I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 348: East wind

  "Liu Yuhang:

   Now that you have received your litigation material in the case of the Internet tort liability dispute of Modu Xunmeng Information Technology Co., Ltd., this court will review the litigation materials in accordance with my country's regulations.

  ——November 11, 2020. "

  Madu, in a certain law firm.

   Dressed in a decent suit and gold-wire glasses, it looks like Liu Yuhang, a successful person, is sitting on a leather sofa, holding a civil complaint sent by the court in his hand. The top title is.

   There is not much overall, only three pieces of paper.

   But Liu Yuhang held these three sheets, but he was a little heavy, and slowly exhaled a suffocating breath.

   Both hands clenched into fists, shaking slightly.

   As long as the profession of lawyers makes the best, even if it is not a beautiful country, it is also an evergreen profession. Liu Yuhang's salary is not low, he is nearly 40 years old, and it is not bad to mix in the metropolis of Magic City.

   But a few days ago, he was really disgusted by Bixixi's purchase software.

   At first it was the end of last month. I just solved a case. I was helping my friends during a break and bargaining at night. I accidentally saw a section. He didn't know whether it was boring or greedy for cheapness. He chose a mobile phone for bargaining. Whoever wanted to follow the prompts showed the first place in bargaining progress, which has already cut 99.1%!

   Liu Yuhang was a little excited instantly! Although he is not short of money, is it not good to get a few thousand mobile phones for free?

   So, the journey of being pitted began... He invited more than 10 lawyer friends to help, and even recharged 9.9 to purchase the bargaining acceleration package. After spending half a day of energy, the bargaining results did not change! Still 99.1%!

   Randomly participated in several other bargaining products under doubt, and found that each product can actually be ranked first in bargaining! Only then did I know that it was not good luck, but a deep routine!

  He is angry!

   I cut several chapters of pictures and sent them to Bing Xixi’s online customer service. As a result, the customer service has been chattering.

  He really can't bear it now!

   Does he lack a cell phone? Is 9.9 yuan missing?

No shortage!

   As the saying goes, Buddha fights for a stick of incense, and people fight for a breath.

   initiated this lawsuit not to prove that he is great, but to tell Bing Xixi that the nine yuan he lost must be taken back!

   Minami Xixi is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in China, with a market value of 163.482 billion U.S. dollars and hundreds of millions of users. It has occupied half of the Internet. It is commendable courage to shake this towering tree with one's own strength.


   Liu Yuhang picked up his mobile phone, patted the three court indictments, then opened the Binxixi software and went to the customer service directly.

  "This is a reply from the People's Court of Magdu Ning Chang District. Take a good look! You don't have to give me an explanation! The other customer service seems to be silent for a moment.

   then replied: "Dear dear, I hope you don't affect your good mood because of the event! If you need help, please contact us again. We will serve you with our heart. Thank you."

   Liu Yuhang:...

   There is no wind blowing at the moment, but he is messy.

   "Did you see the court lawsuit I sent you?" Liu Yuhang asked silently again.

   "Dear dear, Duto has received it, please be patient and wait for the notification, we will serve you with our heart!"

   After speaking, the end of the online service prompt pops up.

   Liu Yuhang opened his mouth and closed it again.

   I wanted to say something, but swallowed it again.

   Finally, he couldn't help it, and slapped it on the table angrily.

   "It's meow, what's up with Xixi!"

   was so angry that Liu Yuhang, who had planned to look at the file again to see the case, was directly disinterested.

   picked up the phone and made two shots of King Pesticide, but both lost and became even more annoyed.

   Exit directly. When the phone is about to turn off the screen, a pop-up interface suddenly pops up.

   Liu Yuhang:? ? ?

   Now he's stunned!

   "This, this is to delete all of my screenshots??"

   Liu Yuhang's eyes were as big as cow bells, and he opened the recently deleted list at one point, and there were a few screenshots of Bingxi's activities lying in it.

   "In other words, I just deleted a few screenshots of evidence in my photo album by Xixi Remote???"

   Liu Yuhang is a little stupefied. This scene seems to have happened several times in the past year or two, all because of the disputes arising from the second activity, and then he directly manipulated the background and deleted these screenshots.

   Of course, there is a lot of trouble, so that's it. Come again?

   "Is it tolerable or unbearable!"

   This time, he no longer had any hope for Bian Xixi, but rather resolutely said:

   "Okay, you are great, then try it!"

   After finishing speaking, I started to edit text and pictures, and contributed articles to some media friends who had cooperated.


   Guanghua University, in the office of the president.

   Chen Hao stared at the computer intently, sliding the mouse on his hand motionlessly, as if looking for something.

   "Look again, if you haven't met the right time these days, you can only use other methods." Chen Hao sighed slightly, but was not too disappointed, but the latter would be a little troublesome.

   Just then, a piece of news appeared in front of him.

   is a big V revelation of hundreds of thousands of fans in a magic city.

   sent it out for more than an hour. It seems that I bought the headline. I have already liked more than 10,000 and more than 2,000 replies.

   Click to open the comment area, and some replies below are also interesting.

   "The most annoying thing is Pinduoduo, rogue software!"

"Yes! Bargaining is too irritating. I have never succeeded once. Every time I seem to be successful, but it is still a thousand miles away from success. There is also bargaining for a friend and I can’t get out. ...I am speechless!"

  "Support Lawyer Liu, by the way, is this kind of text message suspected of fraud?

   has been checked: XX dear, you have a chance to receive a P45 from Huaxing in XX City! Failure to lead

   "Finally, there is someone who has come to the fore for us, and Xixi's nausea is far in the thousand-degree IQ. It's too damning, so I deleted the picture? Huang, a mother first?"

"The most annoying thing is that I have to bargain for classmates and friends every day. Sometimes I don’t want to do it, so I just said that I didn’t download the software. As a result... the other party got even more excited, saying that new users cut even more. many……"

   "The friend who was most afraid of not contacting before asked if I was there. Ten of them ** borrowed money; now I am asking if I am... 100%..."

   "Bei Xixi: Do you want to sue me? Please share that 99 lawyer groups have the opportunity to directly sue!"

   "Congratulations, you have shared 99 lawyer groups, and invite 99 lawyers to have a chance to win the case directly!"

   "Invitation of 99 lawyers has been completed, you are only 0.001% away from winning the case, share it again..."

   Some sand sculpture netizens who commented are too high school. Seeing the 99 lawyers behind, Chen Hao couldn't help but smile.

   "It's all a group of talents."

After    smiled, Chen Hao put his hand on his chin, looked at the content on the screen, and fell into thinking.

   "There is nothing more suitable, that's it!" He whispered.

Anti-big data apps should be said to be **information security protection apps. It is not about big data, but in the era of big data, major software providers illegally steal user** information and even manipulate parts of you** .

   For example, Minami has been on the news several times to delete pictures remotely, which is really disgusting.

   But why can I delete the picture? Because you have to grant some permissions to use this software, you won’t use it if you don’t grant it... This is a robber thinking.

   The most terrifying thing is that the other party sees you completely, but you don't know at all.

   "But we still have to wait, although the east wind is waiting, but the wind is not strong enough, we have to work harder!"


  New Beijing News Editorial Department.

   "Xiao Zhao, how many likes and views of the three-phase vibrato short video of Guanghua University before?" Ma Xiaoxiao asked with a smile and patted the other's shoulder.

   "Editor-in-chief, the three phases of Guanghua University received a total of 2.457 million likes, close to 80 million views." Xiao Zhao quickly replied, not daring to neglect Ma Xiaoxiao, after all, the other party is now the editor-in-chief.

   "The grades are okay. Give me 24 hours to stare at Guanghua University. As long as there is any movement, I will immediately follow up. The final scale is up to me." Ma Xiaoxiao said with a full face.

   can be promoted from a regular editor to the editor-in-chief, we must thank Guanghua University for her achievements!

   And based on her contacts this time, she also understands that as long as it is not from Hei Guanghua University, no matter how exaggerated or pretending the news is, it will be fine.

   But if it’s Heiguanghua University, how about criticizing students and teachers... it will provide free food, accommodation and a pair of silver bracelets.

   There is no way, whoever makes the other party's background so powerful, even the boss of the Beijing News has also received a warning.

   Although their Beijing News is known for being shameless and lacking in morals, they don’t mean to be fatal.

   How can I spend money if I die?

   To put it awkwardly, the Beijing News is the one who left the media circle, all in the name of pit.

   "Good editor-in-chief." After Xiao Zhao nodded, he seemed to have thought of something, and then asked Ma Xiaoxiao:

   "Editor-in-chief, I just saw a piece of news, I think I will immediately open a topic to follow the trend and enjoy a wave of traffic dividends!"

   Weibo used to be the most expensive, and many big Vs posted posts on Weibo.

   But now it’s different. The popularity of short videos on Douyin has made Douyin’s fan value much higher than Weibo.

So now on Douyin, whenever there is a big news, it won’t take long for a bunch of videos to follow the trend~www.readwn.com~especially some news organizations in various provinces, without evidence collection and inspection, directly put the earliest video Transport, make a little processing, and send it directly.

   is so wicked.

   "What news?" Ma Xiaoxiao, who was about to leave, asked curiously.

   "It's the news about Bin Xixi." Xiao Zhao's spirits lifted, and the screen turned on, allowing Ma Xiaoxiao to see clearly.

   "It's not like Xixi?"

   Ma Xiaoxiao just watched halfway, and then became disinterested, and said indifferently: "There is no need to follow the topic, it won't cause much disturbance, and investing in it will only make a loss."

   "Uh, okay." Xiao Zhao scratched his head, looking at the news in front of him a little depressed.

   To be honest, he is still very optimistic about the news. Although it hasn't become popular yet, it's the essence of it.

   It was Ma Xiaoxiao who just returned to his desk when a phone call came.

   still a little carelessly, when she saw the caller ID's name, her eyelids suddenly jumped.

   hurried to the empty conference room and connected the phone.

   "Hey, hello, yes, I am a pony..."

   Five minutes later, Ma Xiaoxiao came out and went straight to Xiao Zhao.

   "Xiao Zhao, send me a copy of the news link that Xixi was sued by lawyers at Magic City."

   "Editor-in-chief, is it the key point that lawyer Liu sued and Xixi?"

   "No, the most important thing is to defraud consumers by bargaining prices, highlighting Pinduoduo's security issues, and also need a big book!" Ma Xiaoxiao said categorically.

  Ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass!

   hasn't finished writing yet, it's too sleepy, there are a few hundred words left to make up during the day, I'm really sorry!

   Writing a book is really hard to write, difficult to do.

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