I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 337: Remote meeting with Huami OV

   301, Block 1, Expert Building, Guanghua University.

   A large house of 200 square meters, four bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms. The key point is that the inside is well decorated, and the word "fine" is the key point!

   "Air conditioners, washing machines, refrigerators all!"

   Meng Xu’s exclamation came from the toilet, "Professor, even the toilet is a smart toilet imported from Sakura Country, and the sink is also TOTO!"

   As for Fang Haosen, he put his suitcase in the living room and walked around in the kitchen. Then he opened the door of the master bedroom and looked at the furniture and bedding inside. He couldn't help shaking his head, but his heart was warm.

   Came to Guanghua University from the airport, got off the bus and brought it here directly. As for the procedures, it was said that I would go through the next day. Today, I was busy and had a good rest.

   Then when I came to this small 3-story building, I saw everything in front of me.

   At this time, Meng Xu also finished shopping in the suite, walked to Fang Haosen, and said with a look of envy: "Professor, the configuration here is also great, I feel that Guanghua pays more attention to you than Beihang University!"

"I'm staying in with a bag! This is nothing short of it, and it's all brand-name goods. I am envious. When will I be able to allocate such a house like you did." Meng, who originally reported a few days ago Xu, because of Professor Fang, postponed to come together today. In the end, Professor Fang's light was also touched, and he experienced the experience of picking up the plane by the principal.

   "Xiao Meng, how much do you think these soft outfits cost?" Fang Haosen looked around the decoration in the room and turned to ask Meng Xu.

   "At least three to four hundred thousand yuan, right?" Meng Xu really didn't understand this, he was taken aback, and replied uncertainly.

   "Three or four hundred thousand is enough..." Fang Haosen shook his head. Before he even reached the laboratory, the house alone made him feel valued.

   Fang Haosen thought to himself, the nervousness of coming to an unfamiliar environment suddenly cleared a lot.

   Not to mention the decoration, just these brand-name furniture and so on, I am afraid that there are three to four hundred thousand.

   "Three to four hundred thousand are not enough? That's too great, I will also do scientific research in the future, and I won't read novels!" Meng Xu felt like he was burning! What novels are you still reading, the struggle is over! When can you experience Professor Fang's treatment? It's almost the peak of life!

   "Ha, then you have to come on." Fang Haosen laughed dumbfounded, glanced at Meng Xu, and smiled, "There are a lot of four rooms, if you don't mind, it's okay if you choose one room, Xiao Meng."

   "Ah, this...professor, this is not so good. I just live in the staff dormitory that Guanghua placed me." Meng Xu scratched his head, feeling a little emotional, but he still refused.

   "It's okay. I live in such a big room alone and it's a waste. Many people can also talk." Fang Haosen patted Meng Xu on the shoulder and smiled, "That's it."

   Although Meng Xu is not a graduate student he brought, he is almost the same, and he still appreciates Xiao Meng's ability and character, and is willing to cultivate each other.

   "Hey, I listen to the professor." Meng Xu smiled, and the respect of the other professor increased.

   Just then, there was a knock on the door.

   The two walked to the door, opened the door and found that the person was Chen Chong.

  Chen Chong carried the fruit and said with a smile: "Professor Fang, we will be neighbors in the future. Welcome to visit us in the future."

   "Neighbor? Professor Chen, do you live downstairs?"

Chen Chong nodded, and by the way introduced Fang Haosen: "Yes, I live at 101 on the first floor. The person opposite is Zhu Chen, the director of the Computer Research Institute of our school. Upstairs, 201 is Professor Chen Ping from Optical Core Lab, 202. It is Dr. Liang Yiqing from Guanghua Power Collection."

   "Then only 302 is left empty." Fang Haosen thought about it. This three-floor high Nanyang style small mansion had only six houses and two houses on the first floor. Up to now, including him, he has only lived in five houses.

   After all, only those selected by the Guanghua Scholars and Guanghua Youth Programs can live in.

   "If 302 is not unexpected, someone will live in soon." Chen Chong said with a mysterious smile.


   "Professor Ren Hong."


   In the principal's office.

   Deng Hui hesitated, but couldn't help but ask: "Principal, are you really going to pay a 100,000 yuan bonus?"

"Post, not just post, but also promote it on Weibo!" Chen Hao thought for a while, took out the checkbook from the drawer, filled in the information directly on it, tore it off and handed it to Deng Hui, "Just give this cash check directly to Deng Hui. He, remember to take photos to promote it!"

   As for whether people take the money and run away?

   can run his name backwards.

   is only 100,000 yuan, just treat it as his personal reward.

   In the future, all those who are introduced or brought into the school by people who are rated as Guanghua Scholars or Smooth Youth will receive bonuses.

   One hundred thousand only, in exchange for a talent's blood to make no loss, it will be used as advertising expenses.

   "Okay, I know the principal." Deng Hui took the check and left the office to the expert building.


   301, Block 1, Expert Building.

   Deng Hui gave the check to Meng Xu, and then left after giving the principal's words.

   In the living room, Meng Xu and Fang Haosen glanced at each other and looked at each other, especially the former was still a little shocked.

   "This is mine? This is one hundred thousand yuan!" Meng Xu held the check in both hands, shaking constantly, his emotions were beyond words.

   Fang Haosen is also a little dazed, this is still the first time to experience this, what's the introduction fee?

   "Why don't we go to ICBC to exchange it now?"


   As soon as they talked, the two closed the door and took a taxi to the nearby ICBC.


After one hour.

   A post appeared on the small treeworm forum.

   The content of the post tells me that I am going to retreat from the postdoctoral postdoctoral station of Beihang University to Guanghua's laboratory. I did not expect to bring the second-in-command professor of the laboratory with him. Because the professor met the criteria of "Guanghua Youth", he was even awarded 100,000 yuan as an introducer!

   I have to say that the title is really attractive.

   It didn't take long, and there were nearly a hundred replies.

   "If I didn't see this check, I wouldn't believe it, I can only say that you are real!"

   "One hundred thousand yuan, I am really envious, I can buy the Prodigal Eye if I have one hundred thousand."

"This is a special introduction fee, right? Guanghua University does everything for talents. It's terrible~www.readwn.com~ After bb upstairs for a long time, don't you have a heartbeat? Don't say it, I'm going to persuade my boss Let's hop to Guanghua University together."

   "+1, for this one hundred thousand referral fee, even if I get swept away by my instructor, I have to give it a try!"

   "For one hundred thousand oceans, go!"

   Zeng Yang is a PhD student at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Seeing this post, I couldn’t help but want to laugh.

   "Guanghua University is really awesome, you can do it like this."

   After the ridicule, Zeng Yang looked at the check picture three times, and for a while, his heart tickled.

   At this time, the tutor Professor Wu walked in from outside with a thermos, glanced at him, and said affectionately:

   "Xiao Zeng, why haven't you left yet, you can go back."

   Zeng Yang's brain twitched and stood up and shouted at Professor Wu, "Professor, would you like to consider going to Guanghua University?"

   "Huh? What are you talking about?" Professor Wu was stunned, as if he didn't understand.

   "Just to hop to Guanghua University!" Zeng Yang blurted out.

   He regretted it just after speaking.

   Because he suddenly remembered that his mentor, Professor Wu, was the vice president of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

   When he looked up, he saw the black-faced and expressionless teacher.

   "Xiao Zeng, come to the office with me, and I have something to tell you." After speaking, Professor Wu turned directly into the office, and the door closed with a bang.

   "This is terrible, my mouth is cheap!"

   Zeng Yang's heart chuckles, and he is so angry that he wants to give himself a big mouth.

   "This is terrible, why should I have a bitch?!"

   With anxiety, Zeng Yang stepped into the office after all.

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