I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 338: The blessings of medical students

604, Zhongnan Building, Peking University Health Science Center.

When Liu Yue returned to the dormitory, it was already night.

Beijing is particularly bleak in the autumn, and the coldness is getting worse at this time.

When Liu Yue returned to the dormitory, she was still wrapped in a down jacket. She watched two roommates lying on the bed and talking on the phone with the subject, while the other was sitting down and looking at the computer, complaining as she walked: "The heating here in the capital can't be advanced. God? You have to wait until the 15th every year. It's cold to death."

Liu Yue shuddered and sat down in front of her table, beside her roommate Hu Xiaoyu.

There are many types of postgraduate dormitories in Peking University School of Medicine, and they are three-person rooms, two upper and lower bunks, one upper bunk, and a table divided into three people underneath. On the other side, there are three rows of vertical storage against the wall. cabinet.

"Xiao Yu, what are you looking at, so fascinated?" Liu Yue turned on the computer and glanced at her roommate at the same time, and asked curiously.

"Small treeworm forum, Guanghua University has become popular recently!" Hu Xiaoyu shook Liu Yue's shoulder happily.

"Didn't Guanghua have been on fire several times? It has nothing to do with our students of basic medicine." Liu Yue entered the login password and said indifferently.

"Hey, this time it really has something to do with us!" Hu Xiaoyu pretended to mysteriously hook Liu Yue's neck, forcibly pulled it over, and pointed at the screen, "Yueyue, look at this post!"

Liu Yue, Hu Xiaoyu, and another roommate are all undergraduates from the Peking University School of Medicine. They have been together for several years and their relationship is naturally unusual.

"Oh, let me see it, why are you so savage!" Liu Yue had no choice but to follow Hu Xiaoyu's finger. The screen showed a recruitment post.

"Guanghua University recruits lecturers?" Liu Yue turned her head to look at Hu Xiaoyu, "It doesn't matter to us, aren't they a comprehensive university?"

As far as she knows, Guanghua University does not have a medical school. As for the affiliated hospital, right?

After all, there isn't even a medical school, where's the affiliated hospital.

"Look down!" Hu Xiaoyu reminded.

"Okay, I see."

Liu Yue was gone, so she had to continue to look down. This turn made her eat!

She seemed worried that she was dazzled. Liu Yue closed her eyes, shook her eyes, and opened them again. It was still this picture, and she was excited now.

"Guanghua actually recruited full-time lecturers in basic medicine. This is amazing. It's not that their staff made a typo?" Hu Yue was a little worried when it came to the end.

"Probably not!" Hu Xiaoyu smiled confidently. "I just checked. Guanghua University acquired a private Grade 3 hospital this year and renamed it the First Affiliated Hospital of Guanghua University, so the information should be correct."

"How about? Do you want to try it together?" Hu Xiaoyu looked at Liu Yue expectantly.

Liu Yue didn't hesitate at all, but gave it decisively.

"Go! I must go! The monthly salary starts at 20,000 yuan, and the annual salary is at least 30. Isn't this more popular than the residents of Jishuitan Hospital and Ditan Hospital?"

There are many medical majors, including clinical medicine, stomatology, basic medicine, preventive medicine, nursing and so on.

Of course, the most popular is clinical medicine, and most of the rest except stomatology are quite bad.

For example, their basic medicine is quite boring, even if they are doctors and doctors of Peking University School of Medicine?

It's not the same pit!

It is said that it is basic medicine, but what it actually does is life science.

It is not too much to say that it is a branch of biology.

The problem is that you are more familiar with killing mice than you are in basic medicine.

Another important point is that clinical medicine can be a doctor, but basic medicine cannot be a doctor.

If you want to be a doctor in China, you must have a practicing doctor's certificate. That certificate can only be taken by students with a bachelor's degree in clinical majors. Basic medicine is not allowed.

This major is to engage in scientific research in the laboratory every day, and employment is quite embarrassing. Normally, the counterpart employment is to go to the experimental center of the tertiary hospital or to the university with a medical school. The other way out is to go to pharmaceutical companies and medical institutions.

Then powerful clinical hospitals will set up their own laboratories to solve their own clinical problems, which makes the students of basic medicine very embarrassed.

[Master's degree in medicine at Zhejiang University for 7 years, abandoned the blog to sell bread. Mom and dad were dumbfounded, and netizens exploded! ——Hangcheng Net]

[Study of medicine for 7 years, he changed career and opened a bakery-Dingxiang Toutiao]

These two pieces of news, you don’t need to click to open it to know that the protagonist is a basic medical professional.

As the saying goes, "Persuade people to study medicine, and the sky thunders."

If you persuade people to learn basic medicine, it will be thunderous!

Those who talked with the subject on the phone already had a career path, so this time only Hu Xiaoyu and Liu Yue sent their resumes to Guanghua University.

This scene also happened in many medical schools in China. It was clearly written on the information column that clinical medicine, basic medicine, stomatology, preventive medicine, etc. are all recruited.

Some netizens speculated that this is a plan to establish a medical school, so the number should not be a small number.

But at the same time, some netizens with sharper eyes noticed a little.

Soon, a post appeared on the small treeworm forum.

[Guanghua University has a big move! It can be seen from the recruitment notice that not only will the medical school be prepared, but there will also be several other colleges! 】

The editor-in-chief of the Beijing News, Ma Xiaoxiao, saw this post with excitement, and quickly opened Word and started writing a press release.

Ma Xiaoxiao discovered that Guanghua University is a shortcut to getting rich!


Before reporting on Guanghua University, she was an editor.

And now, he has become the editor-in-chief.


The next morning.

Guanghua University's Shangxian Track and Field Stadium.

Chen Hao appeared on the track as always, jogging steadily and rhythmically.

If you want to live long, your body is the key.

As everyone knows, those long-lived elderly people have two things in common, that is, they pay much attention to diet and exercise.

People in 996 or even 007 every day don’t exercise. It’s pretty good that they can live to 70 without serious illness.

It is Chen Hao who is strict with himself to get up for a run every morning.

Successful people may have many differences, but they definitely have one thing in common.

That is self-discipline, even extreme self-discipline.

Running, the back of an acquaintance appeared in front of him.

"Old Zheng." Chen Hao greeted and shouted.

"Principal." Zheng Qiang glanced at this, then some leaned over and ran over.

"I happen to have something to ask you."

"What's the matter, you said." Chen Hao was a little puzzled, but didn't stop his pace~www.readwn.com~ Is there anything you have to say when you have to run in the morning, do you want to express your lung capacity?

"About recruitment."

"What happened to the recruitment?"

"Principal, is the recruitment time for full-time teachers a bit too hasty this time?" Zheng Qiang asked in a deep voice.

Chen Hao knew what the other party was referring to. It was nothing more than the recent post made by Chen Chong on the Xiaoshuworm forum that caused shock in the domestic postgraduate circle.

No less than dropping a depth water bomb, a huge ripple was created.

Chen Hao looked at the red sun rising early in the morning and couldn't help shaking his head.

"Old Zheng, we are running out of time."

ps: Ask for recommended tickets, ask for monthly tickets!

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