headquarters building of China Micro Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd.

A man was following the phone, repeating "Yes" and "I understand".

After hanging up the phone, an emergency meeting was held in the conference room of Huawei headquarters.

The main content of the discussion at the meeting was to establish a Ludao branch, organize the company's top technical team to go to Ludao, and cooperate with the optical core research center to jointly improve the supporting development of optical cores.

At the same time, 10 companies including Changjiang Electronics Technology, Huatian Technology and Goodix Technology were also in action.

Even several major construction companies such as Huajian and other centrally-owned enterprises have received calls from above and are preparing to select personnel. As soon as the drawings come out, they will immediately invest in the construction of the chip industrial park.

Originally, the optical core research center Huajian and other units also planned to take over, but Chen Hao specifically mentioned that this is not necessary.



At 2 am, Ludao Security Area.

In the middle of the night, everything was silent.

The students in the military training fell into a deep sleep, and the students on duty outside were also harassed by sleepworms.

Only the sounds of insects and frogs rang one after another in the barracks.

Just then, one after another harsh and loud whistle sounded.



This voice is meaninglessly nightmare for all the students.

Fortunately, so many people are also tossed over.

All the students who were lying on the bed got up and put on clothes, hats, belts, and backpacks skillfully.

Then came to stand up outside the garage and gather.


The stomping sound broke the silence of the night.

The commander of the third camp, Zhang Laohei, looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Are everyone scolding me in their hearts? This Zhang Laohei, we are all about to get out of the barracks and come to assemble urgently, too much trouble. People!"

He looked down at his watch and was somewhat satisfied after seeing the time, "Well, the time is 3 seconds faster than the last time, yes, I thought everyone was relaxed."

None of the students in the third camp spoke, but their faces were filled with pride.

The toss of more than half a month did not defeat them.

Of course, this also includes Chen Hao's original speech, and its impact on them is not small.

Especially the appearance of Chen Hao from time to time shows that the school attaches great importance to this place.

The training at the beginning was really tiring, but after a few days, it was quite interesting.

"This short life in the barracks is about to end. This is also the last emergency gathering. Everyone will leave the barracks tomorrow."

Zhang Laohei was a little bit reluctant to say, it was the first time for him to take military training.

"Everyone performed well in this military training, which was beyond my expectation. I hope this time will be your precious memory, and the future study will be like military training, even if it is hard, you have to persevere!"

"You need to train well in military training, and study hard in reading. In the future, you must be a person who is useful to society and the country. Well, all go back to sleep!"

After disbanding, everyone went back and lay on the bed.

A feeling of parting dispersed in the garage.

"Qiubai, we are going back to school tomorrow." Weng Mingliang turned sideways on the bed, then whispered to Li Qiubai.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy going back?"

Li Qiubai didn't sleep either. At this moment, he was lying flat on the bed with his head resting on his hands, and his eyes were staring at the warehouse ceiling in a daze.

"Of course I am happy to go back to school! But..." As he said, Weng Mingliang's voice became a little sad, "But I am a little bit reluctant to bear the time."

Weng Mingliang continued to mutter, "The training is indeed very tiring, but it is also quite substantial. And the training is not boring. I have thrown a grenade and hit a target. I hit the prisoner punch every day, and it hits me when I sleep. Practicing..."

Li Qiubai understood Weng Mingliang's feelings.

Everyone is a freshman. They just left home and came to Guanghua University. They were sent to the military camp for military training within a few days.

These days we share joys and sorrows together, we are punished together, we are punishing the instructors together, we are peeking at Yiying sister to wash our hair... In short, it is a kind of comradeship in everyone's hearts.

"For the instructors, this is their training ground; for us, our training ground is in school, in books. If you really like life in the barracks, you can consider joining the army in the future."

Although he comforted Weng Mingliang in this way, Li Qiubai's heart actually had the same thought.

"I'm also a little bit reluctant..."

Early the next morning, **** of despair.

Zhang Laohei stood in front of five hundred people in the camp.

"Tomorrow is the time for this military training report performance. Today we will divide everyone into different performance phalanxes, and everyone can sign up!"

Zhang Laohei shouted: "Anti-terrorism and explosion-proof phalanx!"

A large hand was raised in an instant.

Zhang Laohei selected a group of people to stand alone.

In normal military training, a group of people will be selected as the phalanx for the performance a few days before the performance. As for most of them, they are in the ordinary split type.

The military training team of Guanghua University is different. Everyone participates in all anti-terrorism and explosion-proof training, tactical training, and grenade throwing training.

So you don't need to be specially selected to train alone, but to choose some who have been trained on weekdays as the performance phalanx.

"Tactical drill phalanx!"

Li Qiubai, Weng Mingliang and others are all waiting for Zhang Laohi to call out the three words "Capture Fist"~www.ltnovel.com~ Although everyone is trained, they are different. They are additional training, so The composition of the performing phalanx is basically them.

"Capture prisoner fist drill square formation!"

After finally waiting for these words, Li Qiubai, Weng Mingliang and others stood out.

This division took a full hour to divide the more than 2,000 students of the Ludao Military Training Corps into several performance phalanxes, and then today’s training content is the performance of each phalanx.

Maybe it's about to leave tomorrow. Everyone is very dedicated to training, and no one is wrong.

lunch time.

Everyone was eating and discussing over and over again.

"Tomorrow's military training report will be back to school after the performance, and I should never be here again." Fu Kun said with a little interest.

"You fellow, didn't you want to go back to school when you first came?" Weng Mingliang said jokingly.

When I first came to the first day of military training, Fu Kuntou Tie had to go back to school because of the poor accommodation conditions in the garage, but was scared by Zhang Laohe to treat him honestly.

But because of these days of training, Fu Kun, who was originally fair-skinned, has now become wheaten, and looks much more energetic than before.

"Ahem, it's all things in the past, so don't mention it anymore, I don't think the big drumsticks can stop your mouth!"

While everyone was laughing and playing, one person was frowning.

In front of him was a program of the welcome party.

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket for a monthly pass! ! !

Today is 2 minutes, and I feel a little lost recently... Well, life is too difficult.

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