I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 187: Military training report performance

"What? Something happened to the show?!"

A student union secretary hurried over, conveying the matter with a slightly disturbed expression on his face.

Liu Guangyao changed color on the spot after listening to it!

What's a joke, he put so much energy and time on this orientation party, but something happened the day before the party? ?

But panic is useless!

Liu Guangyao quickly calmed down and asked the female officer in a deep voice, "What's the matter? Don't panic, calmly and clearly."

The female officer was still nervous, and she spoke with a vibrato: "Chairman, that's it. Isn't one of the song programs a love song duet?"

"Yes, I know this, isn't it by the president of the music club Geng Hao and his girlfriend Wang Xiaoqian?" Geng Hao's figure appeared in Liu Guangyao's mind.

There are a total of four song programs. One of the folk songs is a solo, a duet, a cantata, and the other is a teacher singing English songs.

But of course, the strongest is Geng Hao, the president of the music club.

The selection of programs for this welcome party is mainly from three parts.

The first, of course, is for the Association of Associations to allow associations to sign up;

The second is to participate in a program for each class from sophomore to junior year;

The third is to publicize and call for registration through the school’s posters and the school’s official Douyin account and WeChat public account.

Finally, the current list of participants was formed.

Thousands of counts, he didn't count the rehearsal tonight or something happened!

The female officer glanced at Liu Guangyao, and then slowly said: "Wang Xiaoqian just called and said that Geng Hao has a serious fever and is now lying on the hospital bed."

"Fever?!" Liu Guangyao was taken aback for a moment, his chest bulged in an instant, he suppressed his anger, gritted his teeth and asked: "Why didn't you say it earlier? But now?"

He just thought that if it was a cold, even if it was physically uncomfortable, he would give it to me.

After all, it's summer, and many people tend to catch a cold when sleeping without covering the quilt.

But it was fever!

Especially if they are all hospitalized, the fever is definitely not light...

Even if it gets better tomorrow, my voice will be gone.

"Wang Xiaoqian, she said it was because she practiced too late last night, and she had a fever without paying attention to her health. It was a little better this morning, and it was more serious at noon..."

The female secretary's explanation Liu Guangyao couldn't listen to a word, none of this was important to him!

What is important is the salvation of this show!

He took a deep breath, and said, "Isn't there an alternate singing program?"

For this orientation party, he deliberately prepared two alternate programs just in case.

One of them is singing, but rap is sung, and the level is not outstanding.

The other was a street dance show, which was barely passable, so it was placed on the waiting list.

"Chairman, Duan Ming who sang rap, people also came to the stadium, but his situation...I guess I can't sing singing..."

"Where is the person? Take me over." Liu Guangyao's eyes went dark, and he almost fell over with a bump.

There was an alternate show, but he could still keep it steady.

Take a look now...

Following the leadership of the female officer, Liu Guangyao came to the back of the stage.

There was a boy in a white T-shirt and Mickey overalls standing there.

The boy's facial features are a bit delicate, but at the moment the other party's face is a little panicked.

Especially when he saw Liu Guangyao, his pupils shrank.

Subconsciously took a step back, and then said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Liu Hui, President."

He didn't know what it was before he came, but when he heard the other party's voice, he instantly understood.

He slapped his head, there was a feeling of heaven falling.

"My God...what's wrong with your voice? It's the welcome party tomorrow. How did you emphasize it before? Take care of your body, especially your singing voice is more important!"

Speaking of the back, Liu Guangyao's anger was mixed.

Seeing the president start to freak out, the staff of the Student Union on the side shrank, for fear of catching fire.

"Voice..." Duan Ming explained with some embarrassment: "A buddy who fell in love last night accompanied him to Bengdi to vent, maybe he shouted a little too much..."

Liu Guangyao was really embarrassed into anger, and his saliva spurted in all directions, "Just your voice, is this a bit more shouting?!!! Can I wait until the end of the party if I want to play?!"

Duan Ming lowered his head and looked at his feet. He also felt wronged.

I thought I wouldn't have a chance to appear tomorrow, so I didn't want to indulge it much yesterday.

Who knew that I came here today to explain the situation, and found that there was a problem with the love song duet.

Unfortunately, by coincidence, he was tossed and scrapped by himself.

Looking at the other party without talking, Liu Guangyao didn't fight out with anger. Looking at the other party was annoying, and he said impatiently, "Get out!"

"I'm really sorry, Chairman, then I'll go now." After speaking, Duan Ming strayed and left the gym.

Seeing Duan Ming's departure, Minister Li was also panicked, looking at Liu Guangyao and asking: "President, what should I do?"

"What do you ask me to do? I want to know too!" Liu Guangyao, who vented a bit, breathed a sigh of relief, and said helplessly: "There is no way, I can only let the alternate street dance show go on top."

Although the level of hip-hop dance was pretty average, Liu Guangyao was really afraid that something might happen.

He quickly turned his head to look at the female officer, and asked urgently: "Is there anything wrong with the boy who danced hip-hop?"

The female officer hurriedly said: "No, nothing happened. I just called and he is on his way."

"Huh~ It's fine if nothing happened." Liu Guangyao let out a long breath, finally loosening his nerves.

On the other hand, Minister Li said hesitantly: "President, the level of street dance is a bit average..."

Liu Guangyao glared at the other person, "Otherwise? Then you go up?"

This is naturally impossible, and Minister Li shook his head quickly.

Let him go up and perform?

Three bites and a pig?

At this moment, a somewhat nice voice rang from not far away.

"What happened? I heard your voices when I was still outside."

Everyone looked at the source of the sound, and the person coming was the headmaster Chen Hao.

The reason why Chen Hao came here is of course because of the welcome party tomorrow night.

As his first major event as a principal, and the National Day that coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival, the significance is always more important!

Liu Guangyao sighed. There was no way to hide this, so he had to tell Chen Hao the ins and outs of tonight: "Principal, it's like this..."

After listening, Chen Hao also twitched at the corner of his mouth.

The plot is too bizarre! Even if the male singer who sang the love song has a fever, what happened to the alternate rapist?

Is this a coincidence? !

Don't dare to write novels like that!

Chen Hao looked at Liu Guangyao and asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

Liu Guangyao explained: "Uh~www.ltnovel.com~ this is the case, I plan to let another candidate come on top."

"The one who danced on the street?" Chen Hao frowned. Although he hadn't watched the show selection, he had watched the list of the party tomorrow.


"I remember there are already 4 dance shows on the list? One more, it will be a bit more."

"That's no way..." Liu Guangyao was a little helpless, the matter has come to this point, it can only be so.

"Nono, not necessarily, there is a way."

"Principal, what else can I do?"

"Just find another singer to top it up?"

"Ah... the important thing is that no suitable singer can come up." If it weren't for Chen Hao's words, Liu Guangyao would definitely roll his eyes!

Chen Hao raised his eyebrows, "Who said, isn't there a ready-made one?"

Liu Guangyao was startled and asked: "Who?"

Only when Liu Guangyao finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at Chen Hao with a smile on his face.

"What do you think of me going up there?"



Early the next morning.

Chen Hao's figure appeared in Ludao Security Area.

This morning was the performance time for the military training report of the freshmen of Guanghua University.

The 20-day military training in the barracks will finally come to an end today.

ps: Ask for monthly ticket for recommended ticket!

Thanks to the book friend "202001101203904111" for the reward of 1500 starting coins! I'm ashamed that I can still receive rewards if I update it recently!

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