I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 345: Struggle and Patriotic Education

Lu Zhou's excitement was still there on the bus from Luda to Guanghua.

"This is the top issue of the second district!" Lu Zhou whispered, his face flushed.

The first place in the National College Student Mathematical Modeling Contest that I won before is a **** in front of the top issue of the second district!

Don't look at the low impact factor, you think this journal is not good.

It is very one-sided to judge good or bad by the impact factor, such as mathematics journals.

The first step is the four major journals of mathematics (AnnalsMath, ActaMath, JAMS, InventMath


The four major mathematics journals are top mathematics journals with low impact factors, but they are the best in the industry.

Basically, as long as an independent work is published on the top four, the domestic faculty will be admitted to other universities except Tsinghua and Peking University.

No way, the domestic mathematics level is still not good...

From the founding of the People’s Republic of China to 2006, domestic research institutions published a total of 26 articles in the four major mathematics journals, of which only 10 were independently completed. Before 2006, domestic mathematics was regarded as the third-rate in the world.

Fortunately, after 2006, many overseas mathematicians returned to China. For example, Professor Xu Chenyang of Peking University published several articles on the Big Four within a few years after returning to China.

The country of Sakura, which has a good life, boasts that the mathematics level of Sakura is second-rate in the world, and the mathematics level of China is still not as good as that of Sakura, which can be regarded as 2.5-level in the world.

This is why Professor Li Yong is willing to cultivate Lu Zhou, even if Lu Zhou is not from Ludao University.

Because Lu Zhou is from China!

This is enough!

The Chinese mathematics circle is still a long way from the world's top class, and it really can't stand the internal fighting.

I hate that there are still a group of people holding a lot of resources in their hands, and they are still fighting for the academic hats of those academicians and Changjiang scholars.

If everyone is as selfless as Professor Li Yong, Huaxia's math level will be equal to the Sakura Country just around the corner!

"Are the four major journals?"

Lu Zhou looked out the window, and through the glass window, he could clearly see the beautiful scenery of Ludao, a sea garden city.

The look in his eyes was particularly determined.

"Give me one year, I want the name Lu Zhou to appear in the four major journals..."


Guanghua University, in the president's office.

Chen Hao looked at the news on the computer screen, even if it was not a live broadcast but a replay, it was still difficult to conceal the joy and excitement in his heart!

"Now we are at the headquarters of the Struggle maritime scene. We have just learned about the latest developments here. Just a few minutes ago, the Struggle has successfully sat down! We can proudly say that the deepest part of the world’s oceans, we China coming!"

The reporter's voice came from the loudspeaker, and Chen Hao's sense of pride surged!

At 8:12 on November 10, 2020, the Chinese Manned Submersible "Struggle" successfully sat on the bottom of the Mariana Trench with a depth of 10,909 meters, setting a new record for China's manned deep diving!

This is a submersible independently developed by our country!

The breakthrough of the Struggle represents that our country has also become a world-class level of manned deep diving!

"It's really great!"

After Chen Hao finished reading it, he was a little choked. Only after spending a few years abroad, you will know what the word "readwn" is ~www.readwn.com~ I think of the 24th of this month, my country will be the first to implement it. The lunar probe Chang'e 5, which returned by sampling the lunar surface, will also be launched, and Chen Hao let out a long breath.

I feel very happy.

After walking back and forth in the office a few times, Chen Hao walked directly out of the office and gave a dumbfounding instruction to Deng Hui outside.

"Xiao Deng, in order to celebrate the Struggle’s creation of a new record for manned deep diving in our country, all restaurants in the school are free tonight!"

Deng Hui, who was bowing her head to deal with documents, had a big question mark in her little head.

Deng Hui twitched, and couldn't help but ask Chen Hao: "The principal...I also saw the news of the Struggler today, but what does this have to do with our school..."


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