I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 342: This is no longer a typical schoolmaster

Chapter 342 The University Teaching Building of Other People's Home!

"The Optical Core Research Center was established. Director Xu of the Ministry of Education and Director Hua of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology attended the ceremony. What signal did it release?-"Renren Daily"

"Shocked! The leaders of the three ministries and commissions suddenly came to Guanghua University, the reason turned out to be...——CU News"

"The much-anticipated optical core research center was established. How long do we have to wait for optical core?-"Global Daily"

Professor Zhai Yang of Ludao University was lost in thought looking at the news on the screen of his mobile phone.

He didn't go to the scene yesterday, nonsense, he was from Ludao University, he just went to Guanghua University to teach part-time, if he went to bump into President Zhang, how should he explain?

Sacrifice such as shucang.cc sacrifice such as. This is really unclear after jumping into the Yellow River.

However, these high-ranking officials attended the scene, and the meaning behind it was not small.

Zhai Yang looked a little surprised.


At this moment, a knock on the door sounded.

Open the door is his old wife.

"Lao Di, Lao Xun has arrived." Yang He finished doing housework.

As for Zhai Yang coming out of the study, he saw the middle-aged man sitting in the living room. He was not handsome, but he was a bookish man, and he seemed to be a very kind person.

Xun Lingjun is a professor at Ludao Jiaotong University and a big cow in the field of communications engineering in Hu Province.

The Xun surname is a rare surname today. Ranked 201st in "Hundred Family Names".

And interestingly, his name also collided with a historical celebrity.

Everyone in the world remembers Guo Fengxiao, and no one knows Xun Lingjun.

Xun Lingjun is Xun Yu. Because of his appointment as Shangshuling, he held the center for more than ten years and was respected as "Xunlingjun".

"You came so early?" Zhai Yang looked at his watch, raised his brows, and greeted him, "Then go ahead, just to see what the new teaching building looks like."

"Let's go then." Xun Lingjun smiled and got up.

In this way, the two left directly and took Zhai Yang's car to Guanghua University.

Professor Xun was also hired by Guanghua University to teach part-time. He happened to be in the same community as Zhai Yang, and the two had a good relationship, so they agreed to go there together.

The car ran smoothly, and the road conditions were excellent at noon, but there was no traffic jam.

Zhai Yang glanced at Xun Lingjun in the co-pilot, and said jokingly: "Old Xun, you are going to Guanghua University to take part-time classes. Didn't Jiaotong University have any gossip?"

"How could it not? Guanghua University is now in the limelight in the Ludao University circle. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at it." Xun Lingjun shook his head and said helplessly.

On the second day after returning from Guanghua University, I was called by the principal to talk, but it was not as serious as what happened to Professor Sun Li, but it was okay. He just said that he only teaches and don't interact with Guanghua people too much.

This is how it feels like a scumbag who only takes care of the kidneys and not the heart?

"Hahaha, that's better for us." Zhai Yang smiled gleefully.

"Why, your President Zhang didn't talk to you?" Xun Lingjun was puzzled. Several universities in Ludao go to Guanghua University to teach part-time, and Ludao University is the one who gives the most. This shouldn't be!

"You don't know the situation, it's complicated."

Zhai Yang smiled bitterly on his face, sighed faintly, and said, "Our Luda and Guanghua have a very different relationship. After Qian Lao retired, he was re-employed to Guanghua as the principal, and President Zhang was still Qian Lao's student."

"A while ago, Qian Lao also specially came to Luda. With Qian Lao's help, we Luda and Guanghua signed a contract to become a fraternal college that helps each other."

"Good fellow, you are a family, we are all outsiders." Xun Lingjun said with a joking smile.

"What family is not related at all!" Zhai Yang said with a stare.

"That's really hard to say." Xun Lingjun shook his head and said leisurely, "The founder of Luda is Mr. Tan Kah Kee, and the founder of Guanghua is Mr. Chen Qingxing. Both are patriotic overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia. Both have the surname Chen. It was really a family five hundred years ago."

Zhai Yang: "..."

汜减bxwx. co汜. Don't say, he really has a trace of faith, maybe it is really possible, it is difficult for him to refute it.

"Look, did I make sense!" Xun Lingjun, who had been watching Zhai Yang all the time, was immediately happy. He seized the opportunity and laughed a little presumptuously.

"No wonder you are called Xun Lingjun. Even if you can't be a counselor in ancient times, it's okay to be a strategist."

Zhai Yang definitely didn't talk about this with the other party. He quickly changed the subject and asked: "Old Xun, don't you still have a vertical topic project? Why do you want to come to Guanghua to teach when you are so busy?"

"Making money is not shabby, and it is still clean money. There is no reason to disagree."

Xun Lingjun shrugged his shoulders and said casually, "I still have projects to pick up. Although it's better than you, but the processing cost is 60 or 70 in a year. It's not as easy as coming to Guanghua for two classes a week."

Xun Lingjun is also an arrogant person. He accepts national projects and basically does not accept horizontally funded projects. In addition, he is generous to his own graduate students, and he earns 60 to 70 income every year.

It is very easy for an influential man like him to take a few industrial projects and break one million a year.

University teaching posts are also a pyramid system.

Ordinary lecturers are basically poor, with a serious monthly income of less than 10,000, and a better one can earn more than 100,000 a year.

If you are an associate professor, you will get ahead. If you move a little bit shrewdly, you can start with three to four hundred thousand a year.

When it's the full professor, it's even more serious.

Xun Lingjun and Zhai Yang placed it five hundred years ago. This is called Qingliu.

"In recent years, it is harder to make serious money than to make money that is not serious." Zhai Yang laughed somewhat at himself.

Normally, it is hard to earn serious money.

But when you have the ability, the temptation you face is multiplied!

Why do many people never forget their original intentions?

Because it is difficult to stick to the original heart ~www.readwn.com~, there is regret later.

Otherwise, he would not choose to teach at Guanghua University. Regardless of what others say, those villains who speak bad words behind them are nothing more than jealous, and they don't have their own income.

People don’t suffer from equality and few.

During the conversation, Guanghua University also came.

Today is the day when the new teaching building of Guanghua College is officially opened, and it is also a meeting for the instructors of Guanghua College.

The previous guidance with students on course selection is almost over. The main content of today's meeting is also about this course.

After getting out of the car, Zhai Yang and Xun Lingjun followed the map and walked to the new teaching building of Guanghua College.

Suddenly, a little bit dumbfounded!

The building in front of me is not like a school building at all, but more like a landmark building in an international metropolis.

A semicircle resembles an annelid, with a curved glass curtain wall on the outside, but you can't see the inside through the glass, you can only see a lush forest. (There are pictures in this chapter)

"This, this is the teaching building???"

Zhai Yang raised his head and his mouth was wide open. He believed that this should be placed in the capital city and the magic capital. He believed that it was the financial center building.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, others would tell him that this is a teaching building.

He had to slap the opponent.

"If we weren't in a dream, this should be the teaching building of Guanghua College."

Professor Xun was a little bit sour in his heart, how about being rich?

You can be self-willed if you have money!

But on Guanghua University, it is already inhumane.

Probably, this is someone else’s university teaching building...

Mi He Mi. ps: Ask for recommended tickets, ask for monthly tickets!

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