I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 186: The welcome party is out

Song category: 4 pieces.

Dance category: 4 pieces.

Cross talk sketches: 2 pieces.


Looking at the list of programs, Liu Guangyao finally felt at ease.

Even so, he still asked a student union minister next to him a little worried.

"Old Li, are the two alternate shows okay?"

Minister Li replied steadily: "Chairman, don't worry, the two alternate shows will come later."

"that's OK."

Liu Guangyao turned his head and looked at the built stage.

In the indoor stadium at this moment, a built-up stage is flashing with colorful lights.

But only the staff are busy and it is not time for rehearsal.

Tomorrow night will be the current orientation party of Guanghua University.

Coincidentally, this year's National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival collided, so October 1st is both National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. It just so happened that the Mid-Autumn Festival was held together with this new year party.

The orientation party has always been a major event organized by the student union, not to mention that the sponsor of this party is still the rice company, and rice company seems to attach great importance to this year's orientation party, this year’s gift interactive session exploded...

"President, the cost of this party is not low, it's more than double that of last year, doesn't it matter?" Minister Li next to him asked anxiously.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, the money spent is from the rice company, and we don't have much greed." Liu Guangyao said calmly, then searched the stadium with his eyes, as if he was looking at something. First release╭ァんttps://www..cΘmヤ

Mingde Stadium, the largest indoor stadium of Guanghua University, can accommodate up to 40,000 students in the surrounding stands!

Generally, the annual welcome party will be placed here, and four to five thousand people are enough to watch it here.

But this year's orientation party is different, and the cost is more than double that of last year!

This was also Liu Guangyao's helplessness. Tang Donglin demanded that he must do a good job. Money is not a problem.

Hello everyone, our public account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, and you can receive them as long as you pay attention. Please seize the opportunity for the last benefit at the end of the year. Book Friends Base Camp

Banners are plastered all around, and the logo of the rice company is printed on it.

"Tonight's rehearsal must go smoothly!" Liu Guangyao prayed in his heart.

Just then, a phone rang.

He looked down and saw that it was Tang Donglin's, and quickly connected.

The voice of the other party came on the phone.

"Student Xiaoliu, how did you prepare on site?" The fastest https://://m.

"Everything is ok, will Manager Tang also be there at night?" Liu Guangyao asked nervously.

The normal invitation for this new year party is the freshman this year. Of course, it’s no problem to get a few tickets as a sponsor of the party.

Tang Donglin smiled and said, "Of course, I will arrive on time in the evening."

Then add another sentence, "Right, those activity gifts will arrive at the school later, remember to receive them."

After the phone was hung up, Liu Guangyao took a deep breath, and then said to Minister Li beside him: "Let's go, let's check the equipment on the spot."

"Good chairman." The other party responded, and the two checked near the stage in the stadium.

Tonight's rehearsal will start at 7:30 in the evening and will not end until 10 o'clock.

It's the same time as tomorrow.

The time is set at 7:30 in the evening to make it easier for students to say that they can come over after dinner.

After the inspection, Minister Li asked absently: "President, will this gift be a little richer?"

"Is your hand itchy?" Liu Guangyao glared at the opponent, naturally knowing what was thinking in his head.

I was about to scold him, but I turned around and noticed that there were some students from the Student Union nearby, so I had to take two steps forward, lowered my voice and said, "Did you get kicked by the donkey?"

"The current principal is not a fool, don't have too long hands, you know?"

The staff of the student union, ahem, know everything.

Generally, the Youth League Committee of a school has a teacher who is responsible for guiding the student union.

At this time, it is interesting.

Normally, this instructor is the boss of the student union.

As long as the instructor is strong, the president of the student union is a tool man.

On the contrary, if you encounter an instructor who doesn't care about anything, it happens that the president of the student union is very strong, so the entire student union will be emptied.

The instructor who was in charge of the student union was very busy. As a senior member of the student union, hehehe naturally has some money.

But since Chen Hao took office, the instructor didn't dare to go idle anymore, and slowly began to take care of things.

At the same time, Liu Guangyao, who has already been on the line with the rice company, can't afford hundreds of thousands of money.

Isn’t it not fragrant to show your ability and enter the rice company through Tang Donglin?

"Chairman, I've been dealing with someone recently..." Minister Li lowered his head, and also whispered: "It's too expensive to fall in love, and money is tight."

This made Liu Guangyao's head louder, and he glanced at this guy.

Short-sighted stuff!

Liu Guangyao frowned and said, "Lao Li, you are getting smaller!"

The other party was stunned to hear, so he asked unclearly, "What do you mean?"

"Is this gift very rich?"

"Yeah...looked at me and I was heartbroken."

Minister Li thinks that this prize is really dying!

There are a total of four chapters in this new year party.

There are also four rounds of interactive activities.

The third round is in the middle of the four chapters, and the last one is after all the shows.

And every round of interactive activities will give out prizes!

The special prize is the latest flagship version of the rice phone with a 10,000 yuan cash red envelope.

The first prize is a high-end version of the rice laptop ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ the second prize is a flagship version of the rice phone.

The third prize is a rice balance scooter.

There is even a lucky prize behind the third prize, which is a rice bracelet worth more than 100 yuan! This amount is quite a lot, and 20 are given out every round!

A total of four rounds!

Among other things, this special prize is very tempting!

"Oh!" Liu Guangyao looked at this guy and sighed, and said with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, "Who is the exclusive sponsor of this event?"

Minister Li opened his eyes wide and said, "The rice company!"

Liu Guangyao continued: "The rice company attaches so much importance to this welcome party. As long as we hold it well and gain the appreciation of the other party, won't we have the opportunity to enter the rice company for an internship?"

The rice company may not be a big deal to a prestigious school like Ludao University. After all, the other party is going to foreign companies and big companies like Tencent, Huaxing, Ari, and Qiandu.

But for Liu Guangyao, as a second undergraduate, being able to enter the rice company is already very good.

Thinking that Tang Donglin would come to watch the party, Liu Guangyao gritted his teeth and said to the unhearted guy beside him: "Lack of money to find me, I will lend you! Don't blind Jiebao to reach out this party, you know?"

"Hey, thanks to the president."

Time gradually passed, and slowly many students who attended the Orientation Party tomorrow came to Mingde Stadium.

Tonight is the last dress rehearsal, and everyone takes it seriously.


At this critical moment, a message made Liu Guangyao heard directly and shouted:

"What? Something happened to the show?!"

ps: Ask for monthly ticket for recommended ticket!

The mentality of the past two days is not good, and I am still very sad. I plan to go out tomorrow and adjust my mood, which will cause everyone trouble!

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