I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 341: Attention from the capital

Optical Core Research Center.

The exterior of the building is majestic and majestic, just standing below and looking up will make people feel emotional.

As for the wall on the side of the door, signs with various words are hung, and the [State Key Laboratory] is not the most eye-catching.

The research center is divided into five floors with four elevators.

As for Chen Hao, he led Professor Ren Hong to the front and introduced the research content undertaken by the various laboratories of the center to the leaders behind him.

From time to time, the scientific and technological level of the research center is also displayed.

As a research institution produced by the system, it is not only the beautiful appearance of the building, but the inner technology content is the core.

It is like a laboratory in a Hollywood sci-fi blockbuster, which can be seen here, and even a little bit beyond.

"Our research center not only has a lot of black technology, it is definitely the world's top research institution in terms of safety!"

Chen Hao did not exaggerate these words, but explained to the leaders: “The laboratory adopts the most advanced algorithm to monitor from the center of five meters, and monitors the walking posture, step distance, foot size, and weight of the visitor. , Height, interpupillary distance, interpupillary height, voice tone and other comprehensive analysis, no one can break in."

Methods such as iris recognition and face recognition in movies and novels are not effective here at the Optical Core Research Center.

Even if you can transform, as long as the walking rhythm or posture is slightly different, the central alert system will be triggered.

"Isn't hacking okay?" a senior official asked curiously.

"If he can be successfully hacked, then I will reward him with 100 million dollars." Chen Hao smiled faintly. The building produced by the system comes with an intelligent auxiliary system, and the firewall is beyond the level of this world.

And Dandan has already taken over. The recent growth rate of Dandan has made Chen Hao even a little frightened. The analysis of human emotions has also taken a higher level. Sometimes it makes him feel that the person talking to him is not an artificial intelligence, and It's a person!

The artificial intelligence life is no longer the artificial intelligence program of Jarvis in "Iron Man", but it is a bit like the "Resident Evil" red queen.

The difference is that Dandan is a systemic product, and it is a growable type.

"It seems that Principal Chen is very confident, then we can rest assured." Director Xu of the Ministry of Education said with a smile to the people around him.

However, people who understand technology, such as Director Hua of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, kept their eyes on the surroundings, and had no time to speak, and the shock in their hearts far exceeded those around them.

The degree of emphasis on Guanghua University before, after today, seems to be raised several levels.

As a professional background, even if you become a leader, you may have a decline in technology, but seeing it is even sharper.

"I will lead you around the next laboratory, which is mainly responsible for the photonic chip..."

Chen Hao led a group of people to continue walking around for an hour.

This "grand parade" is over.

"Goodbye Director Xu, Director Hua, Director Li!"

After waving goodbye to the leaders and leaving, Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

The establishment of the Optical Core Research Center this time not only attracted leaders from the city and province, but also several high-ranking officials who came from the capital.

The optical core research center has entered high-level vision since it was not established.

From now on, it's even more serious.

If anyone dares to make trouble with this, then his trouble will be great!

When the delivery of the people was almost finished, Chen Hao noticed that Zhou Hanqing was still standing beside him, and couldn't help asking, "Uncle Zhou, why haven't you left?"

"I want to say a few words to you before leaving."

"What are you talking about?"

Zhou Hanqing pulled Chen Hao aside, away from the crowd, lowered his voice and said in Chen Hao's ear:

"A certain elder of Guangxin specifically told me that there is definitely a green light on the procedures, try to get it out as soon as possible, you know?"

"Who?" Chen Hao's heart moved, as if he had some answers.

"Don't say it." Zhou Hanqing shook his head.

"What will happen if I do it?" Chen Hao looked directly at Zhou Hanqing.

"At least this elder will visit Guanghua University in person!"

Zhou Hanqing let out a dry cough, and finally exhorted, "Do it hard, come on."

Then he turned into the car, leaving Chen Hao in a mess in the wind, still a little awkward.

"So, which elder is it?" Chen Hao frowned, said something to himself, then turned and walked back.

Zhou Hanqing has already revealed a lot of information. It seems that after the optical core is created, a certain important person will visit Guanghua University in person. The impact...that is the treatment of several minutes in the news network.

As for honors, titles, etc., there is no need to say more.

When I returned to the Optical Core Research Center, the research inside was still running in an orderly manner as before at the Advanced Materials Research Institute.

When Chen Hao walked to Ren Hong's team, he didn't seem to see Professor Ren himself.

I could not help asking Dai Wenyu: "Wenyu, what about Professor Ren?"

"The professor is in the office." Dai Wenyu raised his head and saw that Chen Hao lowered his head again and continued to be busy.

Chen Hao didn't care, and walked straight to the office.

Sagishima University of Technology.

Professor Sun Xuelin, who had just finished the class, packed the thermos and books, and then walked out of the classroom.

"Professor Sun!" A shout came from behind him.

With a panting sound, a quiet-looking girl wearing round-frame glasses trot over.

This girl is called Li Wenwen, who is the study committee member of the class he has just taught, and the classwork is also handed over to the other party to arrange.

"Professor, I heard that you are leaving now?" Li Wenwen asked nervously.

"Yes, I have to go." Sun Xuelin slowed down and sighed in dismay.

Upon hearing from Professor Sun, Li Wenwen's eyes dimmed for an instant, and her head was deeply buried.

Although Professor Sun Xuelin is not young, he insisted on teaching undergraduates, and he has never changed over the years without hindrance.

In addition, Professor Sun has a high level of lectures and an approachable personality. If you want to comment on the most popular professor at Ludao University of Technology, then Professor Sun will definitely be selected.

Seeing Li Wenwen not speaking, Sun Xuelin couldn't help but look over. He noticed that the other party lowered his head and couldn't help but smile, and said gently: "Silly boy, don't worry, I will definitely finish your class this semester."

I fell out with Cheng Wen a few days ago. Although I have reflected on it these days, it shouldn't be that direct, but the determination to leave has not changed in the slightest.

For Cheng Wen, he couldn't bear it anymore!

Sun Xuelin is not a big scientist, nor is he a big entrepreneur, but his backbone is upright!

"Professor, then you must take care of your health!"

Sun Xuelin smiled, his heart warm.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to comfort him, a person who made him feel physically disgusted suddenly appeared.

"Cheng Wen, what do you want to do? I tell you, you can't stop me!" Sun Wenlin glared at the other side and said in a bad tone.

"Professor Sun, misunderstanding misunderstanding!"

Cheng Wen wiped the sweat from his forehead, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com hurriedly said respectfully: "If you are free now, we will go through the formalities now. Why would we stop Professor Sun if he wants to leave? I can't be happy. No. No, I am happy for Professor Sun." I was so nervous that I made a typo the first time.

"?" Sun Xuelin looked at Cheng Wen whose attitude was completely reversed 360 degrees, and didn't react for a while, "Really let me go?"

"That's a must!" Cheng Wen clapped his hands and even smiled flatteringly, "Professor Sun, when do you want to go through the formalities? Tell me, anytime."

Sun Xuelin was stunned. Was this guy's brain broken by a hammer, and how did his style of painting change suddenly?

After hesitating, Sun Xuelin couldn't help but asked:

"Cheng Wen, did you get kicked by a donkey in your head?"

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