I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 339: Privacy Information Security Alliance

   I don’t know why, Chen Hao’s idea for Zheng Qiang is that he is in a hurry. It seems that there is something catching up behind him.

   does not stop at all, it is the rhythm of fast walking + trotting.

   Even Zheng Qiang himself is quite strong, but facing Chen Hao, he is still a little frightened.

   He knew exactly what idea Chen Hao had made. It was nothing more than solving the basic faculty of several new colleges this time.

   Although it is said that there are several universities in the same city, such as Ludao University, Huaqiao University, Ludao University of Technology, etc., professors can come to work part-time, but there is no full-time teacher to call for part-time work.

   After all, it's still one's own!

   But this also faces a lot of risks. If you take a step forward, you are easy to pull the egg! !

   Don’t look at Guanghua University’s current online boom. You have to know that there are a lot of icing on the cake, and there are more people who fall into the trap.

   As long as something happens to Guanghua, it will bring a chain reaction.

   This is what Zheng Qiang is worried about.

   "Principal, would you still be a bit anxious?"

   Zheng Qiang sighed slightly, and said with some worry: "Actually, I think it is more appropriate and safer to complete it twice in two years."

   "It's okay, this time is a good time and there is plenty of time, as long as the task is completed before June." Chen Hao smiled, thinking about this.

   As long as the faculty preparations for several new colleges have been settled before June, during the two summer vacations of 7-8, pre-job training and guidance will be given to newly recruited teachers, and the courses can be taught to new students in September.

  As for those big cows and young cows, overall there is enough time for digging people.

   "Let's do it." Zheng Qiang was a little helpless. Since the principal is so confident, he had to follow this path. All he could do was reduce the risk.

   After all, with such a hot salary, I must be worthy of it.

   As if thinking of something, Zheng Qiang said with a wry smile: "But principal, will your salary be too high?"

   Seeing Zheng Qiang's words have begun to gasp, even jogging and talking are uncomfortable.

   Chen Hao slowed down and motioned to the next way, "Let’s walk and talk."

   "Okay." Zheng Qiang breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

   "The salary is a bit high, but I think it's worth it!" Chen Hao said without hesitation.

   Zheng Qiang did not speak, but looked at Chen Hao, waiting for the words behind the other party.

   "The domestic treatment of senior intellectuals is really too low." Chen Hao shook his head and sighed.

   He has also met some impoverished big cows, their quality is very noble. They are engaged in scientific research, taking academics as the first and money as the second and second. Research is the process of realizing self-worth and the process of benefiting future generations.

   "What did Qian Xuesen and Qian do when he returned to China? He was running for his ideals! He was running for the country to serve the country!"

   "If Qian Lao stays in a beautiful country, will the salary offered by the other party be low? No! But Qian Lao still chooses to return to China."

   Chen Hao admires this kind of people very much!

"Whether they are university teachers or scientists, they are very admirable, but in reality their salary is not high, especially the low-level lecturers and researchers, who are paid several thousand yuan a month, let alone Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Shen, in a high-consumption tourist city like Ludao, when can I save the down payment?!"

   "I hope our teachers and researchers at Guanghua can take classes and conduct research with peace of mind, instead of thinking about how to make money every day!"

   Chen Hao said in a loud voice: "If I don't have the ability to manage, then forget it, since I Chen Hao has this ability, then I have to manage it!"

   University teachers, ordinary teachers are the hardest, and they are liberated when they reach the associate professor.

   The same is true for ordinary researchers in the institute, and they have to get to the level of associate high-level researcher.

   But, in an increasingly involved present, how can there be so much time for these young people to go through?

   There are high salaries in the political arena, so he wants to try it in Guanghua.

   He hopes to be able to give high salaries, attract talents, and solve the other party’s financial difficulties, so that he can devote himself to teaching or scientific research.

   Under this kind of high salary, I still want to make money from horizontal funds and other places...emmm, even if you escape outside the province.

   With his influence on Ludao, he directly studied a certain medicinal liquor company and arrested people across the province.

   High salary is not so easy to get, be careful!

   Hearing what Chen Hao said, Zheng Qiang lowered his head and walked along the road, a little silent for a while.

   There is a lot of generosity from others, but very few people are generous to oneself.

   The former is disgusting, the latter is admirable.

   undoubtedly Chen Hao belongs to the latter.

   Zheng Qiang raised his head, the hot sun shining on his body didn't feel annoying, but he felt warm.

   turned around, Zheng Qiang extended a thumb to Chen Hao

   "Principal, few people can convince me Zheng Qiang, you are one!"

   Maybe it was because of the high salary that kept him in Guanghua, and then he was attracted by the future of Guanghua University in Chen Hao's words.

  To truly return to heart, it is this moment.

   "Principal, I finished running this morning~www.readwn.com~ Then I'll leave first." Zheng Qiang waved his hand and walked straight to the exit of the track and field.

   Turning his back to Chen Hao, the corner of Zheng Qiang's mouth evokes an arc, and a faint voice that only he can hear sounded.

   "Maybe one day, Guanghua University can really become an amazing university!"

   Zheng Qiang's change, Chen Hao noticed a little, but he didn't care about it. Old Zheng is his own anyway.

   No, it should be said that they are Guanghua people, unless they are retired, otherwise no one wants to poach him.

   After running in the morning, Chen Hao went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and it was almost 8 o'clock when he returned to the office.

   After finishing some things, he went to Dayu's studio and stared at it.

   Now this anti-big data app is the key to accomplishing the task, so you have to pay more attention to it.

   The studio is progressing very smoothly here, without any problems, and is being developed steadily.

   As for other places, there is nothing to worry about.

The optical core laboratory is proceeding slowly; the lactide laboratory has the participation of Professor Fang Haosen and Chen Chong is present, and the double-carriage fast mode has been started; as for Zhu Chen also returned from the beautiful country and is working on the MR smart glasses laboratory The final preparatory stage.

  The experimental class may be motivated by high-paying class hours. The tutors also patiently communicated with the students about the selection of courses. After all the results are available, they can plan for the curriculum in a unified way.

   As for talent recruitment, thousands of resumes have been received in recent days!

   In order to assist in the work of the Personnel Department, Chen Hao mobilized several administrative staff from other departments to help.

   Everything seems to be moving in a good direction.


   Five days later.

   Dayu Studio.

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