I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 343: Horrible Mathematical Talent (2 in 1)

   "But why is this door still closed?"

   Zhai Yang and Xun Lingjun walked to the entrance of the teaching building and looked at the glass door, a little confused for a while.

   Normally, university teaching buildings are open to the public, but many classrooms inside are locked.

   At this moment, the surveillance probe above the door seemed to flash a red light.

   Then, a screen suddenly appeared on the glass in front of Professor Zhai Yang.

   The 3D portraits and introductions of Professor Zhai Yang and Professor Xun Lingjun are displayed on the screen.

   At the same time, there was a sound accompanying it.

   "Visitor identity verification completed!"

  "Name: Zhai Yang

   Status: Distinguished Professor of Guanghua College, Guanghua University

   Risk Index: None


   meets the whitelist, allow entry! "

   "Visitor identity verification completed!"

   "Name: Xun Lingjun......"

   also heard Xun Lingjun, except for one name, the other places are consistent.


   There was a sound from the glass door, and then he slowly retracted aside.

   Zhai Yang and his old friend looked at each other, as if there were a hundred thousand whys in their minds.

   "This security system is a bit interesting."

   "But why is it so strict?"

   Of course, I didn't know the answer, and Zhai Yang didn't think much about it, so he strode in directly.

The layout inside    is quite concise, Zhai Yang saw the index map at a glance.

   When he came to the map, Zhai Yang looked at the area division on the first floor on the map, and found the meeting room in an instant.

   "Found it, not far ahead, just..."

   Zhai Yang paused as he spoke, his eyes still falling on the index map.

   On the contrary, Professor Xun Lingjun looked at the display above and praised it: "Guanghua is willing to spend so much effort on Guanghua College. No wonder that our class hours are not low."

   The teaching building has 4 floors.

   The first floor is a comprehensive area. There are small restaurants, large conference rooms, reading rooms, audio-visual rooms, and coffee shops.

   Half of the space on the second floor is used as a classroom, and the other half is divided into 20 small meeting rooms for 8 people to discuss.

  The third floor is full of professors.

  The fourth floor is the laboratory, computer room, etc.

   This is a teaching building!

  Who has seen such a teaching building?

  Even their Sagishima University, there is no way to put so many resources on a teaching building.

   While looking around, Zhai and Yang walked to the meeting room.


   A few minutes later, he opened the door of the conference room, and there were already quite a few professors sitting inside.

   Zhai and Yang were also seated.

ten minutes later,

   Chen Hao, the host of this meeting, finally appeared, still holding a list.

   Looking at the professors who are all coming, Chen Hao is generally satisfied.

   looked down at the list, then coughed and started to say:

   "The course selection for the students in the experimental class has also ended. This time, I asked everyone to take a hard time to inform about the course."

   Chen Hao said, looking at the crowd, and seeing no one refuted, he continued:

   "In general, I will ask the teaching secretary to contact you about student courses, but the class of our experimental class is different from usual."

   After the course selection was released, 68 students produced a total of 82 courses. In the same course, the least number of people is only 3, and the most is 57 people.

Therefore, it is not enough to rely on the tutor in front of him to teach. Chen Hao also notified the school teacher that as long as he is willing to open a separate course for the students of Guanghua College, the class fee will be much higher than the current salary, and there is basically no one. Refuse.

   But in class, he wanted to emphasize it here.

"I will briefly say a few points for the pilot class. In order to allow students and teachers to better communicate and communicate, the number of students in any course is limited to 25 people. If there is more, another course will be opened. There are fewer people. Even if only one person chooses this course, that course will be taken!"

   Compared with European and American universities, domestic universities have too many people in the country. Even if they are in separate classes, there are 40 or 50 students. If they are in large classes, they can reach 200 or 300. When the number of people is too large, a lot of interaction and question and answer will be sacrificed, which is not good for the cultivation of students.

   If there are only a dozen people in a class, teachers can basically control it well.

   Chen Hao's point, the professors in the audience nodded and agreed.

   "The second is that the course must be in-depth, more homework assignments, and more experiments should be done if you need to do experiments, do not read the PPT all the way!"

   Many college students in China think that college students in a beautiful country are very relaxed, but in fact the opposite is true...Foreigners are liberal in entry and strict in exit. Not only do they have to do heavy homework, but many have to work part-time while going to university because the university tuition is too high.

   "The third is..."

In fact, the third point is the last point. After talking in one go, Chen Hao was a bit dry and dry. After talking, he took a sip, and then asked everyone, "Professors, what are some of the above? What do you think of mature suggestions? There are some unreasonable points."

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  恩, anyway, the key to adopting it is me.

   "Principal Chen's remarks are basically okay. The main reason is that they consume a lot of resources. Since Guanghua doesn't care about these, our teachers are happy to do so."

   "Basically, I agree with Principal Chen. Only when small classes are taught by elites can they be used to the greatest extent."

   "I don't think it is a problem, too."

   Several professors spoke one after another.

   Chen Hao, who had been paying attention, was relieved.

  Because this trial class started from 0, many places were reformulated. If the time is delayed, I'm afraid that the effect will not work.

"Then today's meeting is basically over. The opening of the course hopes that all professors can have a snack. After all, it is already November and it is not far from the winter vacation." Chen Hao smiled on his face, "If there are no other problems, the meeting can be adjourned. ."

   Zhai Yang saw this, and hurriedly asked: "Principal Chen, I have no problem with the course, but I am still curious about this teaching building."

   Other professors also pricked their ears, and they were really shocked when they first came in.

   Regarding this question, Chen Hao seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said with a chuckle: "This new teaching building is the only one owned by Guanghua University, so it will be more special."

After a pause, Chen Hao continued: "The first floor is a public area, where students or teachers can eat, drink coffee, listen to music, watch movies and other rest activities. The second floor and the third floor are the teaching areas, as for the fourth floor. It is a practical research area, which is convenient for the students of Guanghua College to pursue experiments."

  Professor Zhai Yang was a little helpless. This is obviously an answer to the wrong question. Of course everyone is not concerned about this point.

   "Principal Chen, you know I am not asking this."

   "But my answer is only this. If you are interested, you can explore it slowly in the future." Of course, Chen Hao is not so stupid to directly explain it, and it is good to retain a sense of mystery.

   How powerful is this customized teaching building?

   Do not underestimate that the shape is made of glass, in fact, it can withstand natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes caused by sea rise! Moreover, energy is still self-sufficient, and the design of solar panels and rainwater treatment systems can supplement basic needs.

   After all, the experimental class and the juvenile class are the two main centers of the school, and Guanghua College must not have any trouble.

   After the meeting, Chen Hao took the lead to leave.

   The professors on the scene walked out in twos and threes, talking while walking.

   Of course the topics I talked about were the teaching building under my feet.

   "This building cost at least 2 billion, right? Guanghua is too rich, right..."

   "If this fee is for my research funding, how much should I do."

   "Professor Huang, you just resigned and jumped over, isn't the funding enough?"


   At the time of the meeting, Lu Zhou had just arrived at Ludao University.

   came to the door of Professor Li Yong's office and knocked gently on the door.

   "Please come in."

   Lu Zhou opened the door, and Li Yong, who was working on the document, suddenly laughed when he saw that the person was Lu Zhou.

   "Is it difficult to write thesis? It's normal to write a thesis for the first time, so don't care about it anymore."

   "Uh, no, the paper has already been written." Lu Zhou scratched his head and said.

   "Has it been written?" Li Yong was taken aback, abruptly holding back some comforting words in his stomach.

   "Really? Let me tell you that academics are not anxious, so we must guard against arrogance and rashness." Li Yong frowned slightly.

   "Professor, take a look first."

   Li Yong took the U disk handed over by Lu Zhou, inserted it into the computer, and read the paper.

   Focused on the screen and looked at the paper carefully.

   For learning, it's like carrying a wooden bucket and transporting water from the sea to a reservoir.

Along the way, bumpy, trembling, conscientious and conscientious...Climbing the mountains and ridges, dripping through the wind and the sun, and finally walked to the academic reservoir, from the overturned wooden bucket, pour a drop of water into the reservoir. Then this road is not a waste of time.

   Academics must not be utilitarian, and must endure loneliness and boredom.

   It is very difficult to study what is successful.

   This is also the reason why many scientists are from poor families. Because the family is in the middle class or above, there is no need to bear the pain of life, and you can study science without distraction.

  Of course, there are also scientists with unfamiliar backgrounds. This kind of thing is even more admirable and awe-inspiring!

   The other party not only has to endure the loneliness of scientific research and learning, but also can bear some of the practical problems brought about by life.

   Li Yong is naturally aware of Lu Zhou's mathematical talent.

   Lu Zhou was able to stand out from the National College Student Mathematical Modeling Contest, not because the mathematical model competition platform is too small, but Lu Zhou itself is like a piece of gold, the light is too dazzling.

   But Lu Zhou is still an undergraduate after all, and his mathematics papers are no better than the papers of biochemistry and environmental materials.

   This is not watery!

   The argumentation process of mathematics papers is very rigorous. "A little difference, a thousand miles away" is very suitable for mathematics.

   As long as one piece of data is written incorrectly, it will be all wrong later.

   This is mathematics, no punctuation marks can make mistakes!

   "The recursive sequence of integer points on an elliptic curve and the solution of the quadratic residue method?"

   Li Yong smiled slightly when he saw the title of this paper~www.readwn.com~ The type of this paper is a relatively simple part of number theory, and there is no need to hand it over to other professors in the Department of Mathematics.

   There was a thought flashing in his mind, after all, Li Yong didn't have much expectation for this paper.

   Lu Zhou sat aside, took out three books from his back, and read them honestly.

   It was Professor Li Yong, who was sitting in a casual posture, but suddenly saw him sitting upright.

  'S eyes became solemn without knowing it, and he even did some calculations with the pen and paper beside him.

   I looked at the data I had calculated, and then at the data on the screen.

   Li Yong has a toothache.

   "Did not sleeping last night affect the brain?" He muttered a low voice, attracting Lu Zhou's attention, and quickly put on his face with an indifferent look that saw through the world.

   If it weren't for Lu Zhou here, he wouldn't have to pretend.

   The argumentation process of this paper by Lu Zhou is not only extremely correct, but also... and the process is even more concise than what he did by himself...

   Li Yong couldn't help but glanced at Lu Zhou. If he hadn't dug it out by himself, he would never believe that this was a thesis that a sophomore undergraduate could write.

   The most annoying thing is that Lu Zhou is not a math major.

  He studied electrical engineering!

   A non-mathematics student, mathematics can still learn so well.

   Ah, this...

   It's been over, no matter how tangled professionally, he has no appetite to eat today.

   The distance between people is greater than the distance between people, and sometimes it is greater than the distance between people and dogs.

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