I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 346: The Dilemma of the Ari Group

Hangzhou, Alibaba company headquarters, CEO office.

"Well, I see, I will discuss with Jack, you can go down first."


With the sound of a door closing, a trace of fatigue appeared on Zhang Yong's face.

Since his elder brother Ma Yun (Feng Qingyang) retired, the positions of CEO and chairman of the board of directors have been taken over by Zhang Yong (Xiaoyaozi). Only in 2020, the development of Alibaba has not been as smooth as before. NS.

The news I just received is a very important one. Although it can't shake Ari, it will still bring a lot of impact.

Without hesitation, Zhang Yong called Ma Yun directly.

"Lao Zhang, what's the matter?" Ma Yun's voice came through the phone, but the other party seemed to be at the reception, and his voice was a bit noisy.

"Lao Ma, there is an important thing to report to you." Zhang Yong said in a deep voice.

Although Ma Yun stepped down as chairman, she is still Ari's director. No one really left Ari, right?

They are hidden behind their backs, still participating in Ari's operations.

"You wait a moment."

A few minutes later, there was an instant silence on the other end of the phone.

Ma Yun asked: "Ok, is the company having any trouble?"

"Just received news that Huaxing, Rice, and OV have established a privacy information security alliance with Guanghua University1, which will have a big impact on Taobao and Tmall!" Zhang Yong looked solemnly and seriously Said.

This is not an alarmist talk. What software is most dependent on big data? Non-online shopping loves ass!

It is also these softwares that steal the privacy of mobile phone users the most.

For example, when you talk to a friend on WeChat and want to eat potato chips, when you open Taobao, the recommendation on the homepage shows potato chips. Do you think Taobao understands you?

Of course, it is because the background monitors all your actions, and then conducts big data analysis and recommendation.

As for whether the user agrees, does this...does it matter?

Who cares about the idea of ​​leeks?

Anyway, they are not the only ones doing this, it's almost all the ass-loving behaviors.

As for making a privacy protection and anti-monitoring love ass?

Don't be funny, 390 and Fujisun, led by mobile security software, are also stealing user data and let them stab themselves?

The technical requirements of this kind of software are not high, but no one wants to make it.

It's too offensive, and it's useless!

Anyway, if you enable this privacy protection software and want to use other software, it will not be used for you unless you close it. You can choose one of the two, depending on how you choose.

But this time, Zhang Yong never expected that someone actually did it, and it was still a dimensionality reduction attack. He directly united the four major mobile terminals and started at the source.

"Who is behind this software?" Ma Yun's face was serious. Listening to the name of this alliance, Ma Yun knew the main content without asking, it would obviously affect the two major platforms of Taobao and Tmall.

"Guanghua University."

"The one on Ludao?" Ma Yun was taken aback, not unfamiliar with the name of Guanghua University. In recent months, this school has made waves on the Internet.


"Where is the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology?"

"From the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology... the specific documents have not yet been released, but when the Optical Core Research Center was established a few days ago, the Director of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Hua was present, and may have received the support of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology." Speaking of this, Zhang Yong felt weak. The alliance of the four major mobile phone manufacturers of Huami OV and the strong support of the Ministry of Foreign Processing and Information Technology do not think that there is a way to break the game.

"First contact Guanghua University and see if you can sit down and talk. If it doesn't work, let Lao Cai take the initiative." Ma Yun's face is not very good. The Ant Group, which originally planned to go public this month, was suspended due to some reasons, and it will follow up. Troubles followed one after another.

Already had a headache, now Ah Li's pillar industry is in danger again, making him feel even worse.

"Lao Cai may have to take action..." Zhang Yong was not very optimistic, and sighed.

Lao Cai refers to Cai Chongxin, and the story about Cai Chongxin joining Alibaba in his early days has gone bad. What happened to the old horse was a lifelong mistake, and the annual salary of 700,000 yuan was not required, and he went to Hangzhou Alibaba to get a monthly salary of 500 yuan.

What else? At that time, Ma Yun was running around in order to raise funds and was considered by many to be a liar. Only Cai Zhongxin joined Alibaba after hearing Ma Yun’s remarks and decided to help him raise funds, relying on his accumulated contacts, and soon for Alibaba. The raccoon received the first financing of 5 million dollars, and brought in famous people in partnership and so on.

These are written by some marketing accounts for storytelling, portraying Cai Zhongxin as the mysterious man behind Ma Yun, the second person in the Ari Group.

This is not the case.

If Ma Yun is the eldest brother, then Cai Chongxin is the "king of the word side by side" in Ari, and he is on the same level as Ma Yun. He is the Minister of Finance and Minister of Finance of the Ari Group, not under Ma Yun. superior.

Of course, Cai Zhongxin was not so simple to join Ari. Among the founders of the eighteen arhats, his shares were the highest. Although it was diluted a lot, it was second only to Ma Yun, as high as 3.6%.

And who is this Cai Zhongxin who can be equal to Ma Yun in Ari?

Put the other party's ability aside for the time being, talk about the other party's background.

Cai Chongxin’s grandfather was once the legal counsel of Du Yuesheng, the godfather of the mobster. After he went to Baodao, he often undertook large-scale official legal cases such as the Executive Yuan. His father, Cai Zhongzeng, was the first person to obtain a doctorate in law from Yale University. Served as the governor of Yale University. Later, Cai Zhongxin obtained a Yale degree in law like his father, and his father and son also came from Yale's famous family, which was once a good story in the legal circle on Treasure Island.

Another point worth mentioning is that Cai Zhongxin’s identity is very sensitive within Ari, and employees dare not talk about it. Moreover, Cai Zhongxin does not work in Hangzhou, but on Hong Kong Island. At work, he only talks with Ma Yun a few times a week.

As for why I work on Hong Kong Island and not in Hangzhou, I'll take care of myself.

Zhang Yong looked out the window. It was clearly 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The sky outside was gloomy and scary. The dark clouds were layered on top of each other, like a black curtain covering the dome~www.readwn.com~ and the entire sky was only one. A small area reveals a little light, and this area is shrinking as the dark clouds eat away.

Heaven is not beautiful, and Zhang Yong's mood is just like this weather.

A complicated sigh sounded in the office.

"What exactly does Guanghua University mean?"


"What do you mean? We develop a piece of software to protect people's privacy, it's that simple!"

In the morning, Dayu Studio.

Suddenly receiving a call from Deng Hui, Chen Hao frowned and responded.

ps: I want a monthly pass... I'm satisfied if I can break 1,000 this month, just 1,000...

Tears ran away! ?·°(???﹏???)°·? Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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