I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 336: Professor, do you want to consider a job hopping?

Ludao University, in the president's office.

"Okay, then it's settled, I will invite you to dinner another day."

After Zhang Yue finished hanging up the phone, the smile on his face dissipated at this moment.

Walked to the window and stared at the scenery outside.

Needless to say, the scenery of Ludao University, as one of the three major online celebrity universities in China, can be as famous as Wuhan University and Peking University, and the campus scenery is like a scenic spot.

It's just that at this moment, he has no intention of admiring the scenery in front of him.

"This Guanghua University is really messy." He whispered.

"Ten thousand one hour of class fee, who can afford it?"

Zhang Yue's face is not pretty. Just through the network, I have learned about the content of the meeting that Professor Zhai Yang and the three attended that night. But it was after knowing this content that it made him even more frightened.

This is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy!

Compared with making money from horizontal scientific research funds, you can earn more than 100,000 a month if you go directly to part-time classes, and properly earn a million a year.

Don't worry about which day you will get money and be reported, who can hold a high salary in a fair manner, who won't be tempted?

"If it were me, I would be touched." Zhang Yue shook his head, but he was still a little spit in his heart, "Why didn't you invite me? Is my level below Professor Zhai?"

Zhang Yue was a little bit aggrieved. This was definitely the prudent eye of the kid surnamed Chen, and it was completely treated specially.

I also reminded Professor Zhai to beware of Guanghua’s sugar-coated cannonballs, but now they don’t need to beware.

Where is this sugar-coated cannonball? This is exactly an atomic bomb!

It can't be prevented at all!

If you do not allow these professors to teach part-time, believe it or not they will resign and go to Guanghua?

Especially some honest professors who are of high quality and don't make money from funds.

Innocent high goes to high, but clean money should be taken or taken.

Who has no children, the house and the car beauties, in case of staying in school, it will cost millions to go out to study for four years.

Now the child can afford to be born and cannot afford it.

"Hey, it's up to them to go, this thing really can't be forced, but it will be forced by others."

Thinking of several other colleges and universities in the same city, Zhang Yue suddenly laughed out loud, "There will be fun to watch then."

Almost at the same time, President Cheng Wen of Ludao University of Technology also received the news, and he was furious when he learned that Professor Sun of his school had gone to Guanghua University to work part-time.

Logically speaking, it is only a part-time job, which is also common in various universities.

It's just that Principal Cheng is very annoyed recently. There is a supermarket in the school that his nephew runs, and of course it is his relationship. Because some negative news appeared in the supermarket recently, some students reported it, but he suppressed it.

However, I never expected that this incident was stabbed up by a professor at the school, and the supermarket was ordered to close and re-invite foreign investment.

The informant was Professor Sun.

"Go and call Professor Sun Xuelin to me, I'd like to ask, Professor Sun is still not a professor of science and engineering?!" Cheng Wen yelled at his little assistant.

The little assistant was also frightened, and he hurriedly left the office, no matter whether the other party was in class or not, he went directly to call someone.


Guanghua University.

Chen Hao, who was handling the files, suddenly thought of something and called Deng Hui in.

"Deng Hui~www.readwn.com~ When does Professor Fang Haosen's plane arrive in the afternoon?"

"Arrive at 4 in the afternoon." Deng Hui noticed the look in Chen Hao's eyes, and without waiting for the other party to ask, added, "Principal, don't worry, Director Chen Chong will pick up the plane in person. It should be set off now."

Chen Hao looked down at his watch. It was 3:20 in the afternoon.

It takes nearly half an hour from Guanghua University to Gaoqi Airport by car.

With a calculation in his mind, Chen Hao directly covered the pen, packed up the documents on the table, and raised his head to exhort Deng Hui, "Professor Fang is not easy to come over all the way, and letting Director Chen to pick up the plane does not show our Guanghua's attention. I also go!"

"If there is an emergency here at the school, let it be handled by Vice Principal Zheng Qiang lightly, and wait for me to come back severely." Just said it as usual, and it takes one hour to go back and forth. What can happen.

After speaking, Chen Hao got up and went downstairs directly.

ps: Don't read the next chapter. I haven't finished it yet. I will read it after 2 o'clock. I'm very sorry. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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