I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 344: 《AdvanceInMathemat…

AdvanceInMathematics is translated, also called "Mathematics Progress", but the organizer is AcademicPress (American Academic Press), a very famous academic publishing company in the United States, with an IF (Impact Factor) of about 1.4.

"Professor, I shouldn't meet the standard?" Lu Zhou hesitated on his face. After all, this is his first paper after all. He doesn't know what the level has reached.

"Domestic periodicals are too watery, and the international recognition is not high, so try to invest in foreign periodicals." Li Yong shook his head and sighed. This is a fact that he can't change at all, so he can only sigh with emotion.

"But fortunately, you are talking about the core mathematics progress of Peking University. If you say you want to vote for AMC and CMA, I will train you." Li Yong hummed.

Lu Zhou felt a fluke after hearing his heart beat.

Because before coming to Ludao University, I found a paper translation company to translate this article into English, and then submit it to AMC.

No way, because AMC is too fragrant, with an impact factor of 3.47.

"Professor, why can't AMC vote?" Lu Zhou asked curiously. As a newcomer who just stepped into the academic circle, he didn't know anything about it.

Li Yong looked at Lu Zhou's appearance and did not look like a fake, and patiently explained:

"AMC() can be said to be the No. 1 irrigation magazine in China!"

For example, Shanghai University has published hundreds of articles on AMC in just four years. Some irrigators can make up to more than 20 articles a year! This giant journal publishes more than 1,000 papers a year, cross-citing, and the impact factor is falsely high! Also because of the existence of a large number of false reviewers, an editorial board posted more than 100 articles! It is already notorious in the industry, and many colleges and universities do not include AMC in the selection of professional titles! "

"The same is CMA(). If you submit your paper to these two journals, don't talk about the mathematics you learned from Li Yong in the future!"

When Professor Li Yong talked about these two journals, his face was unabashedly disgusted.

Domestic journals are not much better abroad, but after all, the number of foreign journals is large, and the respect for academics is also higher than that of domestic journals. There are many high-quality journals.

"Okay Professor Li, I have been blacklisted for these two companies, and I will definitely not vote." Lu Zhou replied directly without even thinking about it. After all, he was not interested in this kind of water journal.

"Well, I suggest you vote for "Advance InMathematics"." Li Yong, with a slow expression, said to Lu Zhou earnestly.

"But, isn't AdvMath the top issue in a district? My estimate is not qualified..." Lu Zhou frowned and said unconfidently.

"I am the editorial board member of AdvMath, and I have expanded too much with Adv first, and the gold content has dropped greatly. It used to be regarded as the second step, and I will quickly fall to the third step." Professor Li Yong shook his head, something like a journal The smaller the content, the higher the gold content, and the more published it will become a water journal. Obviously, the "Progress in Mathematics" sponsored by the American Academic Press has been inferior to each year.

"One more thing, your identity is also an advantage." Li Yong said with a smile.

"My identity? Huh?" Lu Zhou was silly, why didn't he understand.

"This journal has a very close relationship with MIT. Almost all PhDs who graduated from MIT have posted AdvMath. Some people have even posted more than one article on it, which is also called MIT's school journal."

Professor Li Yong's voice is still ringing.

"You Principal Chen has a vast network of MIT. Everyone in the beautiful country knows that MIT's genius doctors have returned to China to serve as principals. If you don't look at the face of the monk and look at the face of the Buddha, it is not a big problem."

Lu Zhou understands. To put it bluntly, he is still a scholar...

Professor Li Yong is the editorial board member of this journal, coupled with the relationship between the principal, so Professor Li Yong dared to vote and say that there is no problem.

If you change to an ordinary one- or two-book student... then the result will be hard to tell.

"Okay, then I listen to the professor, so I will vote for this one." Lu Zhou nodded and said.

"I will post it after I make the correction..." Li Yong stopped halfway when he said, turned his head to look at Lu Zhou, and asked, "Is it difficult to write the English version?"

Seeing Lu Zhou's constipation look on his face, Li Yong knew about it, and said helplessly: "Yes, I'll help you solve it after the correction."

"Thank you so much for the professor." Lu Zhou pursed his lips, thanking him from the bottom of his heart. This is what Ouqi can meet such a good professor.

Li Yong cursed with a smile: "Okay, if you want to be thankful, just study mathematics, and remember to return to China after you finish your studies, then all my painstaking efforts will not be in vain."

"What else? Get out if nothing is wrong!"

Lu Zhou chuckled and passed the three books next to him.

"Professor, these three books are back to you."

"Riemannian Geometry", "Differential Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry"...

Li Yong took a look, and wondered, isn't this the book lent to Lu Zhou a few days ago, and he couldn't finish it in such a short time, right?

Li Yong's face suddenly turned gloomy, and he looked at Lu Zhou displeasedly, "You need to be rigorous in scientific research. How can you deceive yourself and others? You can't stand these three books after only a few days. This is..."

Just before finishing talking, Lu Zhou quickly added: "No, Professor, I've finished reading it."

"Have you read it?" Li Yong was taken aback, still a little unbelievable.


"Differential manifold and Riemannian geometry are both thoroughly understood?"

"It doesn't seem to be difficult..."

"..." Now it's Li Yong's turn to be silent. Is this kid really fake?

Wouldn't you lie to my forty or fifty-year-old elders?

"Then I will give you a title for your debut. If you can't do it, don't leave!" Professor Li Yong snorted and stood up and walked to the blackboard in the office.


A few chalk sounds!


ten minutes later.

Professor Li Yong looked at the blackboard hanging on the wall in a daze.

"Good fellow, you really know how to do it!"

After that, Li Yong looked at Lu Zhou as if looking at a treasure.

Had it not been for Lu Zhou to dig it out by himself and know the roots, he would definitely not believe that someone had mastered the knowledge of differential manifolds in a few days.

This is still in the fantasy novel, it should be said that "this son must never be left".

"This talent is also amazing, maybe it will be the next Tao Zhexuan!" Li Yong suddenly had such a thought in his mind, and then it spread madly~www.readwn.com~ It doesn't seem to be difficult...? "Lu Zhou touched his nose and said honestly.

Li Yong:...

He decided to take back the thoughts in his mind just now.

Although Tao is extremely clever and talented in mathematics IMAX, he is extremely humble and kind, and he does not act like Lu Zhou at all.

"Then I will give you those books, you go back and study them, and you won't ask me."

Li Yong picked a few more books from the shelf for Lu Zhou. In terms of difficulty, it must be much harder than before.

"Okay, thank you professor."

Lu Zhou took the book and settled the paper when he finished his thesis. Some patience, he went back to read the book, said hello, and left the office.

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