I Am the President of the University

Vol 2 Chapter 349: It's really hot now

Magic City, Zhengyang Law Firm.

When it was time for get off work, Liu Yuhang packed up his things and prepared to go home.

A few male colleagues walked over, put their hands on their shoulders, and shouted: "Old Liu, there is a good restaurant nearby. Let's go over and have a few drinks!"

Liu Yuhang was a little moved. The recent events still affected his mood a bit. After hesitating, he still refused: "No, my wife is still waiting for me at home."

"Look, old Liu, you can't be too strict with your wife when you are a man, you have to be hard when you need to be hard!"

"That's right, and recently you sued and Xixi didn't know what happened? Let's drink and give you ideas."

"Just tell your wife to work overtime and go home one or two hours late."

Several colleagues persuaded that it would be okay for people to have more dinners, but Liu Yuhang is always absent for a small drink every day, just because he is afraid of his wife.

"This... I'll try it." Liu Yuhang hesitated, mainly because the three words Bing Xixi mentioned by his colleagues made it difficult for him to refuse.

But he couldn't do this thing about cheating his daughter-in-law. After the call got through, he paused and said frankly: "Daughter-in-law, my colleague called me to drink, I, I want to drink today, is this time okay?"

A soft voice came from the phone, "Just this time, I'll be waiting for you at home, don't be too late."

After the voice, he added: "You have been a little dull and unhappy lately. It's okay to have a drink."

"Daughter-in-law, you are so kind, do you love you!"

After a mad kiss on the phone, after hanging up, Liu Yuhang's eyes were about to move, and he shouted excitedly:

"Brothers, get up! I have a treat today!"

I was tightly controlled by my own clerk on weekdays, and today I can finally get away with it.


Half an hour later, in an izakaya.

Four people sat cross-legged, drinking beer and eating pork cutlet.

One of the lawyers looked up at Liu Yuhang and gave a thumbs up: "Old Liu, you are still strong in this matter, and give you a thumbs up!"

Why do you say that, because the company is also in the magic city, this is the same city!

But don't be afraid, their law firm is also a famous Mordu family, and there are many large companies that cooperate with each other. Coincidentally, many of the lawsuits they borrowed are prosecuted and prosecuted. Anyway, there is no cooperation, and Liu Yuhang, the leader of the law firm, also tacitly supports it.

"Hey, it's out of play regardless of ten or nine." Liu Yuhang shook his head, raising his glass for a mouthful of boredom.

"That's not hard to say, start the heat first, and wait for the other party to reveal the flaw if there is no flaw!" Another lawyer said with a smile, "As long as the other party responds, then you can find the flaw in the words."

This behavior of Liu Yuhang's prosecution and Xixi has been spread in the circle of lawyers in the magic city. Most of the lawyers support Liu Yuhang's behavior. After all, no one has helped friends or family members cut the knife?

Support belongs to support. After all, it is still not very optimistic. This is what the three of them think.

"I also understand that it can only be like this at the moment, just this popularity..." Liu Yuhang smiled bitterly. He turned the vibrato while on the road. Many things about his suing and Xixi were tens of thousands. The highest number of likes is only 120,000 likes.

At this level of heat, it can't make any waves at all.

"Is it hot? How big is the matter, let's help you!" The lawyer who spoke the first glance glanced at the two classmates next to him, and laughed. Ten thousand fans, we will also record a video to support you when we go back tonight!"

"Must support, peers and colleagues, there is no reason to watch!"

"It's time to take a blow to the atmosphere of Bin Xixi!"

The two colleagues spoke in support without hesitation.

Liu Yuhang on the side listened with a warm heart, filled the glass of wine on the table without saying a word, raised it to the three of them and said:

"Thank you, I toast you!"

A meal is eaten for an hour and drinking takes up 50 minutes.

By the time Liu Yuhang returned home, his consciousness was a little fuzzy. Fortunately, he would not have to go to work tomorrow, otherwise these colleagues would not propose to drink today.

"Husband, you are back! Why do you drink so much? Hurry up and drink the sober soup I made on the coffee table."

After the door opened, Liu Yuhang's wife hurriedly helped him sit down on the sofa in the lobby, with a bowl of sober soup in front of him.

"I'm upset and dry, so I drink more, every~~a few cups."

Liu Yuhang honestly picked up the sober soup and drank it, perhaps because it was too bitter, frowning subconsciously.

While he was drinking, his wife said happily:

"Husband! You sued and things got angry on Douyin!"

"What's the fire? What's the use of hundreds of thousands of likes."

"It's not a hundred thousand likes, it's more than 2 million likes, and there are a few million likes! The Beijing News, Southern Metropolis Daily, Sanlian Weekly, Tianfu Watch, and many other well-known grandma masters have all posted!"

Hearing this, Liu Yuhang didn't need to drink the sober soup, his brain instantly sobered up, he shook his head and looked at his wife, and asked in a daze: "What? What you just said is true?"

"Of course it's true! Don't believe me!" said his wife, passing the phone over.

Liu Yuhang, who was still a little suspicious, was suddenly excited when he saw the phone screen.

[And Xixi is accused! #Lawyer invites multiple people to bargain but fails to sue and is always stuck at 99.9%. Do you have this experience? ——The Beijing News]

[The lawyer sued for bargaining, and did you succeed in bargaining? Which apps have you deceived? ——Vista sees the world]

[Madu lawyers sued He Xixi: "Bargaining for free" is always worse than "0.09%" and the interpersonal relationship overdraft still fails! --Southern Metropolis Daily】

[Total bargaining difference...]

Most of these news have millions of likes~www.readwn.com~ and there are many comments, even directly on the TikTok hot list!

Just like the Weibo hot search list, Douyin has also set up several lists based on the popularity of the video. Among them, the most influential one is the [Douyin Hot List].

1: Yang Di responded to Shaolin Temple’s 996.8w

2: Five kills 958.5w

3: Hualien 5.6 magnitude earthquake 894.4w on the treasure island

ps: The next chapter has not been written yet, so let's use the scrapped manuscript to top it up, wait for a while and read it later! I'm really sorry! Today because of the loss of manuscripts, my mentality exploded...

ps: The next chapter has not been written yet, so let's use the scrapped manuscript to top it up, wait for a while and read it later! I'm really sorry! Today because of the loss of manuscripts, my mentality exploded... Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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